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Thanks DO ARCHITECTS for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by DO ARCHITECTS.
DO ARCHITECTS:Ogmios城市更新是一个将未充分利用的直销中心转变为成熟且高度一体化的城市街区的案例。这片具有一定规模的区域长期以来被当地人和游客所忽视,直到最近才成为一个具有吸引力的地方。经过城市微更新,这个前苏联军事基地变成了一个真正具有城市品质的地方,它改变了人们对该地区的看法和对各种活动的方式。
DO ARCHITECTS:Ogmios City is an example of transformation from under-utilised outlet centre to a fully fledged and fully integrated city quarter. This enormous territory has been largely overlooked by locals and visitors alike, being not an attractive place to go until recently. After applying subtle changes, this former soviet army base was transformed into a true urban quality and changed the way that area is perceived and utilised for a wide range of activities.

DO ARCHITECTS began their design process within the site in 2007 and visible result is the outcome of 10 years long studies of Vilnius and its Old town, various architectural urban experiments, millions of sketches and models, and most importantly, collective development and growth together with the client building long lasting relationships and a clear vision. Human being and green environment became the priority. Tools, applied to achieve this vision were multi functionality, greenery, slow traffic, narrow streets, multiple direct entrances. Elements are designed to ensure that a pedestrian-friendly environment is prioritised, that driving in the area becomes less desirable, and that public spaces are both pleasant and functional. Numerous entrances made territory more convenient and accessible. Each successive alteration has sought to reuse and integrate the original structure below rather than to erase it, respecting the history of the area and revealing the process of its evolution.
▼多入口设计 Multi-entry

Urban design process started with a definition and design of four driveways, connecting main streets and territory, which defined blocks and spaces between buildings. At the intersection, clearly defined territory‘s center emerged, where the first building was transformed and housed several restaurants with a new public square. It did not take long to attract people to the square, people became interested into being at the center and observing surroundings. In order for public space to function, DO ARCHITECTS realized, people need to have human scale elements, that they can appropriate. Restaurants have private entrances, the neighbouring square contains well preserved trees providing shadow, children playground and a long bench.

Then the biggest shopping centre in the area, Outlet Park was redesigned. Having dynamic and vivid streetscape as a priority, DO ARCHITECTS divided the facade into smaller segments, that became individual functions. In order to improve the quality of surrounding public space the exterior of Outlet Park contains huge open windows and direct street entrances. Instead of being a solid large box, building radiates a feeling of the old town market.
▼建筑入口直接与街道相连 The direct street entrances

Proper parking is essential at Ogmios City, the area is still accessed by car more often than a public transport. Instead of having a typical monotonous parking, architects decided to use tiles in two different colours and greenery, so parking became like a playfull drawing.
▼趣味停车场 Fun parking lot

为了使停车场与奥特莱斯公园直接相连,我们在现有的建筑中开辟了一条通道,这座两层楼高的建筑曾经有一个高大的基座将其与街道分离。DO建筑事务所通过挖掘周围的土壤将地下室改造为底层空间,从而将建筑融于周围环境并创造了一个舒适的公共空间,中央还设有一个由Dalia Stasevičienė设计的互动雕塑 “家庭喷泉”。Ogmios市的更新工作还在继续——它将以相同的价值观和目标继续有机地成长和发展。
In order to have a direct connection form parking to the Outlet Park, passage was made through the existing building. This two stories building used to have a tall plinth which made it detached from the street. DO ARCHITECTS turned the basement into the ground floor by excavating surrounding soil, therefore integrating the building into its surroundings and creating a cosy public space with an interactive sculpture“ Family Fountain” , by Dalia Stasevičienė, at the center of this place. Ogmios City is a work in progress – it will continue to grow and evolve organically while applying same values and goals.
▼建筑内部通道 Internal passage

▼建筑底层通道 Bottom passage

▼中央雕塑喷泉 Central fountain sculpture

▼夜景 Night view

项目名称:Ogmios City,公共空间与城市转型
项目地点:立陶宛共和国 维尔纽斯
设计团队:Andrė Baldišiūtė, Algimantas Neniškis, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Ignas Uogintas,Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė, Gediminas Aismontas, Justina Jauniškytė, Milda Grabauskaitė, Domantas Baltrūnas, Eglė Gelažauskaitė, Džiugas Karalius, Ieva Marija Malinauskaitė, Karolina Čiplytė, Marija Jagnieškutė, Kristina Šimkūnaitė, Gabija Strockytė
客户:Ogmios centras
合作者:Dalia Stasevičienė(雕塑喷泉创作者)
图片来源:Norbert Tukaj
Project name: Ogmios City Public Space and Urban Transformation
Completion Year: ongoing
Size: 10 000 m²
Project location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Landscape/Architecture Firm: DO ARCHITECTS
Website: http://www.doarchitects.lt/
Contact e-mail: hello@doarchitects.lt
Design Team: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Algimantas Neniškis, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Ignas Uogintas,Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė, Gediminas Aismontas, Justina Jauniškytė, Milda Grabauskaitė, Domantas Baltrūnas, Eglė Gelažauskaitė, Džiugas Karalius, Ieva Marija Malinauskaitė, Karolina Čiplytė, Marija Jagnieškutė, Kristina Šimkūnaitė, Gabija Strockytė
Clients: Ogmios centras
Collaborators: Author of sculpture “Family Fountain” – Dalia Stasevičienė
Photo credits: Norbert Tukaj
Photographer’s website: http://www.tukaj.lt/
“ 设计师在长达十年理论研究的基础上进行城市微更新,不仅提高了城市品质还为市民创造了人性化的公共空间。”
审稿编辑: Simin
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