KMDG :   萨福克大学(Suffolk University)扩建了笔架山校区(Beacon Hill campus),将其首个景观空间纳入了一个更大项目的一部分,该项目包括一个新的建筑、住宅实验室和餐饮设施。这里的景观将是一个公共开放空间,一个邻近的国家办公大楼的前院,以及一个学校的外部展览空间。

KMDG :   Suffolk University expanded its Beacon Hill campus to include its first landscape space as part of a larger project that includes a new building housing laboratory and dining facilities. The landscape will be both a public open space, a forecourt for an adjacent state office building, and an exterior exhibition space for the school.


Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG


现有的场地是一个没有生命的广场,覆盖了较低海拔的现有停车场和上部海拔的车库机械室。 新的景观将这两个层级连接起来,形成一个有坡度的梯田,回忆起该地的原始笔架山地形,并提供了一个坐席和享受空间的地方。 上层平台与Ashburton街上的大学中央行政楼和教室建筑有着更紧密的联系,并且有一条可达的路径连接该地点的上部和下部,在十四英尺坡度变化上提供两个楼层的通达性。

The existing site was a lifeless plaza that covered an existing parking structure at lower elevations and garage mechanical rooms at the upper elevations. The new landscape links these two levels with a planted and stepped slope that recalls the site’s original Beacon Hill topography and provides a place for seating and enjoying the space. The upper terraces make stronger connections to the university’s central administrative and classroom building across Ashburton Street, and an accessible path links the upper and lower portions of the site, providing accessibility to both levels over the fourteen-foot grade change.


Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG

Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDGRoemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG Roemer Plaza - Suffolk University by KMDG


Photos by Christian Phillips Photography, Jared Steinmark.


地点:马萨诸塞州波士顿| 2016
设计团队: NBBJ

Location:Boston, MA | 2016
Client:Suffolk University  Commonwealth of Massachusetts DCAMM
Design Team: NBBJ
architect: LeMessurier
2018 Merit Award in Design, Boston Society of Landscape Architects
2016 American Institute of Architects New England, Institutional Work, Citation Award


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