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Thanks GM Landscape Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by GM Landscape Design.



S+P STUDIO: Tucked away in Chishui, Guizhou Province, this hotel is surrounded by bamboo forests. Its name is “YaLoGu -YaLoGu”, which is transliterated from the Tujia language “I miss you”. Describes a return to the pastoral way of life, while giving it its unique and definable character —- Dwelling in the rock, making it an ideal place for leisure and sojourn vacation.


▽项目视频 Video





Here the mountains, water, waterfalls, caves —- picturesque

The masterpiece of natural craftsmen gives the cave a unique cultural atmosphere. Unique geographical conditions, showing a unique ecological environment. Danxia landform has a long pastoral history. Bamboo forest, forest stream landscape, winding down; Water and cliff collision, folding into a waterfall; Natural caves, mysterious and magnificent……


▽改造前场地原状 Renovate the former site

▽改造后酒店鸟瞰 Aerial view



In addition to the traditional way of entry, the entrance also uses the form of a plank road to directly enter the lobby area through the jungle, which does not interfere with the guest rooms. The covering relationship between the trees, the plank road and the cave makes the plank road like a secret land to Xanadu.


▽酒店入口 Hotel entrance


▽过道 Aisle



The design of cave hotel is like a fill-in-the-blank problem. Due to the unique structure of the relationship between advance and retreat in the cave, different shapes of blocks are used to fill in the blanks. The blocks are placed in a rhythmic combination, forming a unique spatial relationship. The architectural colors also fit the characteristics of Danxia landform.


▽酒店大堂空间 Hotel lobby space



The natural circular space in the cave has the characteristics of cave and the sense of power. This place is used as the front desk of the lobby. The sky is square and the earth is round, imbued with the most simple philosophy of Chinese ancestors.


▽大堂前台休闲等候区 Lobby reception leisure waiting area

▽随洞穴不断前行的酒店步道 The hotel walk that follows the cave



It is also a meeting and stopping point to the guest rooms, pool, restaurant and meditation space.




Above the pool is the cave’s second waterfall, which creates a unique dining environment with a gurgling water that echoes the pool. The outdoor platform of the restaurant, people and the water close contact, listen to the birds in the forest stream, feel the long flow of……


▽洞穴中的无边界泳池 Swimming pool in cave



Winding path faint, but let us look forward to the future. Across the narrow corridor is the borderless pool, which takes advantage of this open space to bring together a bar, restaurant and swimming pool to create a lively atmosphere.


▽餐厅 restaurant



In the valley – birds, streams, waterfalls, trees can be seen…… The visual perception can trigger the curious psychology of experience and the sense of anticipation of space.



▽冥想观景台 Leisure viewing platform

▽石碑 Stone tablet



The dialogue between the natural cave wall and the modern architecture in the guest room area harmoniously integrates the two, breaking the sameness of the architectural feeling and integrating the uneven tactile sense of texture, forming an enclosed space, allowing the experiencers to have an intimate and unique contact with the rock. When they are in the whole space, they can’t wait to explore the corners of the space.


▽过道 aisle


▽洞穴客房 Cave guest room

▽洞穴客房细节展示 Cave guest room



Through the corridor under the pool, past the restaurant and through a bamboo forest, you can see a white building in the bamboo forest. It is a sloping building, and it is also a house that combines form and function.




The white exterior of the building contrasts with the bamboo forest, which has a refreshing feeling. Because of the terrain, but also considering the convenience of carrying luggage, increase the passageway to the second floor.


▽竹林中的白房子White House in bamboo forest



Under the irradiation of the sun, the light and shadow of the bamboo forest, reflected in the white wall, just like the bamboo forest in the south of the Yangtze River as relaxing and happy……



▽被自然包裹的洞穴酒店 A cave hotel wrapped in nature


▽平面图 Plan

▽立面图&剖面图 Elevations & sections






Project name: Shanlu Cave Hotel
Project type: Hotel
Designer: S+P STUDIO
The company’s web site: http://www.spacepoetics.cn/
Contact email: spkongjiandeshixue@qq.com
Year completed: October 2022
Design team: Liu Zongya, Zhou Zhoulin, Wang Bing
Project Address: No. 95 Nanyi Group, Bing ‘an Village, Bing ‘an Town, Chishui City, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province
Building area: 3960 square meters
Copyright: Wang Ce, Liu Zongya, Xu Yangbo
Client: Artisan Lu
Material: Art paint
Brand: Artisan Cottage




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