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GLA Design Studio:这栋建筑更像是一个“生命走廊”,而不是一个单纯的房子。人们的生活方式需要空间来展示他们的旅行记忆以及对自然的热爱。
GLA Design Studio:The building is more like their ‘Life Gallery’ than the house. Their lifestyle required space that exhibit their memories of traveling and their love of nature.

第一层的开放平面是与现代生活方式相匹配的灵活空间。虽然房子被绿植包围着,但仍有庭院——连接着东西服务区的生活空间。庭院既能容纳主动及被动活动,宽敞的木平台上有鱼池和水景,可以在家中举办派对,草坪上有长椅,可以在树冠下享受花园的凉爽。走廊里的水平空间,在提供隐私的同时又可以让居民看到路过的邻居以及到访的客人。 第二层是私人楼层,一边是儿童专用楼层,另一边是业主专用楼层。两者都是由全高的无框玻璃沿着桥连接起来,桥将庭院和前院和谐地连接到内部。
The first level open plan is for flexible space and matched with modern lifestyle. Although the house embraced by the greenery, there’s still the courtyard – connecting living space in the East Wing to the West Wing service area. The courtyard is capable of supporting both active and passive activities, spacious timber deck with fish pond and water feature for throwing a party at home and lawn with benches for chill out while enjoying the garden under the tree canopy. Affording privacy, a horizontal void at the gallery allows inhabitants to see their neighbors passing or guests who always visit them. The second level is a private floor which one wing for children and the other for owners’ private floor. Both are connected by the full height frameless glass along the bridge that link courtyard and front yard harmoniously into interior.

© Sofography-Chalermwat Wongchopoo
Beside the house got more natural light, natural ventilation also brought about by the courtyard.
We bring greenery even closer by the green façade at the front of the house which acted as a shading device and a view.

Landscape design of the house based on the harmony concept. Each trees and shrubs were carefully selected and placed to implement each function of the house, such as the frangipani at the end of courtyard acted as the vertical element creating enclosed feeling and acted as the focal point when viewed from corridor.

▼一层平面图 First Floor Plan

▼二层平面图 Second Floor Plan

▼立面图 Elevation

项目名称: SIRI House
地点: 曼谷金瓦塔纳比佛利山
项目现状: 2018年完成
首席建筑师: Rinrada Nirot
助理建筑师: Apisit Sornthong
景观设计师: Pitch Nimchinda
摄影师: Sofography by Chalermwat Wongchopoo
Project Name : SIRI House
Location : Beverly Hill, Chaengwattana, Bangkok
Project Status : Completed in 2018
Team Member
Lead Architect : Rinrada Nirot
Assistant Architect : Apisit Sornthong
Landscape Architect : Pitch Nimchinda
Main Contractor : SSi DEVELOPMENT
Photographer : Sofography by Chalermwat Wongchopoo
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