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Thanks RAD+ar for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by RAD+ar.
RAD+ar:该项目(Stalk, the Tree hugger)由 5 棵 30 米高的现有树木组成,这些树木位于雅加达最繁华的商业中心地带,被包裹在一张光影交错的画布上,承载了丰富的商业活动功能。设计师希望通过创建一个简单的参数化幕布结构来完成空间营造试验,既能拥抱现有的绿色植物,又能创造出多种变化的封闭环境。
RAD+ar:Stalk, the Tree hugger is a project comprising five of 30-meter-tall existing trees in the heart of Jakarta’s busiest business district, being wrapped and clothed into a canvas of light and shadows that host multiple functions of commercial activities. Architect was to experiment on space creation by creating a simple architecture of a parametric cloth that hugs existing greeneries, creating many variations of closure enclosures of the space.
▽该建筑与自然共存于雅加达的中央商务区之间 Co exist in between Jakarta’s cbd

▽通过简单的干预实现多种空间变化 Multiple space variation thru simple intervention

在研究如何创造一个融入自然而又不断变化的空间时,RAD+ar 反复构想了让餐厅访客体验在树影下生活的感觉。最后呈现的张拉结构充当了光影的载体,在风吹树动之时,倒映出不断浮动和变化的光影图案,此结构在促使确保现有自然成为建筑本身核心的同时,保证了空间的舒适性。
While researching the possibilities of doing an ever changing space that involves nature, RAD+ar reimagined to let the visitor of the restaurant experience how it feels to live under the shadow. Tensile structures acted as a reversed shadow to create a moving and ever changing pattern while the wind blows, the trees move, and ensuring comfort while observing and making sure the existing nature is the heart of the architecture itself.
▽千变万化的光影图案 Everchanging shadow pattern

▽张拉结构拥抱着树干 Hugging tree

The entrance is hidden and scaled down in the ending of vertical plants, then the restaurant visitors would be greeted and wait in a narrow foyer surrounded by greenery before being accompanied to the upper bar-resto among the trees.
▽立面,隐藏的入口 Camouflage facade and hidden entrance

▽在自然之间流转 In slip in between nature

▽轻型结构作为通往上层空间的坡道 Light structure as a ramp to the upper resto

▽上层酒吧 Upper bar-resto

上层酒吧休息区占地 750 平方米,四周采用轻钢木材茅草屋顶,不仅为所有的玻璃开口提供遮阳,还为中间的参数化张拉结构提供锚点。
This 750 sqm upper bar resto was framed by light steel-timber thatch roof around it that provides not only shades for all the glass opening, but also acted as the anchor for the parametric tensile in the middle.

▽分离式直通坡道 Seperated thru ramp

▽繁忙的门厅走廊 Busy foyer corridor

▽接待前台 Receptionist

▽公共洗手盆 Communal hand basin

The roof that acted as both façade and a varied ceiling in the interior, also serves as a lantern that is part of cityscape entertainment during night time enhancing multiple functions accustomed to the music inside.
▽自然是城市娱乐的一部分 Nature as part of city entertainment

▽夜晚,该建筑如同城市景观灯 Lantern for city scape

▽充当活动空间灯罩的屋顶天花板 Roof-ceiling as lantern of activites

▽灵活的多功能活动空间 Flexible space for multi purpose event

该项目由安东尼斯 · 理查德(Antonius Richard)发起,RAD+ar 探索建设的可能性,并引导开发商如何在不损失重要土地商业价值的情况下,最大限度减少对自然的干预。他们在极少干预现有自然环境的情况下,灵活地为自然环境和灯光提供无限的变幻模式,探索了现代商业在高度城市化的环境中与景观共存的可能性。
Initiated by Antonius Richard, RAD+ar explores the possibilities to build and educate developers of how minimum nature intervention could be done without losing commercial values of the prominent land. Flexibility of unlimited permutation patterns for both nature and lights with almost no intervention of the existing nature, is the goal of experimentation of how modern commercials should coexist with landscape in a very prominent urban context.
▽隐藏的私人包间 Hidden private room

Stalk the tree hugger 作为 RAD+ar 探索旅程中的一个实验性商业项目,旨在激发印度尼西亚可持续建筑的去中心化进程。
Stalk the tree hugger is one of the experimental commercial projects in RAD+ar’s journey to inspire decentralization of sustainable building in Indonesia.
▽建筑与自然共存于雅加达的中央商务区之间 Co exist in between Jakarta’s cbd

▽参数化结构 Structure study

▽结构内部 Interior

▽一层平面图 Plan – Ground Floor

▽二层平面图 Plan – Second Floor

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称:Stalk Tree-hugger
项目地点:印度尼西亚 雅加达 SCBD
总建筑面积(m2/ft2):900 平方米
联系邮箱:studio@radarchitecture.net visionary@radarchitecture.net
首席建筑师:Antonius Richard Rusli
图片来源:Mario Wibowo
Project Name: Stalk Tree-hugger
Project Location: SCBD, Jakarta, Indonesia
Completion Year: 2023
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 900m2
Program / Use / Building Function: Restaurant – Bar – Meeting room
Office Name: RAD+ar
Office Website: www.radarchitecture.net
Social Media Accounts: @radarchitects(ig)
Contact email: studio@radarchitecture.net; visionary@radarchitecture.net
Firm Location: Indonesia
Lead Architects: Antonius Richard Rusli
Lead Architects e-mail: visionary@radarchitecture.net
Photo Credits: Mario Wibowo
Photographer’s Website: mario@mariowibowo.com
Photographer’s e-mail: www.mariowibowo.com
“ 设计以光影为画笔,参数化张拉结构为画布,将自然与商业交织在一起,在繁华的城市中心创作出一幅与自然和谐共生的艺术画作。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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