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BO Landscape Architecture:特尔多尔国家公园(Tel Dor National Park)幅员辽阔,占地超过70德南的自然土地,其荒凉的原始海岸景观保存了辉煌的古代港口城市多尔的遗迹,其中不乏有圣经时代、希腊、罗马和拜占庭时代的考古发现。当游客站在特尔公园的顶部,依稀可以看到海港遗迹从白色的浪花泡沫中显露出来。
BO Landscape Architecture:Tel Dor National Park extends over 70 dunams of natural land, its wild coastal landscape preserving relics from the splendid ancient port city of Dor. Extant on the site are findings from the Biblical era, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine eras. Standing on the top of the tel it is possible to see the relics of the harbor peeking out from the foam on the waves.

▽项目视频 Project Video (© Yoav Peled)
The planninggoal was to facilitate observation of the ancient city from both close and far through a pathway with “windows” giving a view of different historical periods to create a varied visiting experience.
Another important goal was creating accessibility of the upper observation point for visitors with disabilities. We designed the path with inclines that are comfortable and in compliance with international accessibility standards, with benches and shade canopies along the way.
▽平面图 Plan

Three paths were designed for the site: the coastal path, the sea path, and the ridge path leading to the tel. The 780m-long ridge path was designed for the Nature and Parks Authority, Israel Government Tourist Corporation, leading to the southern lookout on top of the tel. The shaded seating areas were located at points of archaeological interest along the path, complete with signage explaining the finds.

The path winds along past the remains of the Roman theatre, among other structures. We placed the route along the contour of the theatre so that visitors can view it from the same angle that Roman residents of Dor viewed performances. Although the original theatre was higher than the visible remains, the seats that we installed in a radial arrangement along the pathway do recreate something of the historical experience.

We placed the shaded area in the southern lookout at an especially dramatic, breathtaking point of the tongue of land poking out from the sea. All that this breathtaking spot needed was a shaded seating area. From the lookout, visitors can descend to rejoin the coastal route.

When designing the materials for the finish, we sought integration into the marine environment, choosing מעט מאד חומרים: concrete, wood, and Corten steel. Together these simple materials provide a minimalism of design that does not clash with the site’s archaeological drama and wild nature.

项目名称:Tel Dor National Park
项目地点:以色列 多尔
建筑师事务所:BO Landscape Architects、Beeri Ben Shalom和Orna Ben Zioni
客户:Nature and Parks Authority
首席建筑师:Idit Israel
图片来源:Yoav Peled
视频字幕:Yoav Peled
Project name: Tel Dor National Park
Project location: Dor, Israel
Completion Year: 2021
Gross Built : 50000 square meters
Architect’s Firm: BO Landscape Architects, Beeri Ben Shalom and Orna Ben Zioni
Client: Nature and Parks Authority
Lead Architects: Idit Israel
Photo credits: Yoav Peled
Photographer’s website: http://peledstudios.com/
Video credits: Yoav Peled
“ 自然海岸上的无障碍路径,不做干扰,只做引导,开启一段探寻历史的舒缓旅程。”
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