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Thanks O’DonnellBrown for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by O’DonnellBrown.
O’DonnellBrown has designed and built a prototype for an outdoor Community Classroom: an adaptable, demountable learning environment for schools and community groups, which employs a functional, rhythmic geometry and design. The entirely self-initiated project has been developed in parallel with the practice’s ongoing community and educational projects, as a resource to explore connections between people, places and learning.

The classroom is intended to promote and support creative and independent learning in a healthy, versatile and fun environment. It has been designed in line with the Curriculum for Excellence and the National Improvement Framework, to facilitate inclusive learning and mental wellbeing.

The design approach was driven by an aspiration to produce an accessible, simple and demountable kit of parts which at its core was architecturally engaging, yet distilled to its purest functional form. Standard structural timber section sizes provide a skeletal frame, forming the basis for plywood modules to be placed and reconfigured to suit a diverse variety of activities and inhabitants. The kit comes complete with an easy-to-follow manual and modules may provide seating, shelving, worktops or even presentation surfaces, all while engaging and empowering its hosts in the creative process of constructing and defining their own environment.
▼可拆卸的部件 Demountable kit of parts

O’DonnellBrown在打造社区参与型和学员主导型空间的理念驱动下,与国家儿童慈善机构Barnardo’s Works 展开密切合作,与年轻人一起参与建造该原型。甚至包括RIAS和Saint-Gobain在内的其他赞助商和利益相关者,都参与了该项目,深度感受了建筑师对该项目的愿景和抱负。除此之外,他们也在材料方面提供了支持,比如主体框架的木材和其它工程结构的投入。这个社区教室已经举办了多场社区研讨会和活动,包括当地 Nan McKay Hall组织的手工活动。
Driven by a shared commitment to community engagement and learner-led activity, O’DonnellBrown worked closely with the national children’s charity Barnardo’s Works to identify young people to build the prototype with. Other sponsors and stakeholders, including the RIAS and Saint-Gobain, have also been integral to the project, sharing the architects’ vision and aspirations. Support has been provided in the form of materials, such as the timber for the structural framework, and structural engineering input. The Community Classroom has hosted a number of community-based workshops and events, including a craft workshop programmed by Nan McKay Hall, a local community hall.
▼手工活动 Craft workshop

O’DonnellBrown is working proactively to encourage future take-up of the system by a diverse range of users, increasing its reach throughout schools and communities, to improve provision for sectors integral to our collective well-being.

儿童慈善机构的Tommy McDade表示:“我们的一个项目工作人员和一小队年轻人自愿参与建造了这间教室,很高兴能成为社区教室的一份子。这一经历让年轻人更加理解团队合作和有效沟通的意义,同时也深入了解该领域的工作,有助于他们未来发展自己的职业规划和事业抱负。” O’DonnellBrown的总监Jennifer O’Donnell说:“利用我们自主开发的项目来解决社会问题对我们而言至关重要,我们也相信社区教室这个项目能够提高人们对户外学习环境的期望。”
Tommy McDade, Barnardo’s Works, said: ‘We were delighted to be part of The Community Classroom – one of our project workers and a small team of young people volunteered to help build the classroom. The experience helped the young people understand more about the value of teamwork and effective communications, while also gaining insight into working in this sector. This has helped them to further develop their job prospects and career ambitions.’ Jennifer O’Donnell, Director, O’DonnellBrown, said: ‘Using our self initiated projects to pursue societal issues is important to us and we believe that the Community Classroom can help raise expectations for what an outdoor learning environment can be.’
▼立面图 Elevation Graphic

▼爆炸图 Exploded Axonometric

▼颜色测试图 Colour Testing Diagram
工程费用:£10,000 (£416/m2)
客户:N/A (self-initiated)
结构工程师:Design Engineering Workshop
合作&赞助方:Three Four Five Joinery, RIAS, St Gobain
照片来源:© Ross Campbell
Address: 84 St Andrews Drive, Glasgow G41 4EQ
Completion: September 2019
Gross internal area: 24 m2
Construction cost: £10,000 (£416/m2)
Client: N/A (self-initiated)
Architect: O’DonnellBrown
Structural engineer: Design Engineering Workshop
Collaborators &sponsors: Three Four Five Joinery, RIAS, St Gobain
Photography: © Ross Campbell
“ 用最简单的结构满足最基础的需求,但却带来最深刻的意义。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: O’DonnellBrown