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Thanks to IDS for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by IDS.
IDS:Hadong Plaza where once was full of people in 1970s lost its energy. Instead, the abandoned plaza became a parking lot because the demand for parking spaces has increased. ‘1970 cultural center’ was built next to the plaza to memorize the old days, but it was not enough to revitalize the plaza again. For this small town, a place for gathering, resting and playing is required so that various activities and events could occur by local people and tourists. Therefore, the plaza had to be transformed into “a plaza”.
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view of the site

To revitalize the plaza, we thought not only pavements and planting but something more should be inserted; a pavilion that can arouse people’s interest and make them come closer and touch it. We selected 45cm X 45cm X 45cm 3D grid and Larch as the main structure. We imagined every activity that can be occurred and to make them happened with the pavilion we repeated and scaled a module to various volumes. It looks like a one massive mass from far that intrigues the eye and when you get closer, you will find it is a cluster of various sizes of space. This pavilion could be a bench, a daybed, a stair, a path, a shade and etc.
▽多功能广场空间设计 Multi-purpose space

▽“森林亭”的活动及功能设计 The forest – activities and functions

▽顶视 Top view

▽近看亭子是一个规模不等的空间集群 The pavilion is a cluster of various sizes of space

On the ground level, different sizes of holes are connected inside the pavilion so that people can walk or rest and children can play hide and seek. Two stands are designed around the parking lot for special events like a live performance or an ice rink. The upper level is connected to the 1970 cultural center’s terrace on 2nd floor so the pavilion connects the building and the plaza directly.
▽不同大小的空洞在内部相互贯通 Different sizes of holes are connected inside the pavilion

▽四季活动效果图 Renderings
It was our first huge timber pavilion installed outside so we had a few trials and errors. The module itself is simple but we tried two times of mockup tests and secured structural stability before the installation. A unique method of joint is made for this pavilion. Two modules were assembled at once to prevent a structural issue even timber undergoes expansion and contraction. And steel connectors and half-lap are used to join 3 beams and a column and the steel connector was invented for this project. Since timber may undergo expansion, contraction and discoloration when it is outside, we used a wood stain that is strong against outdoor air and sun and suggested paint it regularly to prevent the transformation.
▽木构造细节 Wood tectonic

▽夜景 Night view

▽场地平面图 Site plan

▽剖面图 Section

总建筑面积:364.84 m2
主创建筑师:Kicheol Bae, Dohyung Lee
照片来源:Youngchae Park
Project Name: The Forest
Office Name: IDS
Office Website: http://www.idsgrape.com/
Social Media Accounts: https://www.instagram.com/idsgrape/
Contact email: ids@idsgrape.com
Firm Location: 14, Dogok-ro 1-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Completion Year: 2021.08
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 364.84 m2
Project Location: Eupnae-ri, Hadong-eup, Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do
Program / Use / Building Function: Wood Pavilion
Lead Architects: Kicheol Bae, Dohyung Lee
Lead Architects e-mail: ki_bae@idsgrape.com
Photo Credits: Youngchae Park
Photographer’s Website: https://blog.naver.com/pychea
Photographer’s e-mail: pychea@naver.com
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