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上景设计: 我们有幸参与这样的旧改类、公共类项目,对文化的尊重与多元空间的营造是我们设计的起点。通过景观设计构建空间与城市的链接,为城市人群提供多元的停留和使用场景。致敬历史的印记,让“记忆”与“焕新”有机共存,场地既具备历史的气韵,又与当下的、先进的技术与理念相结合,内外兼修。


TOPSCAPE:  We are fortunate to participate in such refurbishment and public projects. Our design process begins with respect for culture and the creation of diverse spaces. Through landscape design, we create links between space and the city, providing a variety of settings for urban dwellers to stay and use. Paying homage to the historical imprints, we allow “memory” and “renewal” to coexist organically. The site possesses the charm of history and also integrates current, advanced technologies and concepts.

Tianjin, as a former industrial city, the thermal power plant is a mark of the era. The renewal of Tianjin’s first thermal power plant into a city commercial complex follows the commercial revitalization strategy of “repairing the old as old”, completely retaining its historical traces. The landscape design hopes to pay tribute to the historical value of Hedong Thermal Power Plant and transform this area into a vibrant urban catalyst, helping to establish a new culture in the heart of Tianjin.




Continuing the “electricity” value of the thermal power plant, we adopt “energy-saving, green” as our landscape design concept to create public urban spaces for intimate interaction between humans and nature. Leveraging historical industrial remnants for a new look, we aim to build a composite urban complex and establish a new city landmark with multiple values.



构建亲和的城市界面 Creating a friendly urban interface



Re-establishing connections between the landscape and surrounding areas, we have set up physical and visual links between the main traffic routes and the site.

At the major pedestrian flow directions, rapid roads leading directly to the center of the site are set at the northwest corner subway entrance and the southwest corner. We also redefine the boundary view, designing an open green barrier along the river interface, to fully display the urban interface of the thermal power plant.


▽场地分析 Site analysis

▽场地与周边环境 Site and surroundings

▽开放的沿河城市界面展示 Open urban interface display along the river


复合的生态容器 A Complex Ecological Container


The project’s complex architectural functions and spatial site have created a diversity of landscape scenes, integrating residential, commercial, office, and entertainment elements. Multidimensional Spatial Dialogue.


▽功能复合的多元化景观场景 Diversified landscape scenes with complex functions




Rich public spaces are crafted from various angles: City commercial square, performance theater, central business office garden, and children’s amusement center.

Also, as a point of memory, the former landmark of the thermal power plant – a 195-meter-high chimney – is deconstructed to create new spatial scenes, generating a multi-layered spatial experience.


▽场地空间演绎 Site space deduction

▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


演绎剧场 Performance Theater:


As the first urban interface of the site and connected to the subway entrance, the entrance plaza carries the city’s interface image. At the same time, it maximizes the perception of this project’s interface space from the human viewpoint. The giant ring symbolically represents the chimney of the thermal power plant, and beneath it, a city theater is established, creating a cohesive green core for the city.


▽象征城市昭示界面的圆环入口广场 The entrance square of the ring symbolizes the interface of the city

▽圆环广场夜景 Night view of the Ring Square



The spirit of the factory location is condensed into a tangible sky ring, transforming memory into new site connections, and becoming a new landmark. The inscription leading to the main building is not only a narration of history but also a path to the future.


▽记录工厂历史的空中圆环 An aerial ring that records the history of the factory



The ground ring theater and the sky ring are nested layer by layer. They are not only a mutual response in design language, but also a collision between historical and current scenes.


▽地面环形剧场和空中的圆环鸟瞰 Aerial view


城市商业广场 City Commercial Square:

商业广场作为整个项目最大的开敞空间,它承担着大型活动和周末集市以及其它多样的活动功能。 同时也是连接其它空间的交汇点,形成场地人流汇聚点。 因此设计师希望利用沉浸式的声光电体验不断释放出人与空间互动的能量,结合中心的互动水景成为地区活力的催化剂,激活城市活力。

As the most open space of the entire project, the commercial square undertakes the functions of large-scale events, weekend markets, and various other activities. It also serves as a convergence point connecting other spaces, forming a gathering point for pedestrian flow on the site. Therefore, the designer hopes to continuously release the energy of interaction between people and space through immersive audio-visual experiences. Combined with the central interactive waterscape, it becomes a catalyst for the region’s vitality, activating urban energy.


▽城市商业广场 City Commercial Square

▽利用沉浸式的声光电体验,打造中心互动水景 Create a central interactive water feature with an immersive audio-optical experience


转化清洁能源光伏为景观设计语言——光伏森林,其大面积的覆盖广场,让“电”再次成为场地活力的来源,完成历史与当代的对话。 光伏产生的电能又为夜晚光伏森林提供照明,形成区域景观能量的良性循环。

Transforming clean solar energy into landscape design language – a photovoltaic forest – its broad coverage over the square allows “electricity” to once again become the source of the site’s vitality, completing a dialogue between history and the present. The electricity generated by the photovoltaics provides lighting for the photovoltaic forest at night, forming a virtuous cycle of regional landscape energy.


▽光伏电能为夜晚的光伏森林提供可持续的照明 Photovoltaic electricity provides sustainable lighting for the photovoltaic forest at night


布局选择直观的通行路径,而植物空间营造则提供了更多样化的沉浸式体验。 聚会空间如角落的休闲座位、凸起的平台和宠物友好区散布在场地各处,为居民和游客提供了得以放松的地方。 线性铺装交叉分布,打破了区域呆板的分割空间,带给人一种探索感和兴奋感,突出了该广场的活力背景。

The layout chooses intuitive paths of travel, while the creation of plant spaces offers a more diversified immersive experience. Gathering spaces, like corner leisure seats, protruding platforms, and pet-friendly areas are scattered throughout the site, providing residents and visitors with places to relax. Linear paving is distributed crosswise, breaking the rigid division of the area and giving people a sense of exploration and excitement, highlighting the energetic background of the square.


▽广场聚会休闲空间 Square gathering leisure space


儿童游乐中心 Children’s Amusement Center:

我们希望文化的印记能渗入到广场的每个细节,电力工厂乐园由此诞生,包含电力滑梯、动感单车、 电力万花筒、灯光跷跷板、超级爬网等主题活动区。 融合热电厂在地性的圆筒元素,设计师希望将更有趣的活动模式引入历史场地,为场地注入强有力的生命力。

We hope the cultural imprints can seep into every detail of the square. Thus, the Power Plant Playground is born, featuring a power slide, dynamic bicycles, power kaleidoscope, light see-saw, super climbing web, and other themed activity areas. Integrating cylindrical elements native to the thermal power plant, the designers hope to introduce more engaging activity modes into the historical site, injecting it with vibrant vitality.


▽电力工厂乐园 Power factory paradise

▽乐园鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽电力滑梯 Electric slide

▽超级爬网 Super crawl

▽动感单车 Spinning bike


中央商业办公花园 The Central Business Office Garden:

既是广场又是花园;既是可进入的活动场地,又是高楼俯瞰中的景观亮点。 景观努力兼顾空间的开放性与独立性,让被景观环抱的休憩空间吸引人的进入,进而激活小空间的社交属性,以优质的公共空间促进人与人之间的交流,营造更有魅力的城市体验。

It’s both a square and a garden; an accessible activity venue and a scenic highlight when viewed from above. The landscape design strives to balance openness and privacy of spaces, drawing people into restful areas embraced by the scenery, thereby stimulating the social attributes of smaller spaces. By creating high-quality public spaces, it promotes interaction between people and cultivates a more appealing urban experience.


▽中央商业办公花园 The Central Business Office Garden



This design transforms an old factory, outdated by new production methods, into an organic ecosystem of new art gatherings, rejuvenating the city’s spirit while preserving its historical narrative. We look forward to its future contributions to the development of the riverside city.


▽总平面图 Plan




项目地点:天津市 河东区
设计团队:罗潇闻,刘敬贤,贾政,刁成,马军,梁晓航,徐强,高天云,郑丽娜 ,李宁 ,李根 ,殷楠楠
合作方: 天津城茂园林工程有限公司
摄影师:须然建筑摄影 邬涛

Project name: Tianjin JinMaohui
Year completed: 2022
Project area: 44982㎡
Project location: Hedong District, Tianjin
Design Company: TOPSCAPE
Company website: www.topscape.com.cn
Contact email: business@topscape.com.cn
Chief Designer: Lu Yuan
Design team: Luo Xiaowen, Liu Jingxian, Jia Zheng, Diao Cheng, Ma Jun, Liang Xiaohang, Xu Qiang, Gao Tianyun, Zheng Lina, Li Ning, Li Gen, Yin Nannan
Client: Tianjin Jinmao
Partner: Tianjin Chengmao Garden Engineering Co., LTD
Photographer: shrimp studio, Wu Tao




更多 Read more about: 上景设计 TOPSCAPE

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