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OMGEVING:比利时梅赫伦市正在实行一项宏伟的计划,当地将根据此计划打造一条公园绿化长廊,构成这条长廊的公园与公园之间距离仅有几百米,本案蒂内尔公园(Tinel park)正是其中的一部分。蒂内尔公园地处梅赫伦内城最北端,位于城市内环路 Tinellaan 一旁。
蒂内尔公园见证了诸多历史过往。它曾是始建于 1652 年 Predikheren 修道院的一部分。约 200 年后,它与多辛兵营(Dossin barracks)一起被改造一个成军事基地,多辛兵营是二战时期比利时臭名昭著的中转营,用于将犹太人和吉普赛人驱逐到奥斯维辛集中营。 后来按照 De Smet Vermeulen 建筑事务所的总体规划,该地区经过逐步升级改造,增加了新的城市设施,包括位于前修道院建筑内的由 Korteknie Stuhlmacher architects 事务所设计的新图书馆“Het Predikheren”、地下停车场以及由 Bovenbouw architects 事务所设计的新住房设施。此外,由 AWG Architects 事务所设计的大屠杀和人权博物馆于 2012 年底开放。
OMGEVING:Tinel park is part of Mechelen’s ambitious garden and park plan. With this plan, the city is creating a green belt of parks which are only a few hundred metres apart. The new Tinel park is the northernmost park within the inner city, located next to the Tinellaan which is part of the city’s inner ring road.
The Tinel park tells many stories. It used to be part of the Predikheren monastery, established in 1652. About two hundred years later, it was transformed into a military base along with the Dossin barracks, the infamous Belgian World War II transit camp for the deportation of Jews and gypsies towards Auschwitz. Based on a master plan by De Smet Vermeulen Architects, the district was gradually upgraded with new urban facilities, including the new library ‘Het Predikheren’ in the former monastery building (by Korteknie Stuhlmacher architects), an underground car park and new housing facilities (by Bovenbouw architects). The Holocaust and human rights museum (by AWG Architects) at the head of the site opened in late 2012.

新的公园将这些不同的功能整合在统一的布局中,成为与市中心历史悠久的 Kruidtuin 相对应的绿色公共空间。它促进了梅赫伦北部绿色空间的扩展,提供了社区急需的公共空间。此外,该公园还填补了从 Nekkerspoel 火车站到多辛兵营历史路线上的空白。
The new park ties these different functions together in one coherent layout, becoming the counterpart of the historic Kruidtuin in the city centre as a green public space of similar scale. It provides the north of Mechelen with an important green boost and much needed public space the community. In addition, the park completes a missing link in the historical route from Nekkerspoel train station to the Dossin barracks.

设计 Design
蒂内尔公园的设计阶段始于 2011 年。最初,在总体规划的基础上,通过与当地居民、梅赫伦市政府各部门以及邻近新城市开发项目的建筑师共同创作的设计过程,制定了一个整体绿化规划。这项设计工作分为多个阶段进行,最后阶段于 2023 年完成。建成后的蒂内尔公园与各种城市设施直接相连,已成为梅赫伦市游客最多的地点之一。
The design phase for Tinel park started in 2011. Initially, based on the master plan, a green framework plan was drawn up in a co-creative design process with local residents, departments of the city of Mechelen and the architects for the adjacent new urban developments. The realisation itself was carried out in several phases and the final phase was completed in 2023. Tinel park, with its direct connection to diverse urban facilities, has become one of the most visited locations in the city of Mechelen.

The design is inspired by the site’s own identity and took into account a phased implementation. An important starting point is that the area should be experienced as one park. This means that the amount of paving has been kept to a minimum and large green spaces have been created that form a serene framework for the imposing buildings. The design language is the same in all sub-areas which were realised years apart. The atmosphere and use varies from the ceremonial space in front of the Dossin barracks, to an open public park space between the museum and library in the former monastery, to a green space with play areas and functions for the neighbourhood in the eastern residential part. The park section between the library and former monastery wall reimagines the historic rectangular walkway referring to the utility and contemplation garden as was customary in religious establishments. Along this path, a water mirror has been integrated next to the monastery providing reflection of the adjacent facades and play opportunities.

由于与 Kazerne Dossin 集中营纪念馆所在地具有较大的高差,因此设计通过为该建筑打造一个“绿色基座”,铺设逐级抬升的草阶来消弭场地与建筑之间的差距。设计师在自然的石阶上镌刻了符合场所意境的诗句,并种植了一棵大树来纪念安妮·弗兰克,将大屠杀博物馆前描绘成一幅宁静的图画。
The hight difference toward Kazerne Dossin was accommodated by placing the building on a green pedestal, detailed with gradual grass steps. A fitting poem was engraved in the nature stone steps and a new tree was planted in honour of Anne Frank, painting a serene picture in front of the Holocaust museum.

The second part of Tinel Park has a more informal character. Here, a large group of trees have been preserved and subtle play areas have been integrated under. Even though the park has a more formal look and feel in the first part, it’s still a place where locals get together and children have space to play. In this area the longest (green) bench in Mechelen was integrated along the monastery wall where people can enjoy the park in the afternoon sun.

▽公园平面图 Plan

地点:比利时 梅赫伦(BE)
技术支持:i.c.w. Atelier Ruimtelijk Advies
摄影:Lucid,Yannick Milpas
Project Name: Tinel park
Location: Mechelen (BE)
Type: Parks, Water features, Cultural Heritage
Built: 2023
Completed: (2011-2023)
Client: city of Mechelen
Landscape architecture: OMGEVING
Technical support: i.c.w. Atelier Ruimtelijk Advies
Main contractor: Vanhoeyveld
Budget: € € 2.591.969,91 excl VAT
Photography: Lucid, Yannick Milpas
“ 项目用统一的设计语言来塑造空间,在展示场地历史的同时,为城市居民创造了一个户外休闲娱乐的场所。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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