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Thanks naE for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by naE.
naE:TKA Esplanade 项目位于巴西 Serra Gaúcha 地区,旨在为当地一家起重机制造商的工业厂房设计户外空间。项目范围包括地形和公共空间的设计,具体涵盖行政大楼旁的广场开发,坡道、停车场、技术区、景观、视觉识别和标志设计。在该项目中,玄武岩、混凝土、金属、植被和当地景观融为一体。每个元素都经过精心设计,以突出材料的自然美感和项目地的原生环境。
naE:The TKA Esplanade is a project aimed at structuring the external areas for the industrial plant of a crane manufacturer in the Serra Gaúcha region. The scope encompasses the designs for accessing the terrain and common spaces, including the development of a plaza adjacent to the administrative building, access ramps, parking lots, technical areas, landscaping, visual identity, and signage. It’s a project where basalt rock, concrete, and metal blend in composition with vegetation and the local landscape. Each element has been carefully considered to highlight the natural beauty of materials and the native context of the project.
The overall implementation concept was guided by the intention to optimize the space of the uneven terrain, making the most of the natural potential of the location. This involves creating a mix of living and transitional spaces, crafting an inspiring, comfortable, and welcoming environment for those arriving at the manufacturing complex.
▽设计整体模型 The model
设计在地块顶部的工业厂房和地势较低的 RS-122 公路之间展开,在最高与最低的两个极端点之间营造了不同的层次,其间不时穿插着岩石斜坡,既突出了空间,又将自然景观展示在人们面前
The project unfolds between the industrial pavilion at the top of the plot and the RS-122 road at the lower part of the terrain. Different levels were created between these two extreme points, interspersed with rocky slopes, accentuating the spaces and showcasing the natural landscape.
The main plaza was situated next to the company’s administration building on the highest and most prestigious area of the terrain. This was done with the intention of configuring the space as an esplanade and enhancing the glass structure. Sawn basalt pavement distinguishes the living areas from the car circulation route, and the water mirror frames the panoramic view of the region.
Rammed earth walls made from local basalt stone follow the terrain, creating an expressive design that frames the landscape, highlighting the interaction of natural elements amidst raw built materials. Various levels are configured within the uneven terrain, intertwined with resting and walking areas, shaping the design of the large stone base on which the massive industrial building rests.
At the heart of the project, the water mirror is nestled between two staircases descending from the lower level, creating a boundary between the two plazas, eliminating the need for a guardrail and expanding the view of the surrounding landscape.
在中央广场上,一系列“Semente”桌子组成了空间,并作为具有丰富细节、质感和当地色调的雕塑物品。毗邻主广场,在通道和大斜坡之间的一棵大樱桃树的树荫下,有一个更加僻静的广场。该空间被一堵连续的矮墙包围,矮墙作为花盆之间的长凳,与同样由 naE 设计的家具系列“Semente”桌子相得益彰。Metalco 公司提供的长凳与植被的颜色融为一体,木质座椅和与标识面板黑色相匹配的结构让人倍感舒适惬意。
In the central plaza, a selection of “Semente” tables compose the space, functioning as sculptural objects rich in details, materiality, and native tones of the region. Adjacent to the main esplanade, between the access road and the large slope, there is a more secluded plaza under the shade of a large cherry tree. The space is enclosed by a continuous low wall, serving as a long bench between the planters, complemented by the “Semente” tables, a furniture line also developed by naE. The benches provided by Metalco blend with the vegetation’s color and offer greater comfort and coziness with wooden seats and a structure that matches the black color of the signage panels.
标识牌和品牌标志也由 naE 设计,包括用实心玄武岩和金属制作的指向性图标、用金属板制作的空间标识牌以及用金属字母制作的徽标,这些元素被放置在石墙和斜坡上,所有元素都保持了统一的视觉语言:坚固而精致。在夜间,地面上的光点会照亮这些信息牌,而徽标则由嵌入式照明设施照亮。
The project’s pavement and signage adhere to key elements: sawn and bush-hammered basalt floors are used in the more prestigious areas, while the more robust concrete blocks are used in passageways. The signage elements and drainage grates share the same palette of materials, tones, and shapes, in order to maintain a concise design. The modularity of the elements has been considered since the project’s conception, optimizing material use and resulting in a better final finish of the components.
Signage and brand identity were also created by naE. Comprising directional totems in solid basalt and metal, identification plates for spaces in sheet metal, and the application of the logo in metal letters, these elements are placed on stone walls and slopes, maintaining a consistent visual language across all pieces – robust yet delicate. At night, the information is illuminated by points on the ground or, in the case of the logo, by embedded lighting.
▽场地剖面 Section
▽平面图 Plan
▽设计模型 The model
▽模块化铺装细节 Modular paving details
项目名称:TKA Esplanade
项目地点:Flores da Cunha,RS,巴西
首席建筑师:Filipe Saur Santos
设计团队:Filipe Saur Santos、Alexandre Rögelin Prass、Thomas Weirich、Renata Rizzon、Nicole Carrion
客户:TKA Cranes
合作者:Bemeta Engenharia,工程师 Nicolas Dal Bó,工程师 Gabriel Britto
图片来源:Marcelo Donadussi
Project Name: TKA Esplanade
Completion Year: 2023
Project Location: Flores da Cunha, RS, Brazil.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: naE
Website: www.nae.arq.br
Contact e-mail: contato@nae.arq.br
Lead Architects: Filipe Saur Santos
Design Team: Filipe Saur Santos, Alexandre Rögelin Prass, Thomas Weirich, Renata Rizzon, Nicole Carrion
Clients: TKA Cranes
Collaborators: Bemeta Engenharia, Eng. Nicolas Dal Bó, Eng. Gabriel Britto
Photo Credits: Marcelo Donadussi
Photographer’s Website: www.mdonadussi.com.br
“ 项目巧妙地将地形条件与自然景观结合起来,通过梳理场地优化交通流线并沿地形设置具有特色的休闲场所,同时利用不同的材料和装饰元素点缀空间,营造了令人身心愉悦的户外空间。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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