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McCloy + Muchemwa 设计公司受 EC BID 委托,为 2023 年伦敦建筑节设计了一座“城市游乐场”,免费向所有人开放。
McCloy + Muchemwa:The Urban Playground was commissioned by EC BID for the London Festival of Architecture 2023 to be free and open to everyone.
The project is essentially an urban experiment, establishing a common ground between children and tight-suited city workers – The Urban Playground brings new life, a flip of perceptions, and is a case-study in reimagining the role of urban sites from different and diverse perspectives, in this case specifically those of children.

“城市游乐场”位于伦敦 Fen Court 步行街上,项目选址安全且安静。设计团队倾向于在这样一个以成人和商业为导向的城市环境中,并置童年和游戏元素,让这里具有不同的运动活力、笑声和欢乐的叫声!
The Urban Playground is installed in the City of London on a pedestrian street called Fen Court, a site was selected because it was a safe and quiet enclave. The project team enjoyed the juxtaposition of childhood and play within such a grown-up and business-oriented part of town, there is a different sense of movement, and definitely a different soundtrack of laughter and joyful screams!

这些十分醒目的游乐设施设被铺设成小径,引导游客和行人穿越一条线性步行街——在树荫下邂逅有趣的时刻和非正式的聚会场所。人们被“游乐场”吸引,离开繁忙的街道,随后可以发现这里隐藏的瑰宝,包括伦敦精神指导中心委托铺设的迷宫,以及艺术家 Michael Visocchi 创作的纪念雕塑“Gilt of Cain”,上面刻有 Lemn Sissay 的诗句。
The play structures were designed to be eye-catching, and when laid out as a ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ would lead visitors and passers-by on a journey through a linear pedestrian street – encountering intriguing moments and informal gathering spaces in the shade of trees. People are drawn off the busy street by the playground and can subsequently discover Hidden gems of this place include a paved labyrinth commissioned by the The London Centre for Spiritual Direction, and the memorial sculpture ‘Gilt of Cain’ by the artist Michael Visocchi featuring a poem by Lemn Sissay.

As designers we were interested in creating abstract play structures that cater inclusively to younger and older audiences – sometimes they would have things in common, sometimes they would have differences we thought. We were keen to see how certain abstract design geometries translated into inhabitation, dwell time, and play!

“城市游乐场”是一个由“圆球”和 “积木”组成的连锁系统,其设计灵感来自于木制儿童玩具。设计从两块简单的 1.8 米(宽)x 1.8 米(高)x 3 米(长)积木开始,从中“雕刻”出各种游戏结构。最大的游戏结构具有相互连接的洞穴和舷窗,而较小的游戏结构则具有邀请人们以各种方式参与和探索的形式。它们散布在场地的各个角落,为人们就座、开放式游戏或滑动等特定活动创造了机会。这里的游戏方式没有对错之分,也没有任何明确的叙述方式可循,相反,设计的意图是在一个灵活的框架内,支持和鼓励富有想象力和身体变化的游戏。
A system of interlocking ‘blob’ and ‘block’ forms was inspired by wooden children’s toys. The design process started with two simple 1.8m (W) x 1.8m (H) x 3m (L) blocks which the various play structures are all ‘carved’ from. The largest resulting play structures have interconnecting caverns and portholes, whilst the smaller pieces have forms that invite people to engage and explore in a variety of ways. These are scattered around the site creating opportunities for seating, open-ended play, or specific actions such as sliding. There is no right or wrong way to play here, nor is there any explicit narrative to follow – instead the design intent was to enable and encourage imaginative and physically varied play within a flexible framework.

It was important to create an accessible place for everyone, so the layout of pieces create different types of space; from elevated podiums for performing, to small intimate clusters where someone could simply sit quietly. Some spaces are tight and some are wide open. Small children feel naturally drawn to the installation as there are some spaces that only very small people can get into and sometimes the head height clearance is lower than a standing adult.

设计选用的材料具有色彩鲜艳、多感官/多质感、易于制作和环境可持续性等特点。游戏结构的骨架由数控切割的 OSB 板和木板条制成,外覆 97% 天然原材料 + 二氧化碳中性油毡和 100% 天然热处理膨胀软木板。颜色的选择仅限于蓝色,以使整个场地更加协调。此外,结构中还使用了一些小面积的不易碎镜面板,进一步丰富了装置的感官体验和游戏方式。
Materials were chosen for their bright colour, multisensory / multitexture appeal, ease of fabrication and environmental sustainability. The skeletons of the play structures are made from CNC cut OSB board and timber battens. These have been clad with a 97% natural raw material + CO2 neutral linoleum and with 100% natural heat treated expanded cork panels. The colour selection is limited to blue, lending coherence across a spread-out site. A few small areas of a non-shatter mirrored panel are included to add further diversity to the sensory experience and play opportunities of the installation.

Several special events including children’s fun days, school visits, and designer’s tours have been hosted at the Urban Playground – with the structures readily adapting to temporary uses and influx of large visitor numbers.
The playground is designed to be modular and reconfigurable, and theoretically slots all together for compact storage. As with many previous temporary installations from the London Festival or Architecture, it is planned that elements of the Urban Playground will be distributed to one or more permanent new homes at schools, community centres, or cultural institutions around the city.
▽设计图纸 Design drawing

竣工年份:2023 年
面积:100 平方米
项目地点:英国 伦敦
景观/建筑公司:McCloy + Muchemwa
首席建筑师:Steve McCloy、Bongani Muchemwa
客户:EC BID,伦敦建筑节
合作伙伴:Design & Making, Playful Anywhere, Play Explore Art
图片来源: Luke O’Donovan、Simon Kennedy
摄影师网站:https://linktr.ee/luke.odonovan 和 https://simonkennedy.net/
Project Name: Urban Playground
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 100m2
Project Location: London, UK
Landscape/Architecture Firm: McCloy + Muchemwa
Website: https://mccloymuchemwa.com/
Contact e-mail: stevenjmccloy@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Steve McCloy and Bongani Muchemwa
Clients: EC BID, London Festival of Architecture
Collaborators: Design & Making, Playful Anywhere, Play Explore Art
Photo Credits: Luke O’Donovan and Simon Kennedy
Photographer’s Website: https://linktr.ee/luke.odonovan and https://simonkennedy.net/
“ 在一个以成人和商业为导向的城市环境中,并置充满童趣的游戏元素,赋予空间不同的运动活力和欢笑声。”
更多 Read more about:McCloy + Muchemwa