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而本次改造的场地,正是一个很好的契机,它处在城市新与旧空间的一个交界面上,前靠新商业,背靠着一片老旧的街巷居民区,对于整个老城区来说,它是一个很小的点,但这个“点式” 街巷微空间,联系着上下半城,联系着现代街区与老旧生活区,联系着母城的过往,我们设计希望尊重现有巷道肌理与风貌,实现传统与新兴业态融合共生。通过“点式”街巷的改造,促进城市的有机微更新,产生网络化触发效应,促使社会资源共同参与的主动改造。

WTD: Wanzhou is a typical mountainous district with many narrow, old and shabby streets, which are losing their original living atmosphere. With more and more inhabitants moving out, these streets have become empty and dead. In face of this kind of situation, the local government is anxious to find a solution and open up new prospects for Wanzhou’s urban renovation.

The renovated site happens to sit between the old and new urban spaces. Small though it is, it connects a modern street and an old neighborhood as well as the old memories of the city. Through the design, we hope to show respect for the existing street texture and integrate the new and traditional retails. The successful renovation of this street will encourage more social resources to promote the urban renovation on a larger scale.


▼ 联系着上下半城的街巷空间 Connect the old and new street spaces



Modern elements are employed to build a bridge between the old neighborhood and the young people. In this way, the integration of the old and new as well as the collision between modern and tradition will allow every visitor and inhabitant to have a sense of belonging and experience a better life.


▼ 点式街巷更新,激活面式城市更新 Successful renovation of the street will promote urban renovation on a larger scale


场地背景 Site Condition


Jixiang Street serves as an access from Wanda Plaza to Wanzhou old town. It is connected with the busy Wanda Golden Street in front and sits against the old neighborhood halfway up the mountain. Long and narrow street extends upwards to connect the administrative office which is full of memories about the old town. The triangle site itself is part of an old neighborhood, which is connected with the Wanda Plaza by long and narrow paths.


▼ 项目周边分析 Location analysis

▼ 周边分析局部放大 Partial enlarged view



The central space fell into a terrible mess with dilapidated buildings, crowded vehicles, dirty environment as well as the frontage covered with air conditioners, pipelines and wires. What’s worse, there were complicated altitude differences and disorderly living interface. Taking all of these problems into account, our design aims to transform this shabby and inactive street into a new space, which will serve as a link between new life and traditional culture, and revive the ordinary community life of Wanzhou District.


▼ 场地原始照片 Photo before renovation


设计策略 Design Strategy



In the future, the site will not only serve the people living around but also welcome new visitors. Therefore, how to satisfy the needs of the surrounding residents and upgrade the space to attract young visitors has become a big challenge for us.

Based on the experience of Mengchaiwan, we combined multi-dimensional cultures, met the life demands of local residents and introduced some internet-famous retails to attract young consumers. Its success makes us realize that urban renovation should be based on the site itself and the needs of the local residents. Only by keeping the characteristics of the site and introducing young and fresh elements can we truly revitalize an old street.


▼ 项目平面图 Site plan 


具体设计  Design Details 

1整合升级社区生活空间 Upgrade neighborhood living space


Based on the site condition, the design kept the original structure and tree, and reinterpreted the cluttered and inactive space to create a moonlight theatre, a book house and a book bar. The outdoor book bar equipped with counter and seats provides an ideal place for stay, chatting and activities. Through skillful design, the upgraded space becomes active, inclusive and flexible, which will not only satisfy the local residents but also appeal to more young people.


▼ 对空间进行整合,让整个空间变得好用 Integration of the space makes it more flexible


▼ 场地原始古树被保留 Ancient tree on the site is kept


▼ 在场地中延续着他们的生活方式,聊天休息的居民 Local residents continue their lifestyle and chat freely with each other


▼ 吸引更多不同的人群,激发社区的活力 Appeal to different consumer groups and revitalize the neighborhood



Non-slip piles and concrete methane-gas pit as well as disorderly pipes and wires are all covered by aluminum plates, forming a perforated culture wall.


▼ 剧场文化墙 Theatre culture wall



The cafe bar and the outdoor terraces are connected to provide a quiet reading space. The terraces made of terrazzo are decorated by yellow steel patterns, which not only balances the altitude differences but also creates a friendly sitting area.


▼ 阶梯式休闲生活空间 Terrace-style leisure space


2更新和复苏活力业态 Renovate and revive retails


The success of an urban renewal project depends a lot on the follow-up investment and operation. Renovation does solve some basic problems, but it is the commercial investment and operation that helps to revitalize the renovated space and attract more people. For Jixiang Street, we chose scattered retails instead of a clustered one. Some buildings along the street are renovated or rebuilt; internet-famous cafe bar and food stalls are introduced to attract young people, thus activating the old street and the neighborhood.


▼ “点状”的业态分布 ” Scattered retails



We set aside enough space for temporary fairs and marketing shows. And we also encourage street-vending economy and new retails to attract more young people and provide interactive and fashion experience for the old street.


▼ 适当的商业的带动,可以引进更多年轻载体和鲜活的力量,活络老街氛围  Multiform retails will attract more young people and revitalize the old street

▼ 空间的有机更新,增强了园区的公共性和互动性 Organic renovation of the space makes it more open and interactive


3多维度文化记忆的叠加 Combine multi-dimensional cultures


In addition to continuing the local culture, the design also kept all the elements that carry the memories of the city, creating a series of landscape walls and features which record the history of Wanzhou Port. Serving as the bond between life and culture, it allows residents and visitors to resonate with the site upon entering the space.


▼ 记忆的纽带需要我们把生活与文化做连接 Bond between life and culture



An arch designed with a shadow grid stands at the entrance to the old street. Made of three hundred thousand steel wires, the arch in pure white welcomes both residents and visitors and illuminates the depths of the street at night. Walking through the arch, you can have a glimpse of the culture and traditional life of Wanzhou District in the past.


▼ 梭影之门由30万根钢丝组成 The arch of shadow made of three hundred thousand steel wires



In the long and narrow entrance space, the disorderly parking space is removed, while the paved path is newly decorated to form a U-shaped space. Along the perimeter walls, grey, orange and off-white colors are interwoven to make the street full of modern atmosphere.


▼ 半包裹的U型甬道空间 U-shaped space



Designed as the carrier of local culture and memory, the landscape walls in parameterized form are made of perforated steel plate, which reflect the prosperity of Wanzhou Port and Xishan Bell Tower and remind people of the past of Wanzhou old town.


▼ 景墙分析图  Landscape wall analysis


▼ 甬道两侧景墙的城市剪影 Landscape walls along the paved path



This was originally a very negative corridor. In this space at night, there are no lights and it is very dark. Light design in the landscape walls transforms the dark and inactive path into a warm and elegant space that leads people back to their home.


▼ 夜间的透光文化景墙 The illuminated landscape walls at night



Inspired by local people’s memory about the moon reflected on the river, the moon shadow wall will not only remind residents of the past memories and also provide a destination for people to take photos and understand the changes of the moon. The moon will also provoke strong surges of nostalgia and encourage people to explore the past of the old street.


▼ 景墙分析图 Landscape wall analysis


▼ 唤起人们记忆的月亮墙 Moon shadow wall that reminds people of the past memories


▼ 科普的功能,记录着月亮阴晴圆缺的变化 The wall records the changes of the moon



The bluestones and terrace space are typical elements of the old street that cannot be copied. Therefore we preserved the texture and the scale of the street and use luminous glass bricks at the entrance to offer guidance.


▼ 巷道结合灯光引导,给保留的街巷肌理与古树增添一丝静谧 Quiet street and ancient tree in the light of the luminous glass bricks


▼ 街巷空间记录着老街的生活场景与记忆 The space records the life scenes and memories of the old street


4以景观为主导的巷道界面更新 Landscape-oriented street renovation


In consideration of the visual effect and the cost, the dilapidated building along the street is torn down and replaced by a commercial building of small volume. Corner of the building is specially designed to ensure the growth of the ancient tree. With respect for local people’s lifestyle, the frontage dwellings are properly renovated and decorated to keep the original facades to the greatest extent.


▼从空间和界面上去规避和提升环境脏乱差的视觉形象  Upgrade the environment and visual effect


▼保留场地的大树,在立面上保留居民建筑的肌理  Preserve the ancient tree and the facades of dwellings



We finished the architectural design of the small building collaborating with Shanghai Dachuan Architects. To avoid destroying the ancient tree, one corner of the boxy building is cut, thus creating a cafe bar under the tree.


▼保留了大树与建筑的关系  The tree and the building stand in harmony


▼切除一角的咖啡吧,出于对古树与巷口的尊重 The coffee bar with a corner cut off, out of respect for old trees and alleyways



The street frontages of some dwellings are renovated and redecorated; the first floors and the extended spaces are used for cultural and creative retails.


▼万达商业建筑的背街的巷道空间 Street space behind Wanda Plaza


▼对部分临街居民建筑底商进行了代建更新 Street frontages of some dwellings are renovated and redecorated


对万达商业建筑的背街立面,设计保留大部分原有墙体,且延用本土化的砖,这些材料体现了时间的流逝、与地方的联系以及生活的真实性。同时引入现代玻璃与钢材料,形成传统语言与现代工艺的对比,更具时代冲击感,体现文脉的延续性。空调外挂机位设计外包穿孔板 ,形成有韵律的立面。


The facades behind Wanda Plaza are largely maintained and renovated with local bricks, which reflect the past time, the connection with the city and the true life. Also modern materials such as glass and steel are used to shape a contrast with traditional materials and continue the cultural context.The black brick facades of the buildings facing the center are well preserved and repaired, on which the air conditioners are enveloped by perforated plates to create a rhythmical effect.

Walking along the winding street, you will have a good experience of colorful life.




结尾,设计师问答:End, designer Q&A:

你认为项目更新之后带来的意义是什么?What’s the significance of the renovation?


We usually believe the street or alley of a strange city is filled with wonderful smell of grilled meats, makeshift lights and chatter. Hardly will we think from the perspective of local residents who have had enough of the mess and crowd. Therefore, we should not design from the perspective of visitors but take the locals’ demands into consideration. What we need to do is to “revitalize” the space and allow people to continue their life in a clean and comfortable environment.


这是继“成都猛追湾城市更新”项目之后,纬图的又一城市更新项目。本次更新做完之后,项目的呈现有没有超越了设计预期的点? As WTD’s another renovation project after Chengdu Mengchaiwan project, does the result surpass your expectations?



It marks the new beginning of Wanzhou’s urban renovation. In the past, most of the renovations were realized by covering old buildings with graffiti and ceramic tiles. But the thorough renovation lies in investment invitation and follow-up operation.

If the renovation only solves some problems, for example, the shabby street is renovated and the residents lead a more comfortable life, but the old town is not revitalized and there is not a sustainable development mode, strictly speaking, it is not a successful renovation.


到底怎样做才能带活老城区?So what exactly do you do to revitalize the old town?



Besides presenting a new look, the main purpose of renovation is to improve people’s living environment and revitalize the neighborhood. Only when more investments, social resources and visitors are willing to join can we realize the sustainable development of the old town.

The commercial investment and operation will make the dead space alive, energize the space system, and welcome the new and old people into the space.


你说引入商业,但很多旧改老街,他们其实也在引入商业,你觉得区别在哪? You just mentioned the attraction of investment. Actually, some old street renovations also practiced in this way. Would you please talk about the difference between them?




The main difference, I think, lies in how to deal with the relationship between the site and its past. Considering the residents and the same space structure, we chose to present and interpret old memories using landscape skills. I believe the connection with the past is very important. We shouldn’t blindly cut off the present from the past and present a brand new but totally strange space. In this way, the old street will lose its identity.

In addition, some renovated streets are over-commercialized. We all know that in traditional streets or alleys, retails were born to meet the basic requirements of life. They are scattered but not clustered. However, when we visit some ancient cities, you will find retails everywhere instead of experiencing local characteristics as you walk out of the inns or hotels. In our opinion, urban renovation is for better life. A good example is the old foreign-style houses in Jingan District of Shanghai, among which retails only serve as complements of comfortable life.

In terms of design, we are trying to keep the characteristics of the site and the lifestyle of local people. As for commercial operation, we prefer life-oriented operation. It is unwise to replace living spaces with retails, because only when we have life will we have the need for retails.





Project: Urban Renovation of Jixiang Street, Wanzhou
Commissioned by: Wanzhou Real Committee of Municipal and Rural Construction
Designed by: WTD GROUP
Year of Completion: 2021
Design Team: Li Hui, Li Yansa, Tian Le, Li Dandan, Hou Maojiang, Wang Lu, Pan Yujie, Li Li, Tong Zheng, Shi Xueting, Li Chao, Ou Liangxue, Zhang Shuzhen, Yao Shuye, Zhang Zongguo, Yu Zhengwei, Wang Xiaowei
Collaborators: Shanghai Dachuan Architects (building renovation), Jisheng Landscape (construction)
Address: Wanda Gold Street, Wanzhou District, Chongqing
Area: 2,400㎡
Photos by: Prism Photography
Text by: mooool


审稿编辑 王琪 –  Maggie

更多 Read more about:  WTD 纬图设计机构



  1. 当我们去到一个所谓的市井街巷,常常会觉得这里的市井生活很棒,很有烟火气。但我们没有站到本地居民的角度去思考,他们常年生活的这个地方是什么心情,很糟糕很乱,坐的地方都没有。对于他们来说,它其实是很破破烂烂很糟糕的,我们不能以旅游者心态来做设计,以太过主观的观点去保留或刻意置入一些场地记忆,我们可以做的很重要的就是”激活“,让这个空间里面有活力,大家是干干净净的,舒舒服服的在这里延续生活。———–这段话说的真的很好,我们做就旧改真的很多就是带着情怀和旅游者心态去做的。

    1. 是的,之前做一个乡村公路里的休闲驿站的提升,挺大的一块地,原本的设计里就是小广场,旁边都是长得乱七八糟的绿植。做现场调研的时候那边村干部说,你们城里人平时看到的都是水泥,所以喜欢种树种花,我们这儿漫山遍野都是绿色,就想有个大点的广场给大家活动活动跳跳舞什么的,你看我们都穷的叮当响了每月还要花几百块钱请个人来打理这些草,哪有这个条件,不花钱它们都长成这个样子了,还是被野草吃了。

  2. “穿行于曲折的巷道空间,其魅力就在于,品味人间烟火,感悟邻里万家。”做旧改项目,就是应该尊重原始风貌,与传统融合共生。