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Thanks Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.
园影景观摄影工作室: 杭州永福寺位于灵隐之西约一华里处的石笋峰下,自东晋慧理禅师开山至今,已有1600多年的历史。占地三百余亩,建筑群落依山而起,全寺分为普圆净院、迦陵讲院、资岩慧院、古香禅院、福泉茶院等五个开放院落,拥有七进、五殿、三堂、两阁、两楼、五亭,以及千余棵古树名木,是杭州市佛教界恢复的规模最大的寺院之一。以下图片由园影景观摄影工作室拍摄提供。
Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio: Located at the foot of Stalagmite Peak in the west of Lingyin, Yongfu Temple in Hangzhou has a history of more than 1,600 years since it was founded by Zen Master Huili in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Covers an area of three hundred mu, building community mountain, divided into general round net of the temple courtyard, and ling speaking, YanHui courtyard, the ancient temple, the spring tea house such as five open courtyard, has seven went to the house, five, three hall, two cabinet, two buildings, five kiosks, fomous trees and thousands of trees, is one of the largest temple in hangzhou clergy to recover.The following pictures are taken and provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.
▼依山势建造的古建 An ancient building built against a hill

▼两侧排列的石塔和小沙弥石像 Stone pagodas and small sami statues are lined on both sides

▼傍晚的光影倾泻更添禅意 The pouring of light and shadow in the evening adds to the zen

▼青山翠林中的寺院提供一方幽静的天地 The temple in the verdant hills and forests offers a retreat

▼依山势雕刻的佛像巧夺天工 The Buddha is carved against the mountain with exquisite workmanship

摄 影:园影景观摄影工作室
Project Name: Hangzhou Yongfu Temple
Location: No. 16, Fayun Lane, Lingyin Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City
Project Type: Temple
Area: more than 300 acres
Photographer: Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio
更多 Read more about: 园影景观摄影工作室