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Thanks yǒu Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by yǒu Landscape.



yǒu Landscape: Located in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, Changning County is a multi-ethnic mountainous agricultural county rich in cultural and tourism resources. The county town is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the “Youdian River,” a first-level tributary of the Lancang River and known as the mother river, flows through the valley. Thanks to the development of agriculture, the core area of Changning County Town has retained thousands of acres of farmland, forming a pattern of alternating fields and towns. However, Changning faces prominent problems: 1) The expansion of the town exerts pressure on the protection of farmland; 2) Before 2019, Changning County was still a “national-level impoverished county.” How to bring greater welfare to the local people through green mountains and clear waters, and achieve synchronous transformation and improvement of the economy, ecology, and society is a common problem faced by underdeveloped areas in the west.


▽一期水环境生态治理示范园鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽二期茶韵公园鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽三期星河田野鸟瞰 Aerial view


挑战 Challenges



In 2015, Changning formulated a strategic guideline of “promoting the development of the tourism service industry and the organic integration of the primary and tertiary industries by comprehensively improving the living environment.” The design team was invited to Changning and found five major issues and contradictions in the living environment through field research: 1) The contradiction between protecting the rural space squeezed by the town and expanding the composite functional space of ecology and recreation; 2) The past straightening and channelization of the main stream and tributaries of the Youdian River, resulting in insufficient flood prevention and drainage capacity during the rainy season, and the contradiction of not meeting the landscape effects and water-related needs during the dry season; 3) The contradiction between water pollution and agricultural production, urban water use, and environmental features; 4) The contradiction between the increasing demand for leisure tourism and the lack of urban ecological open spaces and public service facilities; 5) The contradiction between the relatively sparse distribution of the Han nationality and ethnic minorities in residence, and promoting ethnic harmony and strengthening local identity.

To solve the above problems and contradictions, relying on the inherent characteristics of Changning’s landscape, and the beautiful scenery of the Youdian River, the design team formulated a “three-in-one” strategy that takes the comprehensive management of the Youdian River basin as the entry point, integrating water conservancy facilities improvement, water environment restoration, and waterfront landscape creation. This aims to fully integrate pastoral scenery, natural environment, and urban landscape, to comprehensively improve ecological infrastructure and living environment, presenting an overall style of “interlaced fields and towns, interwoven towns and forests, and interdependent towns and water,” and a park pattern of the whole region, laying a good foundation for the development of Changning’s tourism service industry and the realization of the goal of all-region tourism.


▽公园和农田的结合 A combination of parks and farmland

▽向日葵田 Sunflower field

策略与途径 Strategies and Approaches


The “three-in-one” strategy has strong innovation in China’s river basin management and ecological landscape practice. It emphasizes the integration of three professions: water conservancy, environment, and landscape, changing the past practice where the three were managed by different departments, independently designed by different design units, and implemented by different construction units. First, the government set up the Youdian River Comprehensive Management Project Engineering Management Bureau by drawing on relevant personnel from various departments, and then a well-equipped design team formulated a comprehensive plan covering the whole region and the entire cycle, which is conducive to better phased implementation and construction in the later stage.


▽昌宁县城全域公园体系 Changning county whole area park system



1) In terms of improving water conservancy facilities: The Youdian River is the main flood prevention task of Changning’s small and medium-sized rivers. Traditional river management methods such as straightening and channelization have highlighted problems. The original flood prevention level of once in ten years can no longer meet functional needs. Re-river management according to ecological principles has become the first task of small and medium-sized river basin management. The design will improve the city river’s flood prevention level from once in ten years to once in twenty years, while setting up lakes and wetlands on tributaries such as Qingzhen River and Houxiao River to play a role in storing and detaining instantaneous floods, alleviating the flood discharge pressure of the main stream of Youdian River; 2) In terms of water environment restoration: On the basis of improving urban and rural sewage interception facilities, the construction of farmland surface flow wetlands, submerged flow wetlands, and lakeshore wetlands will systematically solve the problems of agricultural non-point source pollution and village life sewage; 3) In terms of creating waterfront landscapes: According to local conditions, the existing resources of farmland and river channels are utilized and transformed to form modern public spaces that are integrated into the environment, reflect regional characteristics, and embody the spirit of the site (Figures 1~3).


▽水利系统规划图 Planning diagram of water conservancy system

▽水环境系统规划图 Planning diagram of water environment treatment system

▽滨水景观系统规划图 Planning diagram of landscape system


项目以右甸河7.5 km核心段为主轴,以右甸河绿道公园贯通南北,连接水环境生态治理示范园、运动公园、茶韵公园、星河田野等各个开放空间,逐渐形成由多条河流廊道及多个公园构成的全域公园,宛如一条串联城乡的“翡翠项链”。

The project takes the 7.5 km core section of the Youdian River as the main axis, with the Youdian River Greenway Park running through the north and south, connecting various open spaces such as the Water Environment Treatment Demonstration park, Sports Park, Chayun Park, and Starry Field Park, gradually forming an all-regional park composed of multiple river corridors and several parks, resembling a “Emerald Necklace” that on the pastoral urban edge.


▽串联城乡的“翡翠项链”Emerald Necklace on the pastoral urban edge

▽位于右甸河上游的水环境生态治理示范园 Water Environment Treatment Demonstration park located in the upstream of Youdian River

▽位于右甸河中游的茶韵公园和远处的星河田野 Chayun park in the Center of Town and Star Field Downstream


实施亮点 Implementation Highlights

1. 水资源管理与水环境治理 

昌宁旱雨两季分明,雨季(5月初—10月下旬)降水量约占全年降水量的80%,旱季仅占20%。针对水资源全年分布不均的情况,设计团队一方面通过局部拓宽、分流等手段提升主河道以及主要支流水系的防洪标准,另一方面在支流与右甸河干流交汇前增加了3处包含湿地或湖面的蓄滞洪区,常水位水域面积约30 hm²,可额外容纳水量26.6万m³,能在雨季蓄滞瞬时径流,从而显著减小雨洪风险,并在旱季为上下游的公园持续提供景观用水。



Water Resource Management and Water Environment Governance

Changning has distinct dry and rainy seasons, with the rainy season (early May to late October) accounting for about 80% of the annual rainfall, and the dry season only 20%. In response to the uneven distribution of water resources throughout the year, the design team, on the one hand, improves the flood prevention standards of the main river channel and the main tributaries by means of local widening and diversion. On the other hand, three flood storage areas including wetlands or lakes have been added before the tributaries converge with the main stream of the Youdian River. The water area at the normal water level is about 30 hm2, which can accommodate an additional 266,000 m3 of water. It can store instantaneous runoff during the rainy season, thereby significantly reducing the risk of rain floods, and continuously provide landscape water for parks upstream and downstream during the dry season.

After research, the main sources of water pollution are the scattered domestic sewage from surrounding suburban villages and concentrated resettlement points, as well as the tail water from agricultural irrigation. The governance plan includes: 1) Improving the sewage interception main pipeline along the river in the urban area; 2) For villages, adding decentralized treatment facilities to connect the collected domestic sewage to the sewage interception network, and finally to the south city sewage treatment plant, and expanding and transforming the existing sewage treatment plant, increasing its treatment capacity from 10,000 m3/d to 40,000 m3/d, and the water quality standard is also improved from Grade 1B to Grade 1A.

While the sewage interception and treatment facilities in the villages and towns are improved, the wetland park as a flood storage area also plays a role in optimizing the water environment. The design team introduces two tributaries of the Youdian River into the Water Environment Treatment Demonstration park located upstream, and purifies the water quality through a wetland system composed of farmland surface flow wetlands, submerged flow wetlands, and lakeshore wetlands, removing the domestic pollutants and agricultural non-point source pollution from the upstream villages. The resulting landscape water with better than Grade III water quality is collected into the lakes in the park and replenishes the landscape water bodies of other parks downstream .


▽人工湿地系统流程图 Diagram of constructed wetlands system


2. 功能复合的农田生态景观



Functionally Integrated Agricultural Ecological Landscape

The natural embrace of mountains, water, and the town forms the excellent spatial foundation of Changning. To ensure the preservation of precious farmland while also alleviating ecological pressure and meeting people’s recreational needs, the design team has taken a comprehensive consideration of the farmland areas adjacent to the north and south of the county town. They have endowed these areas with ecological and recreational functions without encroaching on the basic farmland.

1)Landscape the agricultural infrastructure, redesign and construct irrigation channels, farm roads, and ridge paths near the core area of the park or the main tourist routes, ensuring that they integrate more harmoniously with the park’s appearance while maintaining agricultural production ;


▽景观化的灌溉渠和周围的农田 Design improved landscape of irrigation canal and surrounding farmland





2)Rotate the cultivation of crops with strong ornamental value in some farmland areas, operated as a whole by agricultural companies, to increase seasonal ornamental landscapes and also generate some income to support the operation and maintenance of the park;

3)Connect the ponds and wetlands between the farmland and the park through seasonal waterways. The entire capillary system is not treated with anti-seepage or hardening, and a variety of trees, shrubs, and grasses are planted along the waterways, ensuring the dominance of native plants in the community evolution. These areas are free of roads, reducing human disturbance and thus forming a biological corridor that connects the site and a larger surrounding area. This provides a living environment and migration channels for local insects, animals, and birds, helping to reduce the impact of agricultural production on biodiversity. It also offers visitors a more ecological viewing experience.


▽联系公园、农田和自然的生物廊道 Biological corridors linking parks, farmland and nature



Based on the above measures, the establishment of a comprehensive wetland system, agricultural ecological corridors, river islands, and floodplains forms a transition zone between urban areas, fields, and nature. This not only ensures agricultural production and the agricultural economy but also provides a safeguard for biodiversity and the stability of ecosystems. Thus, a sustainable river and farmland ecosystem is constructed, capable of spontaneously adjusting to future disturbances and continuously evolving and optimizing over time.


▽农业湿地公园布局示意 Agricultural wetland park layout


▽农业湿地公园生态水系统规划 Ecological water system planning of agricultural wetland park

▽农业设施 Agriculture Facility

▽湿地植物 Wetland Plants


3. 文化符号及隐喻

虽然在公元前就有哀牢人在此繁衍耕作,但昌宁并不是一座历史文化名城,所以在公园的文化传递方面没有非常独特的元素,同样也没有过多的历史保护限制。因此,设计团队有机会用当代的审美和设计语言来谱写今天的昌宁,并为未来的昌宁提升文化自信并提供发展机遇。为了用隐喻方法再现“天光云影”的昌宁山水田园景象,并在有机但无序的农田肌理上标识出公园的场域,从而传递出代表农业的秩序感与安全感,设计师以场地中最显著的清真河为轴线排布了50 m×50 m的方格网,并在交汇点上设置了一系列的云亭和作为区域地标的云塔,构成了具有时代性的大地景观。“云”构筑采用三维空间网架结构,能够呈现较为显著的体量但保持轻盈和透明的质感,灵感正是来自从飞机上俯瞰时漂浮在昌宁广袤田野上的云朵。

Cultural Symbols and Metaphors

Although the Ailao people had been cultivating and living here since before the Common Era, Changning is not a famous historical and cultural city, so there are no very unique elements in the cultural transmission of the park, nor are there too many historical preservation restrictions. Therefore, the design team has the opportunity to compose today’s Changning with contemporary aesthetics and design language, and to enhance cultural confidence and provide development opportunities for the future of Changning. To metaphorically reproduce the “sky light and cloud shadow” of Changning’s landscape of mountains, waters, and farmlands, and to mark the park’s domain on the organic but disordered farmland texture, thus conveying the sense of order and security representative of agriculture, the designers arranged a 50 m × 50 m grid network along the most prominent Qingzhen River on the site, and set up a series of cloud pavilions and cloud tower as regional landmarks at the intersection points, forming a contemporary landscape of the earth. The “Cloud” structures use a three-dimensional spatial network structure that can present a significant volume while maintaining a light and transparent texture, inspired by the clouds floating over the vast fields of Changning when viewed from an airplane.


▽云亭模式图 Cloud Pavilion Mode Diagram

▽云塔分解图 Decomposition Diagram of Cloud Tower

▽广袤田园中点缀的云构筑“Cloud” structures studded on the field

▽散步的当地人 Strolling local

▽云亭下瑜伽 Yoga under the cloud pavilion

在功能上,“云”构筑为游人提供了点状的休憩场地,而构筑之间的联系形成了独立于农业生产之外的游览交通。结合不同的场地条件,云亭呈现出不同的形态,并提供了不同的功能,如水中亭、古井亭、樱花亭、依田亭等。云塔位于轴线顶端,塔高20 m,矗立湖滨,共5层可供游客登临,内置雾喷系统,开启时水雾与河谷升腾的雾气融为一体,夜间灯亮,呈现剔透之感,让云塔成了公园乃至昌宁的新地标。

Functionally, the “Cloud” structures provide point-like rest areas for visitors, and the connections between the structures form a tourist traffic independent of agricultural production. Combined with different site conditions, the cloud pavilions present different forms and provide different functions, such as water pavilions, ancient well pavilions, cherry blossom pavilions, and field pavilions, etc. The cloud tower is located at the top of the axis, 20m high, standing by the lake, with 5 floors for visitors to ascend, equipped with a fog spray system. When activated, the water mist blends with the rising fog of the river valley. At night, the lights are on, presenting a translucent feeling, making the cloud tower a new landmark of the park and even Changning .


▽云亭 Cloud Pavilion


▽融入晨雾的云塔 Cloud Tower blended in the morning fog


▽云塔湖影 Lake and Tower


▽夜晚的云塔 Cloud tower at night



4. 城乡与民族的融合

主轴线南侧起点是向城市开放的公园入口,北侧则一直通向山脚的回族村寨,整条轴线两侧种满了云南冬樱花(Cerasus cerasoides (D. Don) Sok.),每逢冬末春初都会变成一条粉色的长廊,被称为“樱花之路”。这条轴线前身是一条汇入右甸河的灌溉渠——清真河,因水系统改造而局部改道,从而变成了城北区域的一条主要通道,承担起城镇居民和村寨居民日常生产生活的步行交通功能,也成了人们休闲聚会以及民俗活动的集散场所。籍此,回族聚居区与县城这2个原本相对独立的片区通过樱花之路联系起来,各族民众的生活也在田园和公园中得以融合,进而促进各民族的交流,减少隔阂。

Integration of Urban and Rural Areas and Ethnic Groups

The starting point of the main axis on the south side is an open park entrance facing the city, while the north side extends all the way to the Hui ethnic village at the foot of the mountain. The entire axis is lined with Yunnan winter cherry blossoms (Cerasus cerasoides (D. Don) Sok.), which turn into a pink corridor at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, known as the “Sukura Blossom Avenue”. The predecessor of this axis was an irrigation canal flowing into the Youdian River – the Qingzhen River, which was partially rerouted due to water system renovation, thus becoming a main thoroughfare in the north of the town, bearing the pedestrian traffic function for the daily production and life of urban and village residents. It has also become a gathering place for people’s leisure, gatherings, and folk activities. Through this, the Hui ethnic residential area and the county town, which were originally relatively independent areas, are connected by the Cherry Blossom Path. The lives of people from various ethnic groups are integrated in the fields and parks, thereby promoting exchanges among all ethnic groups and reducing estrangement.


▽从公园通向回族村寨的樱花之路 Sukura Blossom Avenue connecting the park and the Hui Village


▽樱花之路上的劳动者 Laborers on the cherry blossom road

▽夏天的樱花之路 Sakura Avenue summer



The practices centered around water, including the utilization of water resources, water environment governance, the functional integration of agriculture, and the construction of public recreational spaces, have made the social and cultural impact of the Youdian River project far exceed the dimensions of an environmental remediation project. It has realized the profound connotation of the life community of mountains, waters, forests, fields, and lakes.


▽人行桥 Bridge


▽穿过湖的新人 Weding on lake



5. 茶韵公园


Chayun Park

Chayun Park is located in the core area of the county town, covering an area of about 25 hectares. It was transformed based on an old park, and through the planning of the water supply system and the connection of the upstream and downstream landscape water systems, its water cycle’s self-purification ability and stability are ensured. By transforming the original water surface and lotus pond into two lakes, north and south, the water level difference between the two lakes promotes water dynamics and also forms a water curtain corridor that visitors can pass through. The new Chayun Park presents a traditional water town style, with water covering 60% of the park’s area. There are many arched bridges, plank roads, and pavilions distributed along the water, and two building groups are embedded at the north and south entrances, serving as tea museums and food alleys, allowing the park to better integrate into cultural and life scenes.


▽茶韵公园鸟瞰 Aerial view of Chayun Park

▽傍晚的茶韵公园 Chayun Park in the evening

▽茶亭构筑物 Tea Pavilion Structure



The park’s design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also serves the local community by providing spaces for cultural appreciation and culinary experiences. The integration of water features and green spaces creates a serene environment that reflects the harmony between nature and urban life. Chayun Park has become a vital part of the urban landscape, offering residents and visitors a place to relax, enjoy the beauty of the water town, and engage with the local tea culture and cuisine.


▽上下湖区水帘长廊示意图 Upper and lower lake District water curtain corridor schematic

▽水帘长廊 Water curtain corridor

▽茶韵公园水岸 Chayun Park waterfront

6. 星河田野公园


Starry Field Park

Starry Field Park is located on the southern side of the county town, with a base of 160 hectares of farmland. The design has re-planned the originally scattered and unsystematic irrigation ditches, introducing overflowing lake water from upstream to form a field starry river that takes into account productivity, ecology, and experience. Not only does it form a corridor conducive to biodiversity in the countryside, but it also establishes a meandering waterway and water tour route for people to play in. Visitors can paddle on the water, delve into nature, seek the fun of the fields, and even watch the stars at night, showcasing traditional agricultural culture in the vast fields.


▽灌溉水系与航道结合 Integration of irrigation water system and waterway

▽星河田野河道鸟瞰 Aerial view


7. 结语




From the initiation of planning and design at the end of 2015 to the basic completion by 2020, the Changning Youdian River Ecological Landscape System, with a total investment of approximately 600 million yuan, has finally transformed from a blueprint into reality. This green necklace embedded between mountains and waters, and in the heart of the town, has begun to exert its significant influence. It has effectively alleviated the urban-rural contradictions during the process of urbanization development, turning the pastoral town into a park town with alternating fields and towns. It has brought remarkable ecological benefits, recreational services, and economic impetus to residents, tourists, and the entire city, preliminarily achieving the goal of providing comprehensive service support for the development of all-region tourism.

The park system, which has been put into use gradually since 2017, has completely changed the situation of the county town lacking public recreational facilities and functions, and has helped the development of Changning in many ways: In October 2017, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China officially awarded Changning the title of “National Garden County Town”; In 2020, the “Youdian River Rural Ecological Tourism Area” with the Youdian River Park System as its core was designated as a national AAAA-level scenic area; In 2021, the Youdian River was shortlisted as an excellent case of “Beautiful Rivers and Lakes” by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Thus, through the comprehensive management and development with water as the pulse and ecological landscape as the overall plan, Changning, this small town on the frontier, has transformed into a pearl of the western Yunnan.





公司网站::#小程序://元有景观/AQJYQFkfavFcfZy (请在手机端打开)
设计团队:元有(成都)规划设计有限公司 / 方案:蒋侃迅、刘宇、张敏敏、郝阳;施工图:肖志军、胡偲佶、姚俊华、李敏、张瑾;水工专业:钟磊、侯建龙;水环境专业:宋应明、曾新泉、廖伟炎
建筑面积:总体规划范围约 470 hm2,核心建设区域约 45 hm2

Project name: Youdian River Park System
Project type: Landscape Design
Design: yǒu Landscape Architecture Design Ltd., Co.
Website: #小程序://元有景观/AQJYQFkfavFcfZy (Please open on mobile devices)
Contact e-mail: 3830744@qq.com
Design year: 2015-2018
Completion Year: 2019
Leader designer & Team: yǒu Landscape Architecture Design Ltd., Co./ Concept: Jiang Kanxun, Liu Yu, Zhang Minmin, Hao Yang; Construction Drawings:Xiao Zhijun, Hu Siji, Yao Junhua, Li Min, Zhang Jin; Hydraulic Engineering Specialty: Zhong Lei, Hou Jianlong; Water Environment Specialty: Song Yingming, Zeng Xinquan, Liao Weiyan
Project location: Changning County, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province
Gross built area: The overall planning scope is approximately 470 hectares, and the core construction area is about 45 hectares
Photo credit: Yuanyou Team Self-Photographed 、Arch-Exist
Partner: Architecture:Hydraulic Engineering Specialty: Beijing Dongfang Lihe Landscape Design Co., Ltd.; Water Environment Specialty: Zhongshan Environmental Protection Industry Co., Ltd.
Construction Company: Beijing Oriental Landscape Co., Ltd.
Clients: Changning County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Changning Youdian River Town Core Section Comprehensive Management Project Construction Management Bureau




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