中国 - 南京



ZOOM Architecture Photography Studio was founded in 2015. It is a photography studio focuses on Architecture, Landscape architecture and Interior. Yang Lei, the founder of ZOOM, has the design experiences on more than hundreds of projects in Class-A design institute for ten years, the design and management experiences on more than ten projects in foreign-invested quality real estate firm for seven years, and the shooting experiences on more than hundreds of projects while being an architecture photographer in part-time for ten years. The studio has a professional architectural photography team, all members of which have specialized backgrounds in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Film and Television Post-production of respect. The team includes former designers of overseas big-name design company, former group leader on post-production of animation company, also the chief engineers of design department in well-known real estate development company. What makes ZOOM has capacity to provide a full range of professional services is a strong professional background and highly sensitive on design, a rich experience in cooperating with developers/design institutes and in shooting on hundreds of projects (many of them won various awards), a powerful in schedule implement.

主要合作单位:ALCA、奥雅、Belt colins、柏涛、Cicada、笛东、泛亚、IF、金宸、科美、朗道、三研堂、赛瑞、QATG、现代设计、张唐、中外建、绿都、银城、华发、普利斯。

The main cooperator: ALCA, 奥雅L&A, Belt colins, 柏涛PT Design, Cicada, 笛东DDON, 泛亚EADG, IF, 金宸Kingdom Architecture Design, 科美KMCM, 朗道LANDAU, 三研堂San Yan Tang, 赛瑞Sira, QATG, 现代设计Xian Dai Architectural Design, 张唐Z+T Studio, 中外建China Construction International Co.,Ltd., 绿都LVDU, 银城Yincheng, 华发Huafa Group, 普利斯Place Design Group.
