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Thanks VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects).
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects):阿特拉斯酒店位于越南会安的老城区,该地区自从被联合国教科文组织正式列为世界文化遗产以来,便得到了迅猛的发展。近些年来,大部分的老房子已经被改造成商店和餐馆,服务于日益旺盛的旅游产业。项目所在的街区以其美丽的瓦片屋顶和内部庭院景观而闻名,这为内外空间提供了良好的空间品质。但由于场地内混乱的商业流线,这种品质已经慢慢被侵蚀。如此以往,老城区的生活便会失去其原本平静祥和的魅力。
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects): ATLAS HOTEL HOIAN is located in Hoi An’s “Old Town; an area which has rapidly grown since it was officially named by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Recently, most of the ancient houses have been converted into shops and restaurants that serve the daily influx of tourism. The neighborhood is well known for its beautiful tiled-roof scape and its internal courtyards that provide a layered spatial quality between the inner and outer spaces. This quality has been slowly eroded due to chaotic commercial flow. As a consequence, Old Town has lost its charm of a calm and peaceful lifestyle.

Located in an irregular plot of land, the designapproach of Atlas Hotel is to turn this constrain into its unique character. The linear layout is divided into several internal courtyards, and by lifting the building above the site, it completely freesthe ground floor to create an inter-connected network of courtyards. Thisspatial quality reflects the dynamism of the new Hoi An but also retains the charm of the Old Town.

The five story hotel includes 48 guest rooms as well as various leisure functions such as restaurant, café, rooftop bar, spa, gym and swimming pool. Due to the complexity of the site, each guest room is shorter and wider than typical hotel rooms. Rather than a problem, this presented an opportunity for the rooms to have greater access to greenery not only from the bedroom but also from the bathroom.

酒店建筑立面覆盖着当地的砂岩块,与裸露的混凝土板和走廊沿线的植物群相结合设计。植物沿着酒店的整个立面布置,不仅可以遮阳,还能引导凉爽的空气来帮助空间通风。阳光可以透过穿孔石墙进入到建筑中,也不会阻挡空气流通。为最大限度地减少空调的使用,设计提倡自然通风。绿色自然元素的使用体现了VTN Architects工作室的设计理念以及之前“花盆”住宅的设计概念:将绿色融入设计,以此作为振兴城区和促进社会进步的一种方式。阿特拉斯酒店的核心是将人与自然重新联系起来。
The building façade is clad with locally-sourced sandstone pieces used in combination with an exposed concrete slab and a series of planters along the corridors. The planters are arranged along the entire façade of the hotel not only provides solar shading but also allows cooler air to ventilate the spaces. In addition, the perforated stone walls admit daylight without blocking air flow. This scheme allows the place to be naturally ventilated to minimize the use of air conditioner. The use of these green and natural elements embodies the particular interest of the office and the House for Trees concept: to integrate greenery into design as a way to rejuvenate urban areas and to contribute to societal improvement. At its core, Atlas Hotel reconnects man with nature.
▼地面层平面图 Ground Floor Plan
▼客房层平面图 Typical Room Plan
▼屋顶平面图 Roof Plan
项目名称: 会安阿特拉斯酒店
客户: DANH有限公司
建筑事务所: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
室内设计: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
主创建筑师: Vo Trong Nghia, Tran Thi Hang
设计团队: Le Thanh Tung, Pham Huu Hoang, Nguyen Thi Ha Vi, Le Thanh Tan, Nguyen Ngoc Thien Chuong
摄影: Hiroyuki Oki
状态: 2016年5月完成
类型: 休闲酒店
地点: 越南岘港省会安
场地面积: 1.348 m2
总建筑面积: 3.115 m2
Client: DANH Co., Ltd.
Architect Firm: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
Interior Design: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
Principal architects: Vo Trong Nghia, Tran Thi Hang
Design Team: Le Thanh Tung, Pham Huu Hoang, Nguyen Thi Ha Vi, Le Thanh Tan, Nguyen Ngoc Thien Chuong
Photography: Hiroyuki Oki
Status: Completed in May 2016
Program: Hotel & Leisure
Location: 30 Dao Duy Tu, Hoi An, Quang Nam, Viet Nam
Site Area: 1.348 m2
GFA: 3.115 m2
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