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Thanks Ludwig Godefroy Architecture for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ludwig Godefroy Architecture.
Ludwig Godefroy Architecture:该项目(Casa en los Cocos)位于墨西哥尤卡坦州梅里达历史中心的南部。项目的设计基于场地本身的尺度,即长 70 米、宽 8 米。
Ludwig Godefroy Architecture:Casa en los Cocos is located in the south of the historic center of Mérida – Yucatán, in Mexico. The design of the project comes from the proportion of the land itself, 70mts long x 8mts wide.
▽住宅平面图 floorplan – Casa en los cocos

The narrow proportion of the land creates a strong vanishing point effect entering the site. The project responds to this perspective crossing from side to side, materializing it with water guiding everywhere through the whole house.

The project consists in a serie of fragmented pavilions, inspired by prehispanic architecture and organized around a water mirror and a swimming pool. Two bedrooms pavilions with its private gardens are placed on both side of this perspective, in order to create a big protected void at the very center.

Casa en los Cocos is looking for a strong sensation of interiority on the outdoor, to let the garden embrace people and each spaces of the project. The central living area pavilion, social part of the house floats above this garden, widely open, letting the air breeze crosses.

Casa en los Cocos 是围绕其消极的空隙空间构建的住宅,而这正使这些空间变得与主要的建筑空间同等重要。开放与封闭之间的对比也界定了公共区域与私人区域之间的边界,住宅就像一个开放的中央广场,将所有私人空间连接在一起。这里是项目的核心,也是社交活动空间的交汇点。
Casa en los Cocos is structured around its negative void space, which is becoming as important as its positive pavilions built space. The contrast between open and closed defines also the border between public and private areas, a house as an open central agora connecting all the private spaces together. This is the heart of the project where social life converges.

Taking the land proportion as a starting point for the design, and creating this intimate central agora, the whole ground floor with its garden are becoming a large strolling area. Facade isn’t needed anymore. The garden is the living area, inviting people to a meditation walk through.

The project is getting rid of the unnecessary to focus exclusively on elemental elements, towards simplicity. This research of simplicity is leading the design to a clean and abstract architecture, composed entirely of massive materials such as concrete, wood and stone. All those materials are able to get old and better looking under the action of time, rather than getting damaged.

The concept of time is becoming part of the architecture. The time as if it would be a material, following the purpose of stepping back to this old and simple idea to let the “patina of time” be part of the project.

▽立面图 facades- Casa en los cocos

▽剖面图 section – Casa en los cocos

项目名称:Casa en los Cocos
地点:墨西哥 梅里达
建筑设计:Ludwig Godefroy Architecture
首席建筑师:Ludwig Godefroy
照片:Rory Gardiner
Project Name: Casa en los Cocos
Location: Mérida, Mexico
Architects: Ludwig Godefroy Architecture
Website: http://www.ludwiggodefroy.com/Ludwig_Godefroy/inicio.html
Lead Architect: Ludwig Godefroy
Photographs: Rory Gardiner
“ 设计在狭长的空间中进行建筑设计,利用水景引导视线,并巧妙地布置生活和活动空间,将场地劣势转化为了项目亮点。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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