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Jaque Studio:该单层住宅的空间布局呈“L”字形展开,建筑朝北,坐拥一片天然水体或“岩洞”,并充分利用周围郁郁葱葱的丛林景色。设计多采用狭长的空间布局,可以使每个空间都有充足的自然光线和交叉通风。甚至,四间卧室的浴室也被设计在半室内-室外的私人露台上,将热带环境完美地融入建筑中。
Jaque Studio: Designed on a single level with an “L” layout and a north orientation, the house was built to embrace the existing natural spring or “cenote” and take full advantage of the views of the surrounding jungle. The design incorporates a mostly narrow section, allowing ample natural light and cross ventilation in each of its spaces. Even the bathrooms of each of the four bedrooms are designed in indoor-outdoor private patios, seamlessly blending the tropical environment into the house’s architecture.
▽项目概况 Project Overview

该住宅(Casa Tropical)参考了墨西哥庄园与乡村别墅的设计方式,串联起整座房屋的主走廊也可以作为一个大的露台,用作生活空间。房子采用单层设计,高高的天花板可以为室内空间带来凉爽,并提供更加广阔的外部视野。
The main hallway, which connects the entire house, also serves as a large terrace, reminiscent of Mexican haciendas and country houses, where this type of space typically functions as a living area. The house, being designed on a single floor, allows for high ceilings, providing cooler interior spaces and offering wide views towards the exterior.
▽泳池 Swimming pool

▽可作为生活空间的走廊 A corridor that can serve as a living space

The property is completely self-sufficient and off the grid, producing its own energy with a battery and solar panel system. It also treats its black water with a network of wetlands and takes advantage of on-site water through filtration and softening equipment. In addition, an impressive 77% of the surface area of the property has been preserved with pre-existing trees and vegetation.

Casa Tropical在建设过程中使用了当地的建筑方案和饰面,如石灰石和chukum,但主要的元素是木材。展望未来,我们相信木材将成为21世纪的主要建筑材料。它是一种可再生资源,重量轻,碳排放量低,其物理特性使其成为抵御该地区气候条件的理想选择。木材的使用也有助于创造一个温暖舒适的环境,对居住在这类空间中的人的健康大有好处。
For the construction of this project, local construction solutions and finishes such as limestone and chukum were used, but the main element is wood. As we look to the future, we believe that timber will become the dominant building material in the 21st century. It is a renewable resource, lightweight, with a lower carbon footprint, and physical properties that make it ideal for withstanding the climate conditions of the region. The use of wood also contributes to creating a warm and comfortable environment, with proven benefits for the health of those who inhabit these types of spaces.
▽卧室外走廊 Corridor outside the bedroom

▽卧室内部 Inside the bedroom

▽浴室,半开放式设计旨在与环境相融 Bathroom

▽特色摆件 Featured decorations

▽户外厨房 Outdoor kitchen

Casa Tropical is a project that extends across the landscape, seeking to capture the beauty that the site offers. It is a building that is placed on the terrain as a spectator of the natural context, with materials and finishes that blend in with the environment and where each space offers an opportunity to disconnect, relax and enjoy.

▽卧室外走廊上的视野 View from the corridor outside the bedroom

▽灯光下的温暖氛围 The warm atmosphere under the lighting

▽楼层平面图 Floor Plan

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称:Casa Tropical
地点:墨西哥 金塔纳罗 图卢姆
建筑设计:Jaque Studio
设计团队:Jesus G Acosta、Simona Lasauskaite、Miguel Carrillo
客户:Fatima Villareal
建筑商:Jorge Kelleher
室内设计:Daniela Parra
景观设计:Rosario Ojeda
家具:Daniel Orozco
摄影:César Béjar
Project Name: Casa Tropical
Location: Tulum, Quintana Roo, México
Construction completion date: November 2022
Current Status: Construcción terminada / Built
Construction surface: 580m2
Architectural Design: Jaque Studio
Design Team: Jesús G Acosta, Simona Lasauskaite, Miguel Carrillo
Website: www.jaquestudio.com
E-mail: info@jaquestudio.com
Instagram: jaquestudio
Client: Fatima Villareal
Builder: Jorge Kelleher
Interior design: Daniela Parra
Landscape design: Rosario Ojeda
Furniture: Daniel Orozco
Photography: César Béjar
“ 项目坐落在一片临近天然水体的热带树林内,设计师利用可再生资源木材作为主要建筑材料,秉承低碳的设计理念,使建筑、自然环境相融共生。”
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