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Thanks Topotek 1 for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Topotek 1.
Topotek 1:Høje Tastrup Downtown 是丹麦一个新开发的城市社区,其愿景是成为一个中央绿色核心,并通过开展各项活动和融入城市文化来重新激活城市。该项目在满足住房需求的同时,还考虑了社会、经济和环境的可持续发展。
Topotek 1:The vision for Downtown Høje Taastrup, a newly developed urban neighbourhood in Denmark, is a central green core that reactivates the city through activity and urban culture. The project responds to the need for housing while considering aspects of social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The master plan focuses on a new city park. Containing play areas and sports facilities as well as green spaces and path connections, it offers various leisure options for both in- and outdoors. Through the holistic urban design approach of an active and coherent centre – a place of interaction between architecture, landscape, urban space and programme is created.

With an exemplary approach to climate resilience, the public space is disguised as the world’s longest skatepark. The topography leads and detains rainwater, while serving as a great recreational space for residents and visitors.

考虑到气候变化可能带来的强降水影响,雨水管理被纳入设计并成为项目的核心特征:沿场地分布着数百米长的沟渠、配套的蓄水池和雨水花园。这些雨水被灌溉到绿地,并进一步流入露天雨水池,而其余雨水和废水管道则从场地下方穿过。整个滑板公园长达一公里,能够应对高达 6500 立方米的暴雨量。
Considering the intense precipitation that is expected due to climate change, the water management is the central feature of the design: hundred metres of ditches, complementary reservoirs, and rain gardens are situated along the site. Rainwater is irrigated to the green areas and further on to an open rainwater pond. Additional rain- and wastewater pipes run below the site. Along its total length, the skatepark stretches up to a kilometre, ensuring the capacity to handle frequent rainstorms up to 6500 m3.
▽沿活动场地分布的沟渠 Ditches along the site

▽设计效果图,雨水储存示意 Design renderings, rainwater storage schematic

▽设计平面图 Plan

项目名称:Downtown Høje Taastrup
地点:丹麦 Høje Taastrup
客户:Høje Taastrup Municipality
景观建筑:Topotek 1
竞赛:2011 |一等奖
Project Name: Downtown Høje Taastrup
Location: Høje Taastrup, Denmark
Planning: 2011-2022
Completion: 2022
Size: 5,7 ha
Client: Høje Taastrup Municipality
Landscape Architecture: Topotek 1
Collaboration: Cobe, Ramboll, Glifberg-Lykke
Competition: 2011 | 1st Prize
“ 未来的城市空间应当具备应对更多潜在变化的功能,也需要从更大层面上进行设想和考虑。”
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