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Práctica Arquitectura:站在房屋顶端的露台上,360° 的丘陵、山脉和山脊美景将用户与地平线连接起来。住宅室内设计别具一格,浓郁的红色氛围、庭院和景观空间带给人一种更平静、更亲密、不受干扰的生活感受。
Práctica Arquitectura:The 360° views of hills, mountains, and ridges connect the user with the horizon from the terrace at the top of the house. The interior is distinct, with robust reddish atmospheres, patios, and landscaped spaces that invite a calmer, more intimate, and unplugged life.

Ederlezi 是巴尔干半岛和土耳其地区庆祝春天到来的重要节日,它通常以音乐、舞蹈和鲜花来打破冬季的灰暗。这座红色的住宅也恰如其名,绿色植被与红色墙壁,以及庭院中的火山岩和大门形成对比,均试图在建筑中延续万物复苏的春季所带给人的温暖与活力。
Ederlezi is the name of the celebration that marks the beginning of spring in the Balkans and Turkey. As a break from the gray winter, it manifests itself with music, dance, and flowers. The contrast between the greenery of the vegetation with the red tones of the walls, the tezontle in the garden and the doors, seeks to perpetuate the warmth and movement of that season of awakening.

It emulates memories of desert and Mediterranean landscapes present in conversations with clients during the design process. From the particularity of its volumetrics and the mysteries and surprises that define its paths, the personality of the house is constructed, deeply similar but also different from its context. It combines classic elements of northwestern mexican architecture, like the base and proportions of the openings, with more abstract contemporary features.

该住宅建在蒙特雷市圣佩德罗加尔萨历史中心一块宽 5 米、深 20 米的狭长地带上,建筑师通过沿边界的路线和服务结构以及一个中央庭院来组织空间,并以庭院将住宅分为了前后两个部分。面向街道的部分包含入口门厅、车库、客房和屋顶露台;第二部分位于庭院后方,包含起居室、餐厅、厨房、标志着建筑边缘的蓝色露台,以及可以进入景观阳台的主卧室。虽然整体设计布局源于一系列合理的方形序列,但该部分更具活力,设有台阶、平台、重叠的大门,以及以红色“之”字形结尾的卷轴,这些都起到了封闭街道的作用。建筑立面的独特设计巧妙地解决了当前对遗产和保护的限制。
Built on a narrow plot of five meters wide and twenty meters deep in the historic center of San Pedro Garza in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, the house is organized by means of a structure of circulations and services along the boundaries and a central courtyard that divides the program into two volumes. The first, facing the street, contains the entrance hall, garage, double-height guest room with a mezzanine, and a rooftop terrace. At the rear, the second volume contains the living room, dining room, kitchen, a blue patio that marks the edge of the property, and the main bedroom that has access to a landscaped terrace. While the layout is born from a rational sequence of squares, the section is more dynamic with steps, platforms, overlapping gates, and scrolls ending in a red zigzag that functions as a containment towards the street. The façade neatly resolves the current restrictions on heritage and conservation.

Ederlezi 住宅迎接了在不断发展的城市中遗产区住宅所面临的挑战和机遇,调和了空灵开放空间的流动性和私密性等概念,通过在住宅内部建立边界,将日常生活与街道隔离开来。
Embracing the challenges and opportunities of housing in heritage areas in growing cities, the Ederlezi house reconciles notions such as the fluidity of an ethereal and open space with the privacy that allows a separation of daily life from the streets by creating a boundary around what happens inside.

The project seeks to blur the routine from the diversity of experiences it offers and, in turn, rethink the cadastral condition of the long and narrow plots in this area as a fertile typology to explore with volumes that are perforated, carved, and excavated in a stereotomic dialogue between the personality of the user, the house, and the mountain.

▽设计图纸 Design drawing
地点:墨西哥 新莱昂 圣佩德罗加尔萨加西亚
建筑师:David Martínez Ramos
设计团队:Alejandro Gutiérrez
景观:Oswaldo Zurita
摄影:César Béjar、Apertura Arquitectónica、Dove Dope
文本:Pablo Goldin
联系:Práctica Arquitectura
Project: Ederlezi
Location: San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México
Year: 2019-2022
Surface (plot, built area): 120 m2 / 160 m2
Typology: Residential, Single – Family Home, Home
Architect: David Martínez Ramos
Design Team: Alejandro Gutiérrez
Construction: GC3
Landscape: Oswaldo Zurita
Photography: César Béjar, Apertura Arquitectónica, Dove Dope
Texts: Pablo Goldin
Contact: Práctica Arquitectura
Mariano Matamoros 421, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L.
81 2719 2192
“ 中央庭院将住宅分为两个部分,将私人生活区域和公共区域分隔开来,通过在住宅内部建立边界,又将日常生活与街道隔离开来。”
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