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Thanks Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd.
Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd:该项目位于新加坡中央商务区的黄金地段塞西尔街158号。是一个私人的垂直绿化景观,各种色调和颜色的植物覆盖在现有的墙壁和柱子上,垂于7层高的中庭,宛如绿色瀑布。
Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd:158 Cecil Street is located within the prime area of Singapore’s Central Business District. It is a private oasis of vertical green landscaping where tapestries of plants of various hues and colours clad the existing wall spaces and columns within the existing 7-storey atrium.
The layered façade of alternating vertical glass panels allows daylight into volume of the space. At night, the internal space is lit to create an impression of a greenhouse. A system of catwalks behind these green walls allows for simple and safe maintenance. The irrigation system for some plants is neatly camouflaged behind the vertical green walls to water some 13,000 plants. The existing beams have been utilised as skywalks and catwalks to provide access to the plants at every level of planting.
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项目名称:Cecil Street 158号
设计公司:Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd
首席建筑师:AgFacadesign Kelvin Kan
Project name: 158 Cecil Street
Completion Year: 2012
Project location: Singapore
Landscape Architecture Firm: Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd
Website: https://tierradesign.com.sg/
Contact e-mail: design@tierra.com.sg
Lead Architects: AgFacadesign Kelvin Kan
Clients: East Coast Cisse Investments Pte Ltd.
审稿编辑:Via Wang
更多 Read more about:Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd