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ASPECT Studios:位于澳大利亚布里斯班市的安街80号(又称Heritage Lanes)办公项目,由 Mirvac、M&G、伍兹贝格和ASPECT Studios合作设计完成,重构了布里斯班大都会商业区中心的办公目的地。
ASPECT Studios:Designed in collaboration with Mirvac, M&G, Woods Bagot and ASPECT Studios, Heritage Lanes at 80 Ann Street is the ultimate destination that reimagines the workplace environment in the heart of Brisbane’s metropolitan business district.
Mirvac集团高瞻远瞩的项目愿景,促使着项目顾问团队们通过领先的技术、绿色基础设施和设计创新来显著减少布里斯班的碳足迹。因此,Heritage lane在最近澳洲前沿的新建筑和主要改造的建筑评级工具—— “绿色之星建筑”中获得了最高评级。
Mirvac Group’s vision pushed the boundaries to significantly reduce Brisbane’s carbon footprint through leading technology, green infrastructure, and design innovation. As a result, Heritage Lanes has the highest rating of the Green Building Council’s newly released ‘Green Star Buildings’, Australia’s leading rating tool for new buildings and major refurbishment.
This 35-story building responds to the subtropical climate yet remains progressive and forward thinking with its sustainable design which has transformed the day-to-day office life into a multi-functional, responsive, and flexible space that increases productivity and promotes wellbeing.
Green infrastructure technologies have been developed to respond to climate conditions and create a breathable, open environment that successfully unlocks valuable public space for community use.
We’re excited to see this precinct become a transformational hub for Brisbane City. The centre will provide new spaces for gatherings, workshops, to education and community events creating cultural and social benefit across the city.
Thank you to our collaborators: Woods Bagot
景观设计:ASPECT Studios
摄影师:Florian Groehn
Project Name: 80 Ann Street
Project Location: Brisbane, Australia
Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios
Architecture Team: Woods Bagot
Photographer: Florian Groehn
Design Year: 2019
Year Built: 2022
“ 设计将日常办公生活转变为一个多功能的、相互链接的、灵活的城市公共空间。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: ASPECT Studios