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Thanks Farmerson Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by Farmerson Architects.



Farmerson Architects: This is an attempt to “open a hole in the wall”.


▽本身也是风景的景观介质 It is also the landscape medium of the landscape




The streets of our cities should be considered a public space. People can encounter, walk and relax in this public space, and where appropriate, we want this public space to be relaxed and free. However, most street spaces, often satisfied only with the rush of traffic and pedestrian traffic, the standard road cross-section, car traffic, pedestrian traffic, greenery and fences, constitute the tedium of these spaces, giving the impression of not being relaxed or free, as if shouting at people using such streets: “What are you doing wandering around blindly? You are not welcome on the street!” A few years ago, the public administration may have realized the “inhumanity” of these streets and put forward the slogan of “open a hole in the wall”, claiming to open up the walls to allow more outdoor space in the neighborhoods and compounds to be incorporated into the public space of the city. However, for a variety of reasons, this policy which is thunder is loud and the rain is light . It ended without a hitch. The new crown epidemic is raging and various fences are established out of the need for control, and this policy is more likely to be implemented in the opposite direction.


▽改建前的街边 Street before reconstruction


▽改建后的街边 The reconstructed street



有没有“破”和“围”两全的办法?Is there a solution to both “break” and “surround”?



Farmerson Architects made an attempt in a small street in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province:

Ordinary one street with no trees on the side of the road. The sidewalk turned into a small square, two rows of gushing springs bubbled up from the road, and there were children playing in the shuttle. The enclosure, built with U-shaped glass, is backed by tall poplar trees, whose shadows spill onto the translucent U-shaped glass, forming a slanted natural note. Five boxes of clear concrete, breaking through the continuous fence, through its transparent glass, the trees behind the fence and the water pond landscape accepted to reveal in, and the box, someone sitting idly, or end or crooked, all become the scene in this box.


▽初升的太阳与喷泉、方框 The rising sun, fountain and box


▽光影斑斓的街边公园 Street Park with Colorful Light and Shadow


▽围而透的界面,成为多功能的空间,也是广告的载体 The surrounding and transparent interface has become a multi-functional space and a carrier of advertising


▽玻璃砖及U型玻璃,为这个“客厅”增添了别样的光线质感 Glass bricks and U-shaped glass bricks add a different light texture to this living room


▽树林的光影落在清水混凝土框及木制座椅上 The light and shadow of the forest fall on the fair-faced concrete frame and wooden seat



▽旱喷泉成为老少皆宜的街边风景 The Dry Fountain Becomes a Street View for All Ages


▽坐着看孩子们戏水 Sitting and watching the children play in the water


▽冬季做了防冻设施的喷泉依然喷涌,为单调的北方风景增添活力Fountains with anti-freezing facilities still gush in winter, adding vitality to the monotonous northern scenery



原来不是这样的。It turns out that this is not the case.


Our cities, especially in the north, are often divided by a variety of walled “compounds”. Roads and streets, which are connected to these compounds, are lined with walls on both sides of the road, except for the green belts, which are either wide or narrow.Even some free open parks are surrounded by walls, and there is always some separation between public and private. The same is true for the side of this yet-to-be-named street in Cangzhou. There is a celebrity botanical garden south of the road, which has open water and lush greenery, a public free park, but there is a fence blocking pedestrians walking on the street from sharing it at will. A friend’s company developed and built a residential area on the north side of the street, claiming to be adjacent to a park, but in many places you also have to walk several hundred meters to access this park.


▽傍晚,这里成为附近社区集聚的活跃场所 It became an active place for nearby communities to gather In the evening


▽人们可以坐在方框内看建筑上的影片 People can sit in the box and watch the movie on the building


▽温暖的街边风景伟 Warm street scenery


▽杨树的竖向与围墙上落水柱形成关联 The vertical direction of poplar is related to the water column on the fence




Guo Xi of the Song Dynasty discusses the “feasible”, “desirable”, “tourable” and “livable” nature of landscape, expressing the aesthetic orientation of the “gentleman” towards the forest and springs. Being faced with the not-so-special “landscape” of the botanical garden, the designer’s strategy is to create an interface that allows “walking, looking, traveling and living”, so that the city and the landscape on both sides of the interface can make peace and live together as a mutual landscape. The first step is to open the fence and place five identical fair-faced concrete boxes, taking the view as “looking” and sitting as “living”. The second, enclosing the fence with U-shaped glass establishes a medium that can carry the light and shadow of branches and leaves, and also allows the concrete frame to take a more focused view, and actually preserves a clear physical boundary in urban management. The third, in the middle of the box on both sides, there are three concrete columns with water falling down, to complete the needs of the office building on the scenery “Feng Shui”, but also to achieve the image of high mountains and flowing water. Finally, leaving a stone paved clearing for the curb to allow the maximum possible leveling space for possible multifunctional activities. Only, making two dry fountains, dynamic gushing water, active this piece of open space, so that people entering this site in the “walking” in the “traveling”, ordinary daily life, but also can have more color.


▽晨曦中灯光亮起的小公园,是街道与大公园的转换器 The small park lit up in the morning light is the converter between the street and the big park


▽五框破晓 Five-frame dawn map


▽月亮下的街边风景,给人以温暖 The street scenery under the moon gives people warmth




丹麦建筑师扬·盖尔(Jan Gehl)说过:“判断城市质量高低的方法,不是观察多少人在步行,而是调查他们是否把时间花费在了城市中,如停留、观望或坐下来享受城市、风景和纷繁的人群。”我们希望通过设计和建造这个小型的街边口袋公园,也能达到诸如此类的效果,为沧州市的城市质量,添点儿力量。

Designing, in fact, is solving practical problems. The designer was initially given the task of “building a counter-view, preferably with a water feature” for the office and sales headquarters of a developer friend on the north side of the street. At the same time, because of the non-main street nature of this street, there is a demand for temporary use of the vast road surface as a gathering square. The office building with rotating advertisements and a large screen that shows a movie every night in order to gather popularity also needs a platform space where the show can be viewed. The design basically meets all of the above needs, but not only. The “open a hole in the wall” initiative has actually greatly extended the “Feng Shui qi” of the site, breaking the barrier of landscape access and allowing the symbiosis of street, park and office elements. Thus, it has become a small warm “outdoor living room” in the city.


▽沧州街边小公园总平面图General Plan of Small Park on Cangzhou Street

▽沧州街边小公园放大平面图 Enlarged plan of Cangzhou street park

▽正立面图 Positive elevation

▽剖面分析图 Profile analysis drawing



项目名称: 沧州街边线性口袋公园
事务所网站: www.farmerson.cn
主创建筑师: 房木生

Project Name: A Small linear park on the street of Cangzhou.
Project type: Landscape/ reformation
Project Location: Cangzhou, Hebei Province
Design unit: Farmerson Architects
Website: www.farmerson.cn
Email: fms2008@126.com
Chief Architect: Fang Musheng
Design team: Fang Musheng Zhou Qiang, Ma Jiale,Deng Wei
Owner: Hebei Tiancheng Real Estate Development Co.
Cost: Rmb 930,000
Completed status: Completed
Design time: September 2019 – April 2020
Construction time: May 2019 – July 2020
Land area: 763m²
Building area: 45m²
Photographers: Jin Weiqi、Fang Musheng




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