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Shma Company Limited:友邦保险东门户(AIA East Gateway )是位于曼谷邦纳地区的新型办公楼。该建筑通过将自然和绿色空间融入建筑,强调员工的幸福感。

Shma Company Limited:AIA East Gateway is a new model of office building located in the Bangna area. This building emphasizes the well-being of office employees by integrating nature and green spaces into the building.


▽兼作生物蓄水池的水景花园 Waterscape Garden


▽项目所在城市环境 Urban context


员工福祉 People Wellbeing 


“The scientist who specializes in workplace management and wellbeing stated that developing work efficiency and improving the well-being of employees cannot be separated. When employees have good physical and mental health, they can work more efficiently, decreasing the average of sick leave, as well as a reduction in resignations.”


▽内部舒适的办公休闲环境 Leisure environment inside the office building


作为办公楼内工作生活的延伸,地面、裙房和空中阳台的周边景观不仅为人们提供了放松的氛围,还提供了促进身心健康的活动区域,如室外运动区——400 米长的红色跑道与绿色植物形成鲜明对比,以及室外健身设施、乒乓球台、室内健身房,甚至还有一个海水游泳池。

As an extension to working life within the building, the surrounding landscape on the ground, on podiums, and sky balcony do not only offer a relaxing atmosphere for people, but also provide areas to promote physical and mental well-being; such as an outdoor exercise area featuring a vibrant red running track contrasted with greenery along 400 meters, an outdoor fitness, table tennis, indoor fitness, and even a saltwater swimming pool.


▽作为工作生活空间延伸的楼台空间 As an extension of work and living space


▽海水游泳池 Saltwater swimming pool


▽健身红色跑道 Red running track


▽室外健身设施 Outdoor fitness facilities


白天,员工还可以切换工作的环境氛围。​室外协同工作区环绕在自然怀抱之中,该空间的设计旨在让用户能够在自然环境中进行讨论、交流。这有助于提高人们的注意力,减少疲劳感,同时提高工作效率与创造力,相关研究表示,其提高的幅度约为 15%-20%。

During the day, employees can change their atmosphere for working. The space was designed to allow the user to come out to discuss in the outdoor Co-Working Area, which is surrounded by nature. It can help to increase concentration, reduce fatigue, enhance work efficiency, and creativity by approximately 15 – 20%.




There are areas to promote Social and Community well-being for employees, with meeting pavilions, resting pavilions, walking meeting routes, and dining tables.


▽楼宇间的各种功能凉亭 Functional pavilion between buildings


另一个设计的亮点则是城市农耕角,这里种植了丰富的可食用植物,可供员工采摘和享用。采集植物、共同烹饪、打理农场等活动可以成为增进员工感情的社交时刻。研究发现,拥有一个可食用的花园可以使人们的健康水平提高 15%。

Another highlight is the urban farming corner with abundant edible plant species to be harvested and enjoyed by people working here. Activities of gathering plants, cooking them together, and taking care of the farm can be bonding social moments. Studies have found that having an edible garden can improve people’s health by up to 15%.


▽城市农耕角,可食用花园 Urban farming corner, edible garden


自然福祉 Nature Wellbeing 

由于邦纳地区位于海平面以下 0 至 0.5 米,加之快速增长的经济与高密度建筑使得城市土地在降雨时缺乏吸水空间,进而导致该地雨季洪水频发。

‘‘Bangna’ district has an elevation of only 0 to 0.5 meters above sea level. Rapidly growing economic with high construction density would result in lacking space to absorb water during rainfalls which leads to frequent flooding’


▽场地环境分析图 Site Condition


友邦保险东门户大楼不仅强调了人的福祉,还致力于以自然为基础的解决方案来解决洪水易发地区的问题。​整体设计确保该物业可在暴雨期间作为蓄水区使用 4 个月,最高蓄水量达 1161.25 立方米。该设计的重要关键在于自然蓄水池和生物沟渠,它们不仅提升了周边区域的景观氛围,还起到了项目蓄水区的作用。

AIA East Gateway building not only emphasizes well-being but is also dedicated to addressing the issue of flood-prone areas with nature-based solutions. The design ensures that the property can serve as a water retention area during heavy rainfall for 4 months and store up to 1,161.25 cubic meters of water. The significant key of the design is the natural retention pond and the bioswale, which not only enhance the ambiance of the surrounding area but also function as water retention areas for the project.


▽以自然为基础的水资源管理分析图 Nature-Based Water Management Diagram


▽大楼入口景观 Entrance landscape


▽自然蓄水池 Natural retention pond



The natural retention ponds also serve as a rainwater harvesting area and upcycle the water. All of the green spaces within the project are designed as Rain Gardens capable of capturing and slowing down water flow. These gardens feature can also filtering dust and contaminants before allowing the water to flow into natural ponds. This is achieved through long bioswales which are designed like streams amidst green vegetation. Those parts help to trap pollutants and slow down the water initially, then stored in rain harvesting tanks and undergo a nature-based purification process. The purified water is reused for various activities within the project, such as irrigating the plants.


▽自然蓄水池 Natural retention pond


凭借这些具有环保意识并优先考虑用户福祉的设计,友邦保险东门户大楼达到了 WELL 建筑标准(该标准根据七个核心理念对建筑进行评估:空气、水、营养、光线、健身、舒适和心灵)。它还获得了能源与环境设计先锋(LEED)建筑认证,这不仅有利于建筑的使用者,也有利于社区和周边地区的居民。

With these design that is environmentally conscious and prioritizes the well-being of its users, the AIA East Gateway building has achieved the WELL Building Standard, which assesses buildings under seven core concepts: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Fitness, Comfort, and Mind. It also received the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Building Certification, which is beneficial not only to the building’s users but also to the people in the neighborhood and the surrounding area.


▽灯光设计 Lighting design


▽各活动模块 Programming Diagram-Activities


▽平面设计图 Plan




项目地点:泰国 曼谷 邦纳 Khwaeng Bangna Debaratna路989号,邮编10260

景观/建筑事务所:Shma Company Limited
首席设计师:Prapan Napawongdee
景观设计师:Katavet Sittikit, Phat Chapanon, Ginsupa Tantiprasong, Rattnin Peewsook, Sorat Sitthidumrong, Sumonpan Kong-u-thaikul

施工经理:Anongnard Jungmongkolsawat
园艺师:Supaluk Paorik, Jakkrapan Kongklum
平面设计师:Thanaphum Thongprasert 和 Chidapa Phruetthithananon
建筑设计:Creative Crews Ltd
机电:Meinhard (Thailand) Ltd.
C&S工程:Meinhard (Thailand) Ltd.

图片来源:W Workspace, Nawin Deangnul 和 Napon Jaturapuchapornpong

Project name: AIA East Gateway
Completion Year: 2023
Size: 16,143 sq.m.
Project location: 989 Debaratna Rd, Khwaeng Bang Na, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260 Thailand

Landscape Firm: Shma Company Limited
Website: https://shmadesigns.com/
Contact e-mail: pr@shmadesigns.com
Lead Architects: Prapan Napawongdee
Landscape Architect: Katavet Sittikit, Phat Chapanon, Ginsupa Tantiprasong, Rattnin Peewsook, Sorat Sitthidumrong, Sumonpan Kong-u-thaikul

Construction manager: Anongnard Jungmongkolsawat
Horticulturist: Supaluk Paorik, Jakkrapan Kongklum
Graphic Designer: Thanaphum Thongprasert and Chidapa Phruetthithananon
Clients: AIA Group
Architect: Creative Crews Ltd
M&E: Meinhard (Thailand) Ltd.
C&S Engineering : Meinhard (Thailand) Ltd.

Photo credits: W Workspace, Nawin Deangnul and Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
Photographer’s website: http://www.wworkspace.com/




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