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Thanks BCQ arquitectura barcelona for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by BCQ arquitectura barcelona.
BCQ arquitectura barcelona:这个项目被称为考古公园:为了让现有的考古遗址被大众所知晓而进行的一系列活动,同时也为了重建和适应城堡附近的老城区的公民和城市生活。
BCQ arquitectura barcelona:This project is call Archaeological Park: a series of actions carried out in order to make the existing archaeological sites to be known, but at the same time, redevelop and adapt to civic and urban life the old city adjacent to the castle.
Key interventions have included the redevelopment, the night lighting and street furniture. Through the quartered stones of the pavement, the construction of a set of viewpoint-platforms, care in the night lighting and also through graphic explanation stations and the use of interactive electronic technologies (mobile phones), and cultural information is provided in an urban culture in which civic and commercial life is still fully active.
▼分区平面图三 Part Plan 3th▼沿街立面 Elevation
日期: 2003 – 2012年
地点: 西班牙
客户: Calafell市议会
承包商: Viopisa. Amc5
预算: 2.532983c
面积: 13.682平方米
Date: 2003 – 2012
Site: Calafell. Tarragona. Spain
Client: City Council Of Calafell
Contractor: Viopisa. Amc5
Budget: 2.532983c
Area: 13.682m2
Status: Built
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