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ECÒL:Aria 是为意大利福洛尼卡港口地区的 Bugiani 中学设计的户外教室。


ECÒL: Aria is an outdoor classroom created for the Bugiani middle school in Follonica.

The project’s idea was to maximize the existing qualities of the territory and to create a space that could take advantage of the existing conditions in order to offer students a wide range of experiences.



在当地政府的委托下,该项目为应对疫情期间校园中出现的种种问题,与Arcobaleno协会进行了宝贵的合作,该协会多年来一直从事户外教育培训工作。项目场地的选择经过了师生的交流和协商,与福洛尼卡前 Ilva 地区的特殊环境相适应。


The project, strongly desired by the city’s administration, as a response to the problems generated by Covid 19 in schools, saw the precious collaboration of the association Arcobaleno, which has been engaged for years in the training of teachers for outdoor education. The choice of the site, which took place in consultation with teachers and students, fits into the particular context of the ex Ilva area in Follonica.

Inside this former industrial park, the classroom is positioned among a crown of maritime pines as a cover between the school and the library building. The project is therefore inscribed in a circle whose circumference touches the trunks of the trees.





The classroom is designed so that the measurement between the various seats ensures the distancing protocol but at the same time allows a unitary reading of the multiple platforms.

The classroom was designed with the desire of creating a multidirectional space, going beyond the traditional classroom layout that is monodirectional and hierarchical and by creating seating able to provide freedom of expression to the students.




To construct the platforms, laminated wood beams were used, hinged by threaded steel bars. The treatment of the fixing system and the HEA profiles for resting on the ground are a tribute to the area’s productive past.





项目地点:意大利 Follonica

首席建筑师:Emanuele Barili、Olivia Gori
客户:Municipality of Follonica
合作伙伴:Cooperativa Arcobaleno
图片来源:Agnese Morganti、Comune di Milano

Project Name: ARIA
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: 50 m²
Project Location: Follonica, Italy

Landscape/Architecture Firm: ECÒL
Website: https://ecol.studio/
Contact e-mail: info@ecol.studio
Lead Architects: Emanuele Barili, Olivia Gori
Clients: Municipality of Follonica
Collaborators: Cooperativa Arcobaleno
Photo Credits: Agnese Morganti, Comune di Milano
Photographer’s Website: https://aggiemorganti.com/




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