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Thanks El Equipo Mazzanti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by El Equipo Mazzanti.
El Equipo Mazzanti:Bicentenario公园毗邻独立公园,位于波哥大城市国际中心第5至第7Carrera之间,在第26街公共交通系统的主干道上,是该中心改造工程的一部分,也是改造工程中最重要的公共空间之一。这个公园试图整合两个多年来由于20世纪的道路工程而产生的隔离状态已经恶化了的部分。这是一个城市和景观项目,将重建位于Calle 26和Carrera Septima的一系列公共空间和设施,其中最主要包括国家图书馆、波哥大现代艺术博物馆、圣地亚哥神庙和独立公园等。
El Equipo Mazzanti:The Bicentennial Park, adjacent to the Independence Park, is located in the International Center of the city of Bogotá between the 5th and 7th Carreras, on the trunk with the Mass Transit system of 26th Street, and is part of the works renovation of the center, which rebuilds one of the most important public spaces in the city. This park seeks to integrate two sectors that, over the years have undergone processes of deterioration due to an isolation that was born because of the road works carried out throughout the twentieth century. It is an urban and landscape project that allows restructuring a series of public spaces and facilities located on Calle 26 and Carrera Septima, but mainly the National Library, the Museum of Modern Art in Bogotá, the San Diego Temple and the park independence, among others.

Bicentenario公园连接了对波哥大塔纳文化具有重要历史意义的街区或部门,它们囊括了代表波哥大身份的标志性建筑,如Rogelio Salmona和Monserrate的现代艺术博物馆,以及公园南面的天文馆和独立公园,北边是Salmona的托列斯公园,东边是斗牛场,西部是一个重要的商业区,Colpatria塔。所有这些具有象征意义的建筑都对我们的城市在世界和我们自己的公民面前的形象产生了很大的影响。
The bicentennial park connects neighborhoods or sectors that have historically been important for the Bogotana culture since they contain emblematic buildings for our identity such as the Museum of Modern Art of Rogelio Salmona and Monserrate, to the south of the park, the planetarium and the Independence Park. north, the Torres del Parque by Salmona and the bullring to the east and an important commercial sector with the Colpatria tower to the west. All these emblematic buildings have had a high impact on the image of our city before the world and before our own citizens.

As previously described, the biggest challenge was not necessarily formal or technical, but was more related to maintaining the traditions of the city, while proposing a functional space, and a citizen meeting space that fosters relationships and actions that contribute to the improvement of our society. Being a connection point that would be so important for these emblematic buildings, the community of the Torres del Parque had different opinions regarding the proposed design, since, with the best intention, these inhabitants ensure to maintain the tradition in this area and the integrity of the different architectural works that compose it. Apart from this there were two challenges, one was the large number of levels that had to be solved with the design, this was what determined the strategy of the fringes. And two of how to develop a green landscape on a concrete plate.

The choice of brick is related to the previous description, Bogotá is a brick city par excellence, and the two works that finally connect the park are Salmona, the architect who has made history in Colombia with the use of brick in the architecture. The choice of this material was a way to give continuity to these two spaces and buildings created by Salmona, and to continue with the tradition of a whole city in a contemporary way.

© Alejandro Arango

After several analyzes among them, the study of the existing topography at that time, the coordination with the road geometric design team and urban services networks, we established intervention parameters that determined the way to recompose and weave relationships between the two banks of the intervention, in a patrimonial sector. Bearing in mind that the objective of the intervention is to generate the total connection of the two sides, it is decided that stepped fringes will save the differences in level in the north and south as well as the slope of the sector, allowing a connection not only to spatial level, but of activity, since the fringes allow to have different types of squares of permanence and enjoyment of the space, which are interconnected with the city at a longitudinal and transversal level through ramps or stairs.

© Alejandro Arango

The 26th street, through an artery that was covered, connects east and west, with lanes to the center of mass transport, mixed lanes parallel to the previous ones and concertantes with the seventh race, also via artery, on the north and south sides; therefore, within the challenges related to this road, they were, the slope of this towards the east because the park is very close to the eastern hills, so the option to depress the road was not convenient, because it would generate in a stretch of the road a steep slope, which is not convenient for the transit of the buses of the TRANSMILENIO mass transit system, in the same way, this road located in a very consolidated area, whereby the public networks of the surrounding neighborhoods existed, some of which they moved, however the inconvenience of not being able to move a tube of the aqueduct network was presented. For which the proposed strips should be raised on the road, allowing a galibo of urban main road, with the aggravating that on the south east side, there is the Museum of Modern Art, area in which the slope was stronger, therefore the architecture team, raised the option of only deepening the mixed transit lane on the south side to reduce the impact on the south-eastern side, which was accepted, and later on working tables with the museum, it was possible to generate the connection direct from this one with the park.

© Alejandro Arango
The landscaping was divided into the two types of areas proposed in the project, those of circulation / permanence and contemplation. In the zones of permanence strips of grass were arranged, in the ones of circulation it was proposed Yarumos, for being proper of the Andean region, as also for its slenderness, fast growth and of superficial root, they are trees that can grow on the bridges and are light because its trunk is hollow. For the contemplation areas Initially we tried to recall the traditional Bogota gardens, however after the revision and teamwork of the proposal with the Botanical Garden, entity in charge of advising and approving the species that are used in the public green areas, they were defined groups of companion and / or complementary plants of differentiated growth, in order to never depopulate the landscaped area and have low maintenance, these groups were also divided into plants on natural slope, artificial slope or on plate. Among the species used are Bergenia cordifolia and / or Bergenia crassifolia, Chlorophytum comosum green, Allium sp, Philodendron xanadu, Dryopteris filix-mas, Salvias sp, Pennisetum villosum sp, Carex sp, Cortaderia selloana, Iris dutch.

© Alejandro Arango
Bogotá is increasingly a cosmopolitan city full of nightlife, culture and restaurants. The park speaks of a new way of seeing the tradition that is so strong and conservative in our city, it is a proposal to connect us in a more daring way, opening spaces for everyone and for all activities, putting at the center of the tradition a point of reflection, views and encounter.

© Alejandro Arango

▼设计图 Drawings

© El Equipo Mazzanti
© El Equipo Mazzanti

名称: Bicentenario公园
日期: 2016年
合作伙伴: Rocio Lamprea, Adriana gomez, Jairo Ovalle, Susana Somoza, Nestor Gualteros, Liv Johanna Zea, Fredy Pantoja
实施者: Daniel Sierra, Julio Eduardo Velez Arenas, Luisa Fernanda Echeverry, Francisco Ricardo, Luis Alejandro Carvajal, Santiago rincon, Benjamin Osorio, Alejandra Loretto
面积: 8200平方米
类型: 公共空间
Name: Bicentenario Park
Date: 2016
Collaborators: Luz Rocio Lamprea, Adriana Gómez, Jairo Ovalle, Susana Somoza, Nestor Gualteros, Liv Johanna Zea, Fredy Pantoja
Practicantes: Daniel Sierra, Julio Eduardo Velez Arenas, Luisa Fernanda Echeverry, Francisco Ricardo, Luis Alejandro Carvajal, Santiago Rincón, Benjamin Osorio, Alejandra Loretto
Area: 8.200 m2
Type: Public Space
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