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Thanks bar bakke landscape architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by bar bakke landscape architects.
bar bakke landscape architects:布莱克法雷特幼儿园(Bleikerfaret kindergarten)计划容纳118名儿童,并要求户外区域必须符合功能空间标准,以及专门为多重障碍儿童量身定制的通用设计。
bar bakke landscape architects: The kindergarten in Bleikerfaret was intended to accommodate 118 children and had the requirement that the outdoor areas must meet the standard for functional spaces, as well as universal design specifically tailored to children with multiple disabilities.

The kindergarten is located on a west-facing slope with many large trees. Therefore, achieving good accessibility throughout the entire site was impossible.

The outdoor areas, which were prepared with impact-absorbing surfaces, were mostly concentrated around the building. Since preserving vegetation was highly valued, it was a prerequisite that the root zones of the desired trees were not disturbed. On the west-facing slope, a circular path/discovery trail was established with tree stumps, rocks, balance beams, and bushes.

When felling protected oak trees, detailed outdoor plans are required even during the regulatory phase – even if Asker municipality were to build on their own plot, and even if the area had a robust oak population.

Both bipeds and hexapods are taken care of: Dead and hollow oak trees are habitats and sources of food for a sensational number of beetles and insects. We’re talking about hundreds of species that are legally protected. Our approach, therefore, was to divide and use the two oaks that had to be felled to make room for the building as climbing and balancing structures – to the delight and benefit of both six-legged and two-legged creepy crawlies.

项目名称:Bleikerfaret kindergarten
面积:8985 m²
项目地点:挪威 阿斯克尔
景观/建筑公司:bar bakke landscape architects
首席建筑师:Kjersti Vallevik Håbjørg MNLA,Robert Norris
设计团队:bar bakke landscape architects, Linje arkitektur AS
客户:Asker municipality
合作者:Linje arkitektur AS (kindergarten)
图片来源:Tove Lauluten
Project name: Bleikerfaret kindergarten
Completion Year: 2018
Size: 8985 m²
Project location: Asker, Norway
Landscape/Architecture Firm: bar bakke landscape architects
Website: www.barbakke.no
Contact e-mail: firmapost@barbakke.no
Lead Architects: Kjersti Vallevik Håbjørg MNLA, Robert Norris
Design Team: bar bakke landscape architects, Linje arkitektur AS
Clients: Asker municipality
Collaborators: Linje arkitektur AS (kindergarten)
Photo credits: Tove Lauluten
Photographer’s website: www.tovelauluten.no
“ 一个专为多重障碍儿童设计的幼儿园活动空间。”
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