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Thanks junya.ishigami+associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by junya.ishigami+associates.



junya.ishigami+associates: The project is located in a meadow near the site of a new hotel in the natural setting of Nasu in Tochigi. Before, the meadow site was a paddy field; a forest overgrows with moss, like the present-day surroundings. Traces of the site’s history, such as a sluice gate to draw water in remained.


▼自由形态的水塘、精选树木构成了这个梦幻的水上花园  Free-form ponds and selected trees consist this dreamy water garden.

courtesy of nikissimo Inc



The site of the new hotel was once a forest where many trees would have to be cut down in order to make way for the building. Since the total area of the forest and the meadow were nearly the same, the project relocates the entire forest to the adjacent meadow. This act transforms the meadow, not only by moving the forest but also by superimposing all layers from the history of the site’s former environment the landscapes of the paddy field and the mossy forest are overlapped as one.


▼森林里的树木被选型编号后迁移到临近的草甸上  Trees in the forest are moved to the adjacent meadow after being selected and codified.

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▼每棵树木都做了编号记录  Carefully codification of trees.

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▼场地断面  Site sections.

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Landscapes that were originally here, but never met, mix and mingle with each other. Trees from the adjacent forest are rearranged on the site and water is drawn in from the existing sluice gate to fill countless ponds, which are all connected to the existing irrigation system with water flowing continuously at different rates.


courtesy of nikissimo Inc
© ji+a



The ponds and trees are spread across the entire site at a density that is never found in nature. Moss laid out beautifully to fill the spaces in between. Without adding or discarding anything that was here, a hitherto unseen new nature appears on the site.


▼大小不一的石板引导游客穿行  Stone slabs in different sizes lead people to go through.

courtesy of nikissimo Inc


▼场地上苔藓铺设精美,填补了小水荡和树木之间的空隙  Moss laid out beautifully to fill the spaces in between.

© ji+a



Planning landscapes as if planning architecture. Extending the scale of architecture and increasing the accuracy and specificity of the landscape are realised simultaneously. By planning specific shapes of trees and ponds, the vague scenery of the forest is given framework, and considered as a space with as much detail as possible. By moving trees to the adjacent site and rearranging them, the pieces of the puzzle are intentionally shifted. Autonomy of each tree is born. Luminous spaces appear between 318 unique tree shapes, at the same time 160 ponds are designed among these trees.


© ji+a


▼水从现有的水闸中抽取,填满了小水塘  Water is drawn in from the existing sluice gate to fill countless ponds.

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▼冬天下雪的水上公园,又是另一番景象  In winter, the snow gives water garden a new appearance.

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Trees that are moved and rearranged are all deciduous trees such as beech, quercus, and canine. These tree species cannot coexist with water in close proximity in the existing natural environment. By applying waterproofing in the ponds, this coexistence and a new relationship which never existed are created.


▼水荡剖面分析图  Pond section analysis.

© ji+a


▼池塘施工详图  Pond construction details.

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How can human beings intervene in the natural environment? Will the new nature created by them change our living environment? By planning nature in a detailed way, natural environment and human environment mingle, intertwine and merge more closely.


▼展现人与环境关系的场地剖面  Site sections express the relationship between human and the nature.

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▼场地人工干预的各种处理手法  Treatment approaches of manual intervention with site.

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▼树木移栽过程  Moving process.

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▼效果图  Perspective

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▼局部区域平面、剖面、效果  Plan, section and perspectives of local area

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▼项目区位  Site plan

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▼平面  Plan

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© ji+a




项目名称和地点:植物园艺术生物空间 /水上花园,日本枥木
设计团队:Junya Ishigami, Eiko Tomura, Taeko Abe, Lucie Loosen. Gaku Inoue, Akira Uchimura, Masayuki Asami
客户:Yokozawa Farm Inc.
承包商:Shizuoka Green Service Co.

Name and site of the project: Botanical Garden Art Biotop / Water Garden, Tochigi, JAPAN
Architects: junya.ishigami+associates
Design team: Junya Ishigami, Eiko Tomura, Taeko Abe, Lucie Loosen. Gaku Inoue, Akira Uchimura, Masayuki Asami
Site supervision: junya.ishigami+associates
Client: Yokozawa Farm Inc.
Site area: 16,670m2
Built area or Total floor area: 16,670m2
Design phase (beginning and ending month, year): 2013-2017
Construction phase (beginning and ending month, year): 2017-2018
Contractor: Shizuoka Green Service Co.


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