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Thanks Vincent Leroy for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Vincent Leroy.
Vincent Leroy:Vincent Leroy(VL)设想在美国布莱斯峡谷的悬崖之间悬挂一组转动的气泡装置,通过光学效果来审视自然。每个气泡都能捕捉到峡谷独特的橙亮色光线。
Vincent Leroy: Vl imagines a set of bubbles hanging in rotation between the cliffs of Bryce Canyon in the USA : The opportunity to contemplate nature through an optical effect. Each bubble captures the brightness of the unique orange light of the Canyon.
▽漂浮在布莱斯峡谷悬崖之间的移动装置 The mobile proposal levitating between the cliffs of Bryce Canyon

▽光的反射迷人而宁静 The light reflections are fascinating and restful

This installation makes us even more aware of the richness of this extraordinary place. The colors are shimmering, the light reflections are infinite and deep.
The effect is singular and surprising, full of contrast between the rock and the smooth surface of the spheres. This improbable association challenges the curiosity of the visitor of the place: it is totally unexpected. Like sliced loops, repetition becomes multiple and infinite. Focusing on a detail becomes captivating.
▽项目视频 The video
▽透过岩洞所看到的装置 Seen through one of the holes in the rock

▽该装置凸显了场地的岩石外观 The facility reinforces the rocky appearance of the site

▽两个宇宙之间不可能的结合物 Improbable mixture between two universes so far apart

It’s a reflection on our relationship with the speed, the distance with the reality…so essential in today’s world. VL likes to take his time, breaking down each gesture that counts in his eyes. Once again it is the subtle mix of poetry and low technology that detaches us here from the real world.
▽气泡中捕获的光线反射 Deep captured light reflections in the bubbles

▽如同悬浮于空中 Look like a levitation suspended in the air

The mobile consists of a clever PMMA bubble assembly suspended by cable from a turntable : a perfectly proportioned and balanced whole.
▽发动机的旋转非常平稳而缓慢 Engine rotation is very smooth and slow

▽装置位于一片广袤的空间中 The installation among the immensity of the place

▽无尽的反射效果 The effects are infinite

▽自然似乎变得如梦如幻 Nature seems to become dreamlike

设计:Vincent Leroy
图片:©vincent leroy
视频音效:©Jerome Echenoz/Adorable Studio
Project Name: Bubbles in Canyon : an installation of a new kind, at the limit of reality.
Design: Vincent Leroy
All image: © vincent leroy
Video sound: © Jerome Echenoz / Adorable Studio
Vedio link: https://vimeo.com/467301929
“ 峡谷中的一个气泡装置,通过光学效果思考自然。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Vincent Leroy