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Thanks Estudio Atemporal for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Estudio Atemporal.
Estudio Atemporal:该住宅项目基于一系列与了解场地发展需求直接相关的考虑因素:气候、地形、植被和日照。
Estudio Atemporal:The project is based on a series of considerations directly related to the understanding of the site for the development of needs: climate, topography, vegetation and sunlight.
The disintegration of the program into different volumes whose layout on the ground depends on the identification of large enough areas of disregard to avoid the movement of trees as much as possible was proposed.

这样的建筑布局一方面满足了在室内和室外之间形成的一系列体验和路线的潜在需求。 另一方面,其错落的位置关系也避免了建筑之间的视线遮挡,并能获得充足的日照。
Their arrangement responds to a need to generate a series of experiences and routes between interiors and exteriors that are present at all times. In turn, this location avoids blocking the views between them and seeks to have optimal sunlight.

The routes towards the different volumes allow direct contact with the environment. The house, surrounded by the forest and away from close neighbors, is a place of silence and contemplation towards nature.
The volumes blend in with the context and architecture of the area, allowing the site as such to be the main attraction.

It also has a positive impact in terms of the health and lifestyle of the occupants. The designers created the space with the natural spaces and environments of the outdoors as an important part of the project, so that it can organically change people’s lifestyles. Indoors, occupants can enjoy intimate moments free from weather conditions, while outdoors, the utilisation of space extends to the entire forest, in which they can enjoy a richer and more fulfilling life.

The house also has a number of sustainable qualities: it is built using local materials; it allows rainwater to be re-injected into the land; it recycles domestic wastewater; it uses low-energy lighting and related equipment; and it is made of ground-maintaining materials.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:Casa Mola
项目地点:墨西哥 墨西哥州 Valle de Bravo
项目面积:430 平方米
竣工时间:2023 年
施工周期:12 个月
设计公司:Estudio Atemporal
摄影师:Lgm Studio
Project Name: Casa Mola
Location: Valle de Bravo, Mexico
Area: 430 square meters
Year: 2023
Construction Period:12 months
Project Type: Residential
Design Company: Estudio Atemporal
Website: http://www.estudioatemporal.com/
Photographer: Lgm Studio
“ 住宅体量与该地区的环境和建筑风格融为一体,使场地本身成为主要亮点。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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