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Thanks YID Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by YID Studio.



YID Studio: “ Catch up on old times· Mountain and Sea Affairs ”is situated deep in the valley on the southern bank of Lugu Lake, surrounded by lush greenery, facing directly towards the Goddess Gemu Mountain and Lugu Lake. It consists of a modest residential building and a spacious campground and restaurant in front. The project itself is separated from Lugu Lake by a road and is not naturally sloping land. Instead, an artificial high ground was created through earth filling, providing “Mountain and Sea Affairs” with a beautiful view of the mountains and the lake.


▽项目视频 video



Amidst the curling smoke and the melodious chirping of birds, the hotel is immersed in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, just as its name implies: “Speaking of the scenes of playing in the mountains, forests, and by the seaside in the past, the memories are vivid and refreshing.” It aims to lead people to the freedom of the wilderness, to embrace the mundane daily life, and to establish the closest relationship between humans and nature.




“From the initial on-site survey to the construction process and the final presentation of the project, I have spent nearly two years on this land, experiencing its four seasons, living, breathing, and feeling it. This has been crucial for my design creation,” says designer Yi Ping. Therefore, he consciously connects “Catch up on old times” with real-life scenarios, discarding pretentious techniques and using a simple narrative approach to tell us stories full of everyday experiences.




A gentle breeze rustles through the reeds as you step onto the pathway, guided by the drifting willow fluff. You find yourself in the outdoor space of the hotel, standing in front of the main building – a traditional wooden house in the style of the Mosuo people. It silently faces the Goddess Gemu Mountain across the lake, welcoming every guest who enters the camp through the pathway.





Based on his experience working in Yunnan and years of life insights, Yi Ping hopes that ” Mountain and Sea Affairs” goes beyond the symbols of “homestay” or “boutique hotel” and transcends the shallow satisfaction of “tourism.” He wants everything to revolve around “residence” and uses it as a clue to explore the transformation of nature, culture, and lifestyle in the contexts of tradition and modernity.


▽设计手绘 Hand-drawn design




The hotel only has 10 rooms to ensure that each room enjoys an excellent view. Yi Ping has put considerable effort into the design of the windows, using horizontal elongated windows to limit the view and turn the window frames into picture frames, with the picturesque view of the turquoise waters of Lugu Lake becoming a flowing painting.




In Mosuo culture, all memories related to home revolve around a small hearth in the grandmother’s house. The fire burns brightly, and the tea kettle simmers with fragrance. People’s faces flicker in the glow of the fire, always serene and joyful. In Yi Ping’s eyes, this represents the tangible expression of “bustling atmosphere.” He incorporates the element of the hearth into each room, hoping that every guest who comes to ” Mountain and Sea Affairs ” can experience the often unnoticed but beautiful details of life.




The overall atmosphere of the reception area is nostalgic and rustic. Yi Ping does not deliberately avoid the traces of real life. The rich earthy tones of the rammed earth walls, the aged wooden cabinets, the slightly worn-out old tiles, locally produced wool or linen textiles… Casual arrangements highlight practicality and functionality, and every detail responds to “use” and “time.” In the evening, you can listen to the crackling of the firewood in the hearth, sit down in the ultimate ambiance, immerse yourself in meditation, and explore the true state of your inner self.




Throughout the design, the designer respects tradition, nature, and the inherent attributes of each natural material. They embrace the beauty of natural imperfections and are determined to showcase their natural aging process, highlighting the beauty of nature and authenticity. The simple and rustic interiors, the serene and pleasant objects, the interplay of fabric and light in the interior display, all exude a natural, simple, and wabi-sabi beauty. The designer intends to integrate modern minimalist leisure and vacation aesthetics with local culture, creating a unique vacation brand.






Project Name:Catch up on old times
Porject Type:B&B/Hotel
Completed Year:2022
Design Company: YID Studio
Overall Planning:YID Studio
Design Director: Yi Ping
Design Team: Chen Hongzhi, Liu Dongchuan, Li Xianlong, Meng Nanxin
Lighting Design: Ping Yi & Weike Lighting
Design Scope: Interior & Furnishing & Landscape
Project Address: Lugu Lake,Yunan
Project Area: 720㎡
Space Photography: Li Heng
Video Shooting: Liugouju & Li Heng
Video Clipping: Zouque Video




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