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Thanks Z+T Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Z+T Studio.
张唐景观:上生·新所位于上海市中心,以哥伦比亚环(Columbian Circle)为代表的20世纪初历史性街区。1953年上海生物制品研究所(Shanghai Institute of Biopharmaceuticals)在此建立,2015年撤离。2016年该区域定位成办公、商业、展览等一体的混用型历史保护街区。以哥伦比亚环为核心的一期改造于2019年完成。二期的工作范围包括孙科别墅花园景观保护性更新,以及混合型办公商业区景观设计。
Z+T Studio: Located in the inner-center area of the Shanghai French Concession and surrounded by historical mansions from the early 20th century, the Columbian Circle is a microcosm of Shanghai’s contemporary history. In the 1920s, this area was known as the Columbia Country Club, frequented by American immigrants for sports, assemblies amongst other activities. From 1953 to 2015, the Shanghai Institute of Biopharmaceuticals was located here. Dozens of offices and industrial buildings were erected, typically of the Chinese Modernist architecture style. This included the MMR vaccine manufacturing building, a turning point in Changning District upon its completion in 1965. After the Shanghai Institute of Biopharmaceuticals moved out in 2016, the site was transformed into a mixed-use urban renewal district, accommodating exhibition, office, catering and retail in these preserved and renovated historic buildings. The first phase of the renovation was finished in 2019 and well-received by the public.
▽历史上的上海法租界及上海市2035的上位规划 The historical French Concession of Shanghai and the upper plan of Shanghai 2035
Phase II development consists of the garden of Sunke Mansion and a 4-6 stories high mix-used complex south to phase I development. The open spaces between the building clusters are simultaneously fire lanes and platforms which are restricted by any occupation including furniture and planting. The service and the underground garage access are organized along the Niu Qiao Bang Road. The Columbia Circle Road is the main road connecting the phase I with the phase II.
▽目周边区位分析 Location analysis around the project
▽上生·新所建筑空间布局模型鸟瞰图 Aerial view of Shangsheng Xinsuo Building spatial layout model
▽左图:区块的总平面图;右图:二期的地面铺装层平面 Left: general plan of the block; Right: The floor plan of the second phase
孙科别墅是一个建于1930年的西班牙风格的历史保护性花园建筑。花园面积5400㎡。在严格的材料、颜色、硬质面积、植物种类限制下,改造必须和场地极度契合。微妙的道路曲线、树池大小、边界及覆盖物、微坡、水景边界的简化、草本灌木的选择,让古典元素更具现代性。为广玉兰设计的巨大的树圈(planting bed),给它的年龄和历史提供了厚实而朴素的基底。花园边界的大树下,灌木以耐阴常绿为主。孙科别墅花园景观改造在设计上的反复突破再收敛,在尊重历史与现代创新中的平衡,为上生·新所二期做出了铺垫。
The Sunke Mansion is a historical landmark designed by Laszlo Hudec in 1930. The strategy for preservation and renovation was to “repair as the original”, by maintaining the existing layout and fundamental characteristic. By removing the weeds and shrubs around the standing magnolias and providing big circular tree beds the size of the tree canopy with dark mulch, we recreate framed views from the mansion rooms. The meandering trail was rebuilt with selected earth-colored granites in traditional garden paving pattern. Besides preserving featured trees, the underwood plantings were mostly restrained with evergreen species to keep the historic plantation image on site.
▽孙科别墅花园 Sunke Mansion Garden
The mix-used complex has a new opportunity to become an ‘urban living room’ for locals and communities. Plazas with themed pavement patterns surrounded by movable planters, benches and lights create a set of ‘welcome mats’ for daily use, weekend markets or street performance. The paving patterns are also extended into the building or pavilions, connecting the interior and exterior together. The impression of ‘urban living rooms’ is present and easily recognized by visitors. For the outdoor staircase beneath the building roof, we designed a combination of forest green terrazzo bricks and woodgrain HPL boards to sit and relax on.
▽在“城市客厅”里“接待”着形形色色的人 In the “city living room” to “receive” all kinds of people
▽在办公室1:1的纸质铺装打印,研究色彩关系和大小比例 In the office 1:1 paper pavement printing, study the color relationship and size ratio
▽每一组花纹都经历了效果图、1:1纸质打印、实体打样再到落地的过程 In the office 1:1 paper pavement printing, study the color relationship and size ratio
▽铺装材料分区归类研究 Study on partition classification of paving materials
▽玉兰花园“地毯”跳色方式推敲 Magnolia Garden “carpet” color jumping method polishing
▽雨中的“城市地毯”图案 “City Carpet” pattern in the rain
▽精美的铺装与排水衔接依赖的是完美的竖向设计 The exquisite paving and drainage connection rely on the perfect vertical design
▽大台阶HPL板坐凳部分详图 Big step HPL board seat part details
▽空中连廊 Aerial Corridor
The large Camphor and Melia trees near the East entrance are preserved. The lifted wood deck between them becomes an ‘urban stage’ destination for temporary events, daily activities of nearby residents, and stays open to accommodate different uses. The enclosed space between the wood decks creates a small, quiet spot for stroller parking and accessory storage.
▽日常生活 Daily life
▽日常溜娃的树下大平台 The big platform under the tree where the kids walk every day
The fern garden is a narrow and shaded yard in between two 4-story high buildings. We chose Dawn Redwood, one of the local species as the mainly featured trees here. Over 30 species of ferns and other native shade-tolerant ground covers are chosen based on the different foliage sizes, textures, and colors. The diversity of the planting requires higher maintenance level in the future. The strategy is to organize the retails owners to join the community for the policy making. The etching pattern for the stainless-steel drainage cover is a combination of ten different types of ferns, chosen from the variety used in the garden.
▽在原生与园艺之间寻找具有“新所气质”的植物组合 Looking for a combination of plants with “new temperament” between native and horticulture
▽业主方提议、设计师手写的植物插牌 Plant placards proposed by the owner and handwritten by the designer
Columbian Circle Phase II is an urban landscape renovation and creation process that balances historical preservation and contemporary development. This project faces the dilemma between social and economical contradiction. The five years working with three design revisions gives us an opportunity to look at all the issues profoundly. Design method has been adjusted based on the new proposal, such as cooperating with local arboretum for choosing native planting species rather than the nursery. This green oasis in the high-density development in the center of Shanghai successfully attracts visitors and catalyzes diverse daily life for the surrounded communities.
▽与老小区之间的围墙边上种满了藤本月季 The wall between it and the old neighborhood is covered with vine rose
项目名称:上生·新所二期设计/ 孙科别墅景观保护性更新
Project name:Columbian Circle Phase II and Sunke Mansion Landscape Preservation and Design
Client:Shanghai vanke
Year designed:07.2019 -07.2023
Year completed:06.2024
Area:25000 square meters
Project location:Shanghai
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Landscape construction: N2-N5 Shanghai Jingyu Landscape Construction and Development Co., Ltd;N1 Hangzhou Bincai Landscape and Greening Engineering Co., Ltd
Native plant technology consultant:Shanghai Shangfang Horticulture Co., Ltd:Shen Ruixue
Lighting Design: bpi
Graphic Design: XU Studio
Landscape Soft Decoration:Hangzhou Tifanlife
Photo credits: Zhu Xia, Yao Yu, Li Yilin, Zhang Dong, Zhao Huan
“ 设计的介入与更新,旨在把景观自然而然的融入到人们的日常生活之中。”
更多 Read more about: 张唐景观