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LJ-Group: CP Headquarters landscaping project is a dynamic and versatile extension of the office environment. Situated in Dong Nai, an industrial zone characterized by rapid development, the project addresses significant challenges related to environmental sustainability and quality of life.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



Therefore, the landscape design aims to mitigate the impact of the surroundings while providing ample and high-quality outdoor spaces for the new, larger building that encourage workers to relax, socialize, connect with nature, and feel better at work, thereby enhancing their daily experiences.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



To achieve these goals, we have prioritized preserving mature trees and other existing elements, such as a central koi fish pond as part of the office traditions. The koi fish, often associated with good fortune and perseverance in Asia, serve as a focal point for annual community gatherings. These gatherings often involve employees and guests feeding the koi fish, which helps to strengthen community bonds and promote a peaceful work environment.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



Additionally, we have significantly improved the existing ecosystem by using native plants and adaptive species to ensure resilience and minimal maintenance, while also inviting new wildlife, including birds. This enhances the outdoor spaces by providing optimal thermal comfort and enjoyment, which is crucial in a region where high temperatures and humidity can affect outdoor usability.


courtesy of LJ-Group



The landscape continuity is visible from most points within the building, offering amenities for different times of the day—from a park that provides shelter during the warmest hours to a rooftop area where colleagues can enjoy the sunset. The design aims to establish a connection between the built environment and the natural surroundings, creating a landscape transition from the more urban and solid structure of the building to the more permeable from the nature park from east to the west of the site.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



The project is divided into three distinct zones: a nature park, a transition retreat space for work breaks, and a public space in the green diagonal spine embedded in the building climbing from the ground floor, all the way up to the rooftop. These areas accommodate a sequence of informal gatherings, meals, game areas, meeting lounges, BBQ yards, intimate seating spaces, and even an outdoor cinema.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



The nature park features a loop for walking, relaxing, and exercising. Customized hammocks, rooted in the regional culture, are strategically placed along the loop. As a transition, the retreat space includes a grandstand that offers the proper space for informal gatherings and meetings. The koi fish pond, a central feature of this space, creates a serene environment that enhances the overall ambiance. Shaded areas under the canopy provide cool, comfortable spots for relaxation and socialization.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



Finally, the diagonal public space connects the ground floor arrival plaza with the rooftop. It is worth mentioning, that the arrival plaza is provided with movable benches and planters. This was thoughtfully designed to adapt to various needs, creating a versatile space for both casual interactions and more structured events. The rooftop area offers spaces for events, edible community gardens, and an afterwork sunset deck.


courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group
courtesy of LJ-Group



Overall, CP Vietnam Head Office landscaping project demonstrates a thoughtful and innovative approach to landscape design. By addressing the specific challenges of the site and creating a variety of outdoor spaces that promote wellness and community engagement, creating a new set of standards for sustainable and functional office environments.


▽总平面图 Master Plan

courtesy of LJ-Group


▽分析手稿 Sketches

courtesy of LJ-Group





设计公司:LJ-Group landscape architecture
社交媒体:Instagram: @lj_group_ Facebook: LJ-Group LinkedIn: LJ-Group
设计面积:13200 m2
景观设计师:Pedro Pedalino, Daniel Alonso, Phuong Nguyen, Kha Pham, Luan Ho, Thao Nguyen
图片来源:1.Trieu Chien 2.Valor Studio
摄影师网站:1. Instagram: @trieuchien 2. Website: https://valor.studio/
摄影师邮箱:1. trieuchien92@gmail.com 2. valor.production.studio@gmail.com
客户:C.P. Vietnam Corporation
建筑与室内设计:MH Architects
照明设计:ASA Lighting Design Studios


Project Name: CP Headquarters
Office Name: LJ-Group landscape architecture
Office Website: www.lj-g.com
Social Media Accounts: Instagram: @lj_group_ Facebook: LJ-Group LinkedIn: LJ-Group
Contact email: info@lj-g.com
Office Locations: Ho Chi Minch City (Vietnam) and Porto (Portugal)
Completion Year: 2023
Design area: 13200 m2
Project Location: Dong Nai, Vietnam
Building Function: Office
Landscape Architects: Pedro Pedalino, Daniel Alonso, Phuong Nguyen, Kha Pham, Luan Ho, Thao Nguyen
Photo Credits: 1.Trieu Chien 2.Valor Studio
Photographer’s Website: 1. Instagram: @trieuchien 2. Website: https://valor.studio/
Photographer’s e-mail: 1. trieuchien92@gmail.com 2. valor.production.studio@gmail.com
Client: C.P. Vietnam Corporation
Architecture and Interior Design: MH Architects
Project Manager: ENGCORP
Lighting Design: ASA Lighting Design Studios





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