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During the dinner Design:In early 2023, Xiangshan, one of the host cities of the 19th Asian Games, launched a station creation program under the theme of “Youth and the Sea”. The “Daydream Trail” project is one of the initial batch of seven highlight stations.


▽项目视频 video



The “Daydream Trail” is located along the coastline of Songlanshan area in Xiangshan, lying adjacent to the Ningbo Xiangshan Sailing Centre. The building is a seawater tidal observation station connected to the coast by a trestle bridge.. The outward appearance does not match the appearance of the Sailing Center and is in urgent need of restoration.


▽区位关系 Location relations



For reasons of security and confidentiality, the proprietor and administrative personnel have proposed temporarily closing the tidal station and trestle bridge the public. The organizers of the Stagecoach Project competition define the site it as a fascinating and revelatory “daydream”.


▽改造前的观潮站和休息平台 Before renovation

© 席间设计



When adding depth to our design, following negotiations with the owner, we decided to add a resting pavilion on the viewing platform opposite to the sea. This design would make up for our regrets at not being able to reach the tidal station, and to provide for better views.


▽与观潮站遥相呼应的休息亭 The pavilion and tidal station

© 朱雨蒙


“梦会开出花来的,梦会开出娇妍的花来的:去求无价的珍宝吧。 在青色的大海里,在青色的大海的底里, 深藏着金色的贝一枚。”——《寻梦者》戴望舒

“Flowers will bloom from dreams,Charming, delicate flowers will bloom from dreams: Go, then, to seek your invaluable jewels. In the great blue sea, At the bottom of the great blue sea, Is hidden a gold-colored shell. “-Dai Wangshu, A Dream-seeker


▽夜幕下的海中“金贝” Golden shell on the Sea at Night 

© 朱雨蒙


诗意性叙事 A Poetic Narrative



The image of the “sea”, as soon as it appears, seems to bring with a kind of distant and unreachable hazy feelings like we find in poetry. The sea in western literature symbolizes hope and freedom, and stands for beautiful views and lofty ideals in traditional Chinese poetry.

Under the sea fog, the coastline, the sporadic mass of vegetation and the trestle bridge, the stage is laid for the “daydream” theme. We walk through the pavilion and feel out way towards a beautiful and uncertain human life.


▽伸向大海的栈桥和观潮站 Trestle and the tide station

© 朱雨蒙


可望不可及的海上观潮站 An Inaccessible Ocean Tidal Observation Station


Isolated in the sea, this station is like a reflection of the moon in the water, an inaccessible daydream.


▽ 观潮站宛如海上明月 The tidal observation station looks like the moon over the sea

© 朱雨蒙



Hidden points of light, like a pulse full of power, drive us to breathe as one with nature.


▽观潮站日出 View of the tidal observation station at sunrise

© 朱雨蒙



Considering that the tide station remained in use for the construction cycle prior to the Asian Games, transforming the spot into a poetic narrative was the most easily realized strategy. The yellow paint of the original building and the trestle was changed to cement grey; the original form and structure of the building kept unchanged and the exterior covered with a white translucent mesh membrane to form a minimalist house with a pointed roof. The original building of the tide station gave the sense of being wrapped in an illusory “dream world”, being concealed and revealed alternately.


▽观潮站改造示意 Renovation strategy for the tidal observation station

© 席间设计



Vines were planted on the trestle bridge. We look forward to the foliage blossoming over the entire bridge and adding another trace of time to the “Daydream Trail”.


▽远眺观潮站 Overlook of the tide station

© 朱雨蒙



Lighting was given a variety of different modes, light effects and the tidal sounds, composing a dream field.


▽不同的颜色模式 A variety of lighting modes

© 朱雨蒙


曲折但可达的海岸远眺点 Twisting but accessible coastal vistas


Due to the inaccessibility of the tide station, the rest pavilion is the closest emotionally accessible place.


▽从休息亭远眺观潮站 View of the tidal observation station from the rest pavilion

© 朱雨蒙



As you walk up the steps from the entrance of the spire, you may stumble across a time tunnel at the little house on the sea between the hard columns, among the light and shadow.


▽钢结构与半透膜的穿插关系 Steel structures and membranes interlink

© 朱雨蒙

▽在休息亭内犹如进入海上小房子 Entering the pavilion is like reaching a little house on the sea

© 朱雨蒙



Based on the intended design of arriving at a dream land, the shape of the pavilion was folded into a corridor, responding to the relationship between the site, elevation and the existing large trees. The shape evolved from a triangular fold symbolizing a sailboat into the shape of a small house with a spire, echoing the tidal observation station.


▽休息亭形式分析 Structural analysis of the rest pavilion

© 席间设计

▽ 休息亭的一端如同帆船 The entrance of the rest pavilion resembles a sailboat

© 朱雨蒙

▽ 休息亭延折成廊 The rest pavilion is folded into a corridor

© 朱雨蒙

▽ 休息亭的另一端就像海上那座小房子 The exit of the rest pavilion resembles the small tidal obseration house on the sea

© 朱雨蒙



The rest pavilion is made of the same material as the tidal station-a white semi-transparent mesh membrane. Suspended between the structure, the semi-transparent membrane floats in the air, revealing its flexibility when the sunlight falls. The light is filtered through the membrane, sparse and hazy, neutralizing the steel structure. The two buildings supplement each other, shaping a poetic intention of protected dreams.


▽ 半透光的膜飘荡在钢结构间 The semi-transparent membrane floats between steel structures

© 朱雨蒙

▽硬与柔的对比 The contrast between hard and soft

© 朱雨蒙



The light effects and patterns of the rest pavilion are more abundant. When night falls, the interior of the lights continues to flicker, just like a colorful dream.


▽正在调试的灯光设计师 The light designer

© 朱雨蒙

▽不同的灯光模式 A variety of lighting modes

© 朱雨蒙

▽暖光模式的休息亭 The warm lighting mode

© 朱雨蒙


勇敢且温柔的青年之诗 Poetry of courageous and tender youth


Whether it’s the tidal observation station in the distance or the rest pavilion in front of us, each harbors our prayers and imaginations for a better future. We hope that our design can keep these wishes and provide some consolation and strength to us in our constant marching forward, so that poetry can remain and dreams always exist.


▽梦境般的休息亭与观潮站 The dreamlike rest pavilion and tide station

© 朱雨蒙




Project name: Daydream Trail, [Youth and the Sea] Xiangshan Coastal Scenic Road Theme Station
Year completed: 2023
Project area: 120m²
Project location: Xiangshan, Zhejiang
Design company: During the Dinner Studio
Contact email: duringthedinner@126.com
Chief designer: Xi Weidong
Design team: Feng Shanshan, Zhang Xinpei, Yu Mingjie, Gu Yuxin, Wang Tingting
Customer: Zhejiang Huanglong Song Lanshan Sports Development Co., LTD
Structural design: Shanghai Zhuzhi Architectural Design Consulting Co., LTD. (Chen Zejiu, Sun Hasun, Sang Haigang);
Lighting Design: ELA Seeking Light (Nongzhaolong)
Construction unit: Shanghai Tongcheng Construction Technology Engineering Co., LTD. (Huang Tao, Hao Yancun, GUI Qiyin), Shanghai Xuben Construction Engineering Co., LTD
Photographer: Zhu Yumeng




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