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MEAN* designed a 3D printed pavilion for welcoming visitors into the desert of Wadi Rum, south of Jordan. The space serves as an oasis of rest and communal gathering. Drawn to its otherworldly beauty, The desert of Wadi Rum in the south of Jordan attracts visitors from all over the globe.


Renders Produced by © Brick Visual



The topography of Wadi Rum closely resembles that of Mars. This serene desert landscape had been a stage for many space-age movies such as ‘The Martian (2015)’, ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)’ and ‘The Last Days on Mars’.

Taking reference from the lightweight geodesic dome system of ‘Mars Camp’ which is located on a plot near the site, the design team envisioned a novel system of 3D printed panels that can be deployed onto a CNC bent, steel pipe system.


Renders Produced by © Brick Visual


Designed with a unique overlap of Bedouin Heritage and Space-Age Technology

我们的团队使用生成式设计方法来模拟一个整体结构:一个由3D打印聚合物外壳与3D打印混凝土表面混合的物体。受当地贝都因人独特的移动建筑的启发,我们倾向于使用“Mesh Relaxation”参数化策略来模拟帐篷形式,在平衡状态下生成数字悬链线网格。

Our team utilized generative design methods to simulate a holistic structure: a hybrid of a 3D printed polymer shell on 3D printed concrete topography. Inspired by the ingenuity of the mobile architecture of the local Bedouins, we were inclined to simulate a tent-form using the ‘Mesh Relaxation’ parametric strategy, which generates a digital Catenary mesh geometry, in equilibrium.


Renders Produced by © Brick Visual


The pavilion is generated from a field of forces


多个节点之间的磁力模式现象衍生出了一种有趣的设计。为了将这一现象量化成一个可模拟模式的数字算法,该团队采用了由德国数学家C. Runge和M.W. Kutta研发的方法编写了一个“RK4方法”的脚本。大约在1900年左右,磁场模拟产生的“流线”被投影到经过数字模拟的优化网格上,该网格是通过近似百年曲线的脚本而生成的。


By grounding the tent form as a ‘diagram of forces’ emitting various ‘charges’ that correspond to seating areas, we looked at the phenomena of magnetic fields to unify those charges. We used the patterns emerging from the interaction of one space to another, to develop the floor plan of the pavilion.

The physical phenomena of the magnetic force patterns between a number of nodes represents an opportunity for an interesting planning strategy. To quantify this phenomenon into a digital algorithm simulating those patterns, the team wrote a script that adopts the ‘RK4 Method’, developed by the German mathematicians C. Runge and M.W. Dutta. Around 1900. The ‘flow-lines’ from the magnetic field simulation are projected onto a digitally simulated optimized mesh which is generated via a script that approximates centenary curves.

The script generates vector fields resembling magnetic forces which are then manipulated to subdivide the outer shell of the structure into panels that are within the printing range of a 6-axis industrial robot. A stepping topography of 3D printed concrete platform creates a transition from the sandy site to the interior. The mesh is anchored towards the periphery of the stepped platform, creating welcoming archways for entries.


Renders Produced by © Brick Visual


An Oasis of shade and a micro-ecology within the desert

场地中所有的管线接触点都由支撑管地面的中心延伸出来,进而形成缆索接触点,围绕着这些点形成能容纳人的空间。在形似漏斗的结构中心,种植了沙漠树木和灌木以调节室内气候。 这些“漏斗”也起到“采光井”的作用,捕捉自然光,并将自然光引入空间。


The points of which all the field lines emerge from the center where the supporting pipes are grounded, forming funicular touch-points, around which seating areas are allocated. At the center, desert trees and shrubs are planted to regulate the atmosphere of the interior. These funnels also act as ‘light-wells’ capturing natural daylight and channeling it into the space.

The panels making up the outer shell are tessellated for maximum efficiency for 3D printing. These tessellated panels filter light into the space while ensuring a well ventilated interior. At night, linear lighting fixtures that are aligned along the force field patterns, create a gentle ambient lighting within the interior.


Renders Produced by © Brick Visual


A cross-temporal meeting point


The Desert Pavilion is the outcome of combining ideas from the site with current building technologies. The structure is designed to form a space of shade from the heat of the desert during the day, and a place of celebration, storytelling and rest, at night. It serves as a welcoming hospitable shelter for today and a case study for inhabiting the arid landscapes of Mars in the future.


平面图 Plan


▼立面图 Elevation


▼剖面图 Section



地点:约旦 鲁姆
首席建筑师:Riyad Joucka
团队:Wael Nasrallah

Type: 3D Printed Structure
Size: 300 Sqm
Location: Wadi Rum, Jordan
Status: Proposal
Lead Architect: Riyad Joucka
Team: Wael Nasrallah
Date: 2020


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