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Thanks Mario Cucinella Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Mario Cucinella Architects.
MC A:2022年的米兰设计周,时值米兰国际家具展Salone del Mobile.Milano 60周年。
米兰国际家具展Salone del Mobile.Milano 60周年可持续特别展“Design with Nature”带着反思与笃定,疫情后重磅回归。与自然共生,用设计惊艳未来。
总策展人著名意大利建筑师Mario Cucinella,基于可持续与再生理念,用设计去探索人和自然的平衡与和谐。
MC A: Milan Design Week 2022 coincides with the 60th anniversary of Salone del Mobile.
The 60th anniversary special sustainable exhibition “Design with Nature” returns after the epidemic with a sense of reflection and certainty. Living with nature, Design with Nature is a show that will amaze the future.
The chief curator, renowned Italian architect Mario Cucinella, uses design to explore the balance and harmony between man and nature, based on the concept of sustainability and regeneration.

面对层出不穷的社会现况和严峻的环境挑战,Mario Cucinella通过这个未来生态城市模型回应时代的拷问。
Architects and designers are the prophets of future spaces, how do we respond to the challenges of our time?
How far has design travelled on its journey towards sustainability?
Can we quickly usher in a new era in our cities or homes with our current lifestyles?
What tools and up-to-date materials must be used for sustainable design?
Can most of the raw materials used in architecture and design be sourced directly from the city?
How can we achieve harmony between man and nature, reshape the relationship between cities and nature and reduce our environmental impact? ……
Mario Cucinella responds to the questions of the times with this model of the future eco-city, in the face of an ever-changing social reality and serious environmental challenges.
▽生态城市效果图展示 Ecological city renderings display

Starting from the idea that cities can become ‘reserves’ of the future, the exhibition is a discussion about the value of sustainable living, based on topics such as social ethics, sustainability, circularity, interactive architecture and urban regeneration. It is both a landscape installation and a space for sharing, reading, thinking, working and socialising.
People meander through the greenery of plants, witnessing low-carbon transition practices, embracing the natural ecology and sensing a liveable and sustainable city of the future.
城市必须与自然建立真正的和谐。该设计关键在于关注社会可持续性,聚焦设计与环境。“Design with nature ”是米兰国际家具展的会客厅,创造一个交流互动的社交场所。同时又能呈现图书馆般的宁静感,体现城市生活的动态与自然相互依存的可能性。这是一个共享的愉悦场所,探索透过设计减少对地球的影响,重新思考人类与自然的关系,尊重自然、敬畏自然、保护自然,实现更美好的生活。
“Cities must establish a true harmony with nature. The key to this design is a focus on social sustainability and a focus on design and the environment. “Design with nature” is the living room of the Milan International Furniture Fair, creating a social place for exchange and interaction. It also presents a library-like sense of tranquillity, reflecting the dynamics of urban life and the possibilities of nature’s interdependence. It is a shared place of pleasure, exploring the possibility of reducing the impact on the planet through design, rethinking the relationship between humans and nature, respecting it, revering it, protecting it and achieving a better life.”
— Mario Cucinella
▽设计草图 Design Sketch
两张68×22米的巨型展桌蜿蜒贯穿整个展馆,展览 、论坛、主题餐厅、书店与绿植、鲜花、蔬果交融互动。空间依次划分为序厅、展览区、论坛区、休闲区和阅读区。
This is an ’’unbranded’’ space of over 1400 square metres. Through the interpretation of the themes “Ecological Transformation Practices” and “Urban Mines”, it focuses on future lifestyles around sustainable design, products, materials and production. It explores design and emotion, the balance between us and our surroundings, our living environment and available resources, and the social issues of circular economy and resource reuse. In the interaction and balance between people, products, space and nature, a virtuous ecosystem for future living is practised.
Two huge 68x22m exhibition tables wind their way through the pavilion, with exhibitions, forums, themed restaurants and bookshops interacting with greenery, flowers, fruits and vegetables. The space is divided into a proscenium, an exhibition area, a forum area, a relaxation area and a reading area.
▽蜿蜒贯穿整个展馆的巨型展桌 Giant exhibition tables meandering through the entire exhibition hall
The exhibition opens with a comparison between two towers of global biomass and man-made objects, showing how humans, who make up only 0.01% of the Earth’s biomass, have created man-made objects that surpass the total biomass of the globe, revealing the huge impact humans have had in shaping the world and the Earth’s environment around them.
▽局部鸟瞰 Partial aerial view
展览区 Exhibition area
22种生态和城市转型材料,从大麻纤维、芒果人造皮革、鱼鳞布到真菌丝体制成的吸音板……在米兰理工大学Ingrid Paoletti教授的技术支持下,MCA通过一系列图腾展示天然与非天然材料的差异; 各种因农业、工业与城市化产生的废弃材料的转化和赋予新生的过程; 新型材料的来源、转化、加工到应用到终端产品……这不仅意味着聚酯瓶、鞋履和家具等加工过程种所产生的废弃物得以重生,也预示着由时尚和纺织界所创造的新面料,像是果皮、皮革、菌丝体、咖啡渣等为原料的各种新兴材料,也将成为改变这个时代的一种创新可能。
22 materials for ecological and urban transformation, from hemp fibres, mango artificial leather and fish scale cloth to acoustic panels made of fungal filaments …… With the technical support of Prof. Ingrid Paoletti of Politecnico di Milano, the MCA presents a series of totems showing the differences between natural and non-natural materials; the transformation and rejuvenation of various waste materials resulting from agriculture, industry and urbanisation; the origin, transformation, processing and application of new materials to end products …… This means not only the rebirth of waste from processes such as polyester bottles, shoes and furniture, but also the creation of new fabrics by the fashion and textile worlds, as well as new materials made from fruit peels, leather, mycelium, coffee grounds, etc., which will be an innovative possibility that will change the times.
▽生态和城市转型的材料展示 Materials Presentation for Ecology and Urban Transformation
A 3D printer in action, showing the process of creating a chair from everyday waste plastic. Bringing together a new generation of materials, design knowledge and technology, materials that have the potential to be recycled are being brought back into our everyday lives in a new form.
The sustainable timeline that extends across the tabletop draws inspiration from the natural metaphor of trees sprouting, growing and branching to create a tree-like structure of data presentation. The four aspects of history, action, culture and design convey a clear hierarchy and chronology of the sustainability journey, simplifying complex information and raising environmental awareness for all.
▽树桩的衍生 Derivation of the stump
A vivid video map on the ground demonstrates how the city has been transformed into a resource mine.
Over the next 50 years there will be a dramatic reduction in the key building materials such as steel, aluminium, glass and bricks from which cities are built. Even landfills can become resourceful material exchanges if the components of demolished buildings are reused.
▽生动的视频地图演示 Vibrant Video Map Demo
论坛区 Forum area
蜿蜒的展桌形成半包围区域,成为论坛活动的中心。米兰国际家具展期间,众多行业知名人物Mario Cucinella、Paola Antonelli、Alice Rawsthorn、Yves Béhar等开展多场论坛活动,以多元化的视角,探讨可持续和包容性的设计。
The meandering exhibition tables form a semi-enclosed area that becomes the centre of the Forum’s activities. During the Milan International Furniture Fair, many of the industry’s leading figures, such as Mario Cucinella, Paola Antonelli, Alice Rawsthorn and Yves Béhar, conducted several forum events to discuss sustainable and inclusive design from a diverse range of perspectives.
▽半包围的阶梯式论坛区 Semi-surrounded stepped forum area
休闲区 Lounge area
Identità Golose主题餐厅,米其林主厨以可持续的方式,实践从农场到餐桌的概念。餐厅所有食材,实现零浪费。食物包装均由回收材料制成,推广可持续用餐理念。
The lounge area is adjacent to the forum and the exhibition area, with soft partitions such as bookshelves and greenery separating the functional spaces for work and leisure communication. It is a place where movement and tranquillity can be combined to provide a moment of relaxation in the leisure of work.
Identità Golose is a restaurant where the Michelin chef takes a sustainable approach to the farm-to-table concept. All the ingredients in the restaurant are used with zero waste. The food packaging is made from recycled materials to promote sustainable dining.
▽绿植衬托下的休闲区 Lounge area
阅读区 Reading area
At the end of the pavilion is a bookshop with books on the themes of green ecology and circular economy, focusing on sustainability from culture, art, architecture, science, economy and society, inspiring all to read and practise a green and low-carbon way of working and living.
▽展桌延续形成的绿色书店 The green bookstore formed by the continuation of the exhibition tables
构成自然界的一切都在变化,且具有多重功能或生命。构建“Design with Nature”的组件亦是如此。装置均由天然材料或废弃物回收再生材料搭建。采用可拆卸设计,通过模块的不同组合,演化出各种形式,灵活适用于不同的场地和功能。不仅有效的减少材料的浪费,且节省了项目开发和二次设计的时间。展会结束后,这些装置将被拆卸,到达新的目的地,或为学校的小型图书馆; 或为公共空间的椅子; 或为实验室的桌子……它们将被赋予第二次生命,开启全新的旅程。
Everything that makes up the natural world is changing and has multiple functions or lives. This is also the case with the components that make up Design with Nature. The installations are constructed from natural materials or recycled waste materials. The disassembled design allows the modules to be combined in different ways and to evolve into a variety of forms that can be flexibly adapted to different sites and functions. This not only reduces the waste of materials but also saves time in project development and secondary design. After the exhibition, the units will be dismantled and arrive at their new destination, either as a small library for a school; or as chairs for a public space; or as tables for a laboratory …… They will be given a second life and start a whole new journey.
Design with Nature.
For new materials.
For a new habitat.
For a better city.
业主: Salone del Mobile Milano
团队:Mario Cucinella (主策展人) Donato La Bella, Michela Galli, Laura Zevi
渲染: Mario Cucinella Architects
照片:Giovanni De Sandre,Mario Cucinella Architects
Location: Milan, Italy
Time: 2022
Client: Salone del Mobile Milano
Team: Mario Cucinella (Chief Curator) Donato La Bella, Michela Galli, Laura Zevi
Rendering: Mario Cucinella Architects
Photos: Giovanni De Sandre, Mario Cucinella Architects
“ 与自然共生,用设计惊艳未来。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多read more about: MC A 建筑事务所