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或然景观:2023上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS)的主题为“共栖”, 聚焦“人与自然和谐共生”的城市发展理念。主题的英文表达METro-BIOSIS将生物界表达有机“共栖”、物种“共生”关系的metabiosis前缀meta改为metro,表达了展览立足于都市(metropolis)的观察思考。城市空间艺术季以艺术事件的特殊聚合展示机制,在短期内集中呈现一批围绕特定城市生活理念及发展方向的公共空间,鼓励市民参与、体验,激发不同角度的专业与大众讨论,以多元的可触可感的样本推进对城市课题的认知、探索、理解、回应和公众参与。


Possibilism Design Studio: The theme of the 2023 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season (SUSAS) is ” METro-BIOSIS “, focusing on the urban development concept of “harmonious coexistence between man and nature”. METro-BIOSIS, the English expression of the theme has a twist play with ‘metabiosis’ in the biological world, addressing the observations and explorations within and beyond a metropolis. With a special aggregation and display mechanism of art events, SUSAS presents a number of public spaces around specific urban life concepts and development directions in a short period of time, encouraging citizens to participate and experience, stimulating professional and public discussions from different perspectives, and promoting awareness, exploration, understanding, response and public participation of urban issues with diverse tangible and sensible samples.

As an exhibition project in the theme interpretation area, the base of the temporary green space of Chunshen Port is a waterfront industrial site, and part of the function that needs to be retained is to serve as the temporary nursery garden of the West Bank of Xuhui, with a habitat close to the waterfront wilderness and a residential area around it. Our mission is to respond to what ” METro-BIOSIS ” is and how to achieve ” METro-BIOSIS ” under the limited urban site conditions, and the self-proposed work goal is to make a community park in the 15-minute living circle, which evolves both ecological restoration and composite land use.


▽2023/09/23 场地鸟瞰 Aerial view of the site



▽设计方案 Design scheme



Syntax of Landscape

初次踏勘这片被戏称为“植物疗养院”的场地时,抬头乔木葱茏,低头野草蔓生,一个个小树坑是苗木移入搬出的印记,北部六道片墙是明确的工业堆场遗存,每片墙的肌理各有差异,西端两片墙北向尽端开口有框景效果,使用者说那是“城市之窗”……场地阅读与激活的过程,即是Peter Latz提出的Syntax of Landscape探索,不仅要阅读看得见的东西,还要解读隐藏在后工业场地时间性背后的语构:它的历史文脉和因时间流逝而形成的有趣变化,它的夜间灯光体系,远处可以望见的风景,墙与墙之间的观景,逐渐扩及西岸其它片区的空间结构。框景、片墙这样的结构性元素固然便于记忆,鸟鸣、风吹树叶发出的声响、齐整的苗木以及未经人力介入的杂然不驯也是可感知的重要特质。这些都是我们阅读和理解的对象,每一次阅读都会有不同的理解。

First visit of the site with the sobriquet of “plant convalescent home” unfolded a spectrum of views. There were lush trees if looking up, overgrown weeds if looking down, small tree pits tracing the seedlings moving in and out, and six pieces of walls in the north. Those walls were palpable remains of an industrial storage yard, and the texture of each wall was different, and the north-facing openings of two walls at the west end framed urban skyline in the vicinity, thus earned a nickname, ‘window of city’ … The process of reading and activating the site is the Syntax of Landscape, as Peter Latz would call it, which is not only to read what is visible, but also to decipher the syntax hidden behind the temporality of the post-industrial site: its historical context and interesting changes during the course of time, its nighttime lighting system, the scenery that can be seen in the distance, views between the walls, expanding to the spatial structure of other areas on the West Bank. While structural elements such as framed views and pieces of walls are easy to remember, birdsongs, the rustling of leaves blown by the wind, neat seedlings, and untamed wilderness are also important qualities that can be perceived. These are all objects that we read and understand, and each reading might lead to different understandings.


▽场地踏勘 Site reconnaissance


▽整体原貌 Overall situation



小细节中隐藏的警示 Hidden warnings in minute details


Latz once said: “It is necessary to make the most of the natural elements that appear in the existing context, but also to take into account the existing environmental factors. Sometimes the minute details can be decisive…” the “minute details” worth mentioning are the serious issue of invasive plants behind the wilderness beauty of the succession of the colonies, and the theme of “restoration” emerges alongside. During the first visit, we found Canadian goldenrods intertwined with the native reeds on site. Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) is on the second “List of Invasive Alien Species in China” (2010). Such a discovery frightened us, and warned us to study the “Lists of Invasive Species” with relevant collaborative teams. Subsequently, we identified the Bidens pilosa L. in the third List (2014) and the Bidens frondosa L. in the fourth List (2016). Canadian goldenrod, as well as Bidens pilosa L., also appears in the List of Invasive Alien Species under Key Management, which was officially put into operation in January 2023. They both have allelopathic effects and strong reproductive abilities. Canadian goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant that reproduces by seeds and rhizomes, and bears large amount of fruits, with very small achenes and crown hairs, which are easy to spread, plus, the rhizomes are well developed and can spread horizontally. If the underground rhizomes cannot be completely removed, the apical buds on it can develop into new plants. Bidens pilosa L. and Bidens frondosa L. are both beggarticks, and there are three or four thorns on the top of their seeds, which would cling to clothes and fur once people or animals pass by, and the dispersal efficiency is very high. The construction period was earlier than the flowering period of the Canadian goldenrod, and Bidens pilosa L., as well as Bidens frondosa L. have not yet borne fruit, so it was right the time to clean up. We had planned to completely remove the invasive species and carry out the replanting restoration afterwards, but the project was much more complex than expected. Mixed in the colony on site with native plants, invasive species cannot be directly eradicated in a large area. The construction team and us concentrated manpower to identify the plants repeatedly lot by lot, cutting off the grass and pulling up the roots. Such clearing operations took place five times, and we continue to maintain the monitoring frequency in the maintenance process, once found, immediately cleared.


▽场地植物原貌 Original plant appearance of the site


▽勘察发现的非人为种植的部份植物 Non-human cultivated parts of plants found on the site


▽入侵植物的清理 Clean-up of invasive plants



随着项目推演,对场地生境的阅读逐步明晰,我们意识到,入侵物种可能是这类城市化闲置荒地面临的共性问题,它们破坏生物多样性,干扰群落演替,而高强度的人工干预控制或许是需要的。换言之,入侵物种恰恰标示了“共栖”议题所触及的警示性红线,普及入侵物种相关知识,也是对何为“共栖”、如何“共栖” 的回应。在展期中,我们在场地中陈设科普展板,鼓励市民发现入侵植物后及时告知相关机构;在与城市荒野工作室、上海杨浦区美丽乡愁文化促进中心共同举办的“生境花园与自然教育体验营”中讲解、讨论相关内容——这一方向的探索从踏勘、阅读、辨识走向了积极的环境保护教育与行动。

With the project and the reading of the site habitat gradually clarified, we realized that invasive species may be a common problem faced by this kind of urbanized idle wasteland, which destroys biodiversity and interferes with community succession, and high-intensity human intervention and control may be needed. In other words, invasive species mark the warning red line touched by the issue of “symbiosis”, and popularizing knowledge about invasive species is also a response to what “symbiosis” is and how to “cohabit”. During the exhibition, we set up science exhibition boards in the venue to encourage the public to inform relevant institutions when they find invasive plants, and explained and discussed relevant content in the “Habitat Garden and Nature Education Experience Camp” jointly organized with Urban Wilderness Studio and Shanghai Yangpu Beautiful Nostalgia Culture Promotion Center.


▽SUSAS期间举办”生境花园与自然教育体验营” “Habitat Garden and Nature Education Experience Camp” held during SUSAS



有梯度的的生境营造 Gradient habitat creation


结合两个问题,我们划分了临时绿地的城市界面,并就场地的生态功能与协作方共同探索了一种有梯度的生境营造策略。在艺术季主题演绎区的城市尺度上,场地位于徐汇西岸贯通道龙腾大道西侧,在城市界面,我们以一个简单的动作——入口小段起伏的“勇敢者之路”自城市人行道斜向切入,吸引路过的儿童在惊喜中拐入小园。西岸贯通道是城市滨江蓝绿廊道的一部分,坐落于此的社区公园可以是生态上具有踏脚石作用的生境节点,有利于促进生物多样性保护,提升生态网络的稳定性。在更大的区域尺度上,江南园林一直是人与自然对话的场所,因应不同条件,文野工拙,各得其所——临时苗圃中的参天乔木、荒野生境,稍加整理,虽不敢说“苍古之境”,总有一番天然逸趣。我们的生态策略,是在整体的设计框架下,对场地特质的重新认识及组织,除了干预入侵植物,也减少使用观赏草,保留场地的狗尾草及芦苇。考虑到社区公园需要的近人氛围,并不一味追求全面的生境修复,而是以轻介入协作策略划出生境营造的三个梯度:保留场地群落,再利用现场石块、朽木;补充撒播本地植物,留出生长空间;同时,也包容一定区域中园艺种的观赏效果,探讨在滨水人居环境中,调整群落的自然进程,与人造生境 “共栖”。经调查,场地中非人为种植的群落物种包括奶通草、贼小豆、草木樨、葎草、牛筋草、芦苇、狗尾巴草、头状穗莎草、千金子、金色狗尾草、苍耳、曼陀罗、春飞蓬、田菁与三裂叶薯。而就本土植物,我们在场地内划出了特定的撒播区域,列出了救荒野豌豆、窃衣、酸模、益母草、菥蓂、射干、桔梗、马兰、诸葛菜、红蓼等十个种植品种,部分品种由城市荒野工作室提供。在生境光谱偏观赏性的的一端,上海垣绿景观工程有限公司选样增补园艺品种翠芦莉、矮生翠芦莉、天蓝鼠尾草、火焰南天竺、细叶芒、德国鸢尾、大麻叶泽兰、血草、千鸟花、金叶石菖蒲、蓝霸鼠尾草、玉簪、墨西哥鼠尾草、满天星、小兔子狼尾草、安酷杜鹃、一串红、红瑞木、樱桃鼠尾草、蓝冰柏、粉黛乱子草、火焰卫矛、松果菊、矮蒲苇、山桃草、穗花牡荆、肾蕨、春鹃、紫叶狼尾、夏鹃、西洋鹃,设计并实施花境。

In the site reading, we also focus on the topic of “cohabitation” in the future-oriented part of the temporal framework of post-industrial sites, and further focus on two related sub-projects: the temporary opening and transformation of urban land acquisition and storage land and the global localization of post-industrial heritage. Due to the standardization of industrial processes, the appearance of industrial sites tends to converge, is there a feasible direction for regional exploration of post-industrial sites? In the 20th century Shanghai factories, do our common garden fragments such as flower beds, pine and bamboo, and moon cave doors still have significance beyond form?Combining these two questions, we divided the urban interface of the temporary green space, and explored a gradient habitat creation strategy with the collaborators on the ecological function of the site. On the urban scale of the art season’s theme interpretation area, the venue is located on the west side of Longteng Avenue on the west bank of Xuhui, and at the urban interface, we use a simple action – the small undulating “Road of the Brave” at the entrance cuts diagonally from the urban sidewalk, attracting passing children to turn into the small garden in surprise. The West Bund Corridor is part of the city’s riverside blue-green corridor, and the community park located here can be an ecological stepping stone habitat node, which is conducive to promoting biodiversity conservation and improving the stability of the ecological network. On a larger regional scale, Jiangnan Gardens has always been a place for dialogue between man and nature, in response to different conditions, the literature and wilderness are clumsy, each has its own place – the towering trees in the temporary nursery, the wilderness, a little tidying, although I dare not say “the ancient realm”, there is always a natural fun. Our ecological strategy is to re-understand and organize the characteristics of the site within the overall design framework, in addition to intervening with invasive plants, we also reduce the use of ornamental grasses, and retain the green bristlegrass (Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.) and reeds(Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud)of the site. Considering the closeness of the community park, it does not blindly pursue comprehensive habitat restoration, but uses a light-intervention collaborative strategy to delineate three gradients of habitat creation: retaining the site community and reusing on-site stones and decayed wood, supplementing and spreading native plants to leave room for growth, and at the same time, it also accommodates the ornamental effect of horticultural species in a certain area, and explores the adjustment of the natural process of the community in the waterfront living environment to “cohabit” with the artificial habitat. According to the survey, the non-human-planted community species in the site included Euphorbia hypericifolia L., Vigna minima (Roxb.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi, Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. , Humulus scandens (Lour.) Merr. , Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. , Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud, Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. , Cyperus glomeratus L., Euphorbia lathyris L., Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. , Xanthium strumarium L., Datura stramonium L., Erigeron philadelphicus L., Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. and Ipomoea triloba L.. As for the native plants, we have demarcated a specific sowing area in the site, and listed ten planting varieties such as Vicia sativa L., Torilis scabra (Thunb.) DC. , Rumex acetosa L., Leonurus japonicus Houtt. , Thlaspi arvense L., Belamcanda chinensis (L.) Redouté, Platycodon grandiflorus (Jacq.) A.DC. , Aster indicus L., Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) O. E. Schulz, and Persicaria orientalis (L.) Spach, some of which are provided by the Urban Wilderness Studio. At the ornamental end of the habitat spectrum, Shanghai Yuanlu Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. selected and supplemented horticultural varieties of Ruellia brittoniana Leonard, Ruellia simplex C. Wright ‘ Katie’s Dwarf ‘, Salvia uliginosa Benth. , Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’, Iris germanica L., Eupatorium cannabinum L., Imperata cylindrica ‘Rubra’, Gaura lindheimeri Engelm. & A.Gray, Acorus gramineus ‘ Ogan’, Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’, Salvia japonica Thunb. , Nandina domestica ‘Firepower’, Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers. , Salvia leucantha, Gypsophila paniculata L., Pennisetum alopecuroidescv. ‘Little Bunny’, Rhododendron ‘Encore’, Salvia splendens Ker Gawl. , Cornus alba L., Salvia greggii A.Gray, Cupressus glabra ‘Blue Ice’, Muhlenbergia capillaris, Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’, Echinacea purpurea, Cortaderia selloana ‘Pumila’, Vitex agnus-castus L., Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C. Presl, Rhododendron simsii &R.spp. , Cenchrus setaceus ‘Rubrum’, Rhododendron simsii Planch, design and implement flower landscape.


▽不同梯度的人造生境 Artificial habitats with different gradients



这样的梯度策略,展现荒野、工业遗址、苗圃到园林意趣的互见与转化,同时适应场地作为临时苗圃的后续动态管理的可能性,在审慎的人工介入中,呈现从苗圃到自然斑块到的参差变化。工作过程中的“协作共建”也是我们理解的“共栖”的重要环节,因为临时绿地,正是人居环境变迁过程的显像——场地管理方、施工方、设计师、活动参与方,甚至是后续进出临时苗圃的植物, 不同时间阶段参与者的介入、不同的审美意趣的并置、不同的面对与修复/营造/干预生境的态度, 共同勾勒出复园最核心的场地特质与关键区位属性“都市”。

Such a gradient strategy shows the interaction and transformation of wilderness, industrial sites, nurseries and garden interests, and ADAPTS to the possibility of subsequent dynamic management of the site as a temporary nursery, presenting uneven changes from nurseries to natural patches through careful artificial intervention. The “cooperation and co-construction” in the work process is also an important link in our understanding of “symbiosis”, because temporary green space is the manifestation of the change process of human settlement environment – site management, construction, designers, and activity participants. Even the plants entering and leaving the temporary nursery later, the intervention of participants at different time stages, the juxtaposition of different aesthetic interests, and different attitudes towards the restoration/construction/intervention of habitats, together outline the core site characteristics and key location attribute of the restoration garden “city”.


▽是全龄友好的公众参与,也是多向度的协作共建 It is a friendly public participation of all ages and a multi-dimensional collaborative construction


▽大小朋友的共同参与及营建 The participation and construction of small and large friends



造园“因”与“借” Gardening “cause” and “borrowing”

“构园无格,借景有因”是17世纪造园文献《园冶》末卷的首句。 “因”所关注的大致是顺应场地条件的可能性,而“借”另有一重超逸态度。

“There is no grid for constructing a garden, and there is a reason for borrowing scenery” is the first sentence of the last volume of the 17th-century gardening document “Yuanye”. “Cause” is generally concerned with the possibility of adapting to the conditions of the site, while “borrowing” has another attitude of transcendence.





Mr. Chen Congzhou advocated that “the garden must be separated” (“Continuing to Say the Garden”), “the separation is deep” (“The Garden (4)”), “the more separated, the bigger I feel, the more changes there are, and the limited area creates infinite space” (“The Garden”). The six north-south walls in the north of the site have completed the framework of “the garden must be separated” and “the big garden encompasses the small garden”, which also hints at the juxtaposition of five groups of east-west similar to the “corridors” of classical gardens. The “Window of the City” is already full of interest in borrowing, attracting the scenery of high-rise buildings and expanding the depth of vision. In the design, we introduced an east-west zigzag garden road to establish a north-south twin pattern of the site, so that the temporary green space of Chunshen Port became a “complex garden” in the formal sense. In addition to the reserved vegetation and the reserved area for replanting native plants, most areas outside the garden path are paved with gravel, and if the trees are removed, the gravel can be partially resurfaced to maintain the overall feeling.


▽人工痕迹极少的“复园” A “restoration garden” with few artificial traces





“Yuanye” regards borrowing scenery as “the most important thing in the forest garden”, “such as borrowing from afar, borrowing from neighbors, borrowing from above, borrowing from below, borrowing from time to time”. Mr. Chen further proposed that “there is a scene outside the garden that is wonderful in ‘borrowing’, and there is a scene outside the scene in the ‘time'” (“Speaking of the Garden”). The exhibition period of the art season is “time”, and the space production and co-creation mechanism of the art season is an unavoidable “time”. Through the organization of parent-child wall painting activities, the third plain wall from Dongqi was transformed into a childlike natural scroll during the art season. Thanks to the creative support of the Suzhou Garden Museum, representative flower windows from five famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, including the Humble Administrator’s Garden, the Coupling Garden, the Canglang Pavilion, the Yu Garden, and the Master of Nets Garden, are projected on the murals painted by children at night. Xue Zhijian, director of the Garden Museum, described the night scene of the flowered windows of the Fuyuan as “the shared light of the city in the south of the Yangtze River”, and behind the multi-semantic and charming light and shadow drama is the grand tradition of the lantern night tour, and it is also the off-scene scene of the art season.



▽2023susas共创墙绘 2023susas create wall painting



交流与“共栖” Communication and “cohabitation”


Jiangnan Garden is not only a place for dialogue between man and nature, but also a place for people to communicate with each other. We have co-organized a number of parent-child activities with the Suzhou Garden Museum to “sow a touch of color for the garden”, including a small class on understanding garden windows, sowing native plants and painting plain walls, etc.; Demonstration and practice of native plant planting, as well as nature interpretation and plant science signage production. Ten daytime nature education and wall painting activities in two months, coupled with the projection of garden windows at night, will drive the participation and daily recreation experience of all ages in the 15-minute living circle. “Symbiosis” can be the juxtaposition of function and perspective, “symbiosis” can be the combination of habitat and use, and “symbiosis” can be the collaboration between the profession and the public. Due to the integration of ecology and humanities, the temporary green space of Chunshengang has become a “complex garden”, which is not only a post-industrial landscape, but also a future-oriented Jiangnan garden.



▽全龄友好的公众参与活动  a place for people to communicate with each other


▽施工营建过程 Construction process


▽营造后的自然生境 Created natural habitat








Material specifications: on-site preserved plants, native plant seeds, native plants, horticultural plants, fine sand, on-site preserved walls, concrete, bricks, graded gravel, paints, lamps, garden photography images
Year of creation: 2023

KUO Yi-Fong, SUN Tian/Possibilism Design Studio
XUE Zhijian/Museum of Suzhou Gardens

Lighting Consultant: Liu Hongjian
Public Event Planning: Chen Yu, Yang Zhanglin, Zhang Wei, Guo Yan, Zhu Xincheng/Contingent Landscape, Zhang Jiale/Suzhou Garden Museum, Guo Taoran/Urban Wilderness Studio, Shanghai Yangpu District Beautiful Nostalgia Culture Promotion Center




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