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普利斯设计集团澳大利亚布里斯班的艾伦代尔(Ellendale)项目对于居住于此地及其周边居民的承诺是保留40%的地块作为绿色空间,保护具有最高生态价值的区域。该社区背靠上汲沦谷 South D’Aguilar 国家公园,坐拥91公顷的自然走廊和休闲空间。绿树成荫的街道连接优质住宅,依偎在自然丛林走廊中。

Place Design Group:The commitment to the people that live in and around Ellendale was to retain 40% as green space, preserving areas with the highest ecological value. The Ellendale community backs onto South D’Aguilar National Park in Upper Kedron, embracing 91 hectares of nature corridors and recreation space. Tree-lined streets blend with premium homesites, nestled amongst natural bush corridors.





As populations and densities grow, land management plays a crucial role in administering economic, social and/or environmental resources. The subdivision of peri-urban areas into smaller lots assists in supporting these growing populations, but the common paradigm is typified by mass land clearing, benched topography and domino-ed retaining walls. It’s difficult to imagine that the economic gain this delivers through quick and easy builds outweighs the increased land valuations and environmental and social benefits achievable with a long-term urban design approach that encompasses sustainable land management.

Ellendale is a peri-urban subdivision in Brisbane that demonstrates how the principals of sustainable land management can be incorporated early in the urban design process to recognise and reconcile the site’s natural bushland values with those of its community. From concept through to construction, Ellendale’s 91 hectares of rehabilitation works and recreation space demonstrate how best practice design thinking combined with design leadership delivers results measured by enhanced wildlife habitat linkages and maintained local biodiversity.


▽项目视频 Video ©Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds


这是一个住宅开发项目,位于布里斯班西部的上汲沦谷,坐落在 D’Aguilar 山脉的山脚下,是布里斯班市内的最后一个总体规划住宅社区。

It is a residential development situated at Upper Kedron in Brisbane’s west, located on the foothills of the D’Aguilar Range, and is essentially the last master planned residential community on land within Brisbane City.


© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds


项目开发商 Cedar Woods Properties 很早就发现了该地块位置的价值,承诺保留并恢复该地块的40%作为绿色空间。他们与普利斯设计集团合作提出了一个城市设计方案,将独特的社区集群依偎在现有的地形中,将坡度作为一种生活场景,而不是将整个场地夷为平地。

The client, Cedar Woods Properties, identified early the value of their site’s location and made a commitment to retain and rehabilitate 40% of it as green space. Together with Place Design Group, an urban design was developed that nestled distinct neighbourhood clusters amongst existing topography, incorporating slope as a lifestyle feature rather than levelling development across the entire site.





This approach retained existing vegetation and riparian corridors to benefit biodiversity, wildlife habitat and movement, overland flow conveyance and treatment, and for community amenity and recreation. To supplement the existing, additional areas have been gradually revegetated to increase biodiversity, and in turn the environmental value of the development.


▽利用场地地形所创造的公园和游戏空间 Parks and play spaces created using the site topography

© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds



The design process began by identifying important natural features on-site prior to development that provide ecological and aesthetic value. These features were then captured as ecological survey information and incorporated into the civil and landscape design, with lots laid out to preserve significant elements and maximise views.


© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds






With the beginning of each stage of development, early site surveys were undertaken to identify opportunities for the relocation of significant existing species from proposed development areas into adjacent corridor areas. The surveys engaged a broad consultant team on-site including civil designers, landscape designers, arborist and ecologist, which contributed to shared knowledge and a collaborative approach to achieving the same goals.

Acknowledging that land management is an ongoing process rather than a set-and-forget, the landscape design team and revegetation contractor regularly walk through the vegetation corridors to assess and respond to changing needs of rehabilitation works. This has provided more opportunities to maximise the site’s own growing resources, with seed collected and propagated as plant stock for rehabilitation areas.

Since the start of the development in 2016, more than 32,500 trees have been planted throughout Ellendale’s rehabilitation works, with almost 60 hectares of green space dedicated to Brisbane City Council. An independent environmental report by Aurecon found that work to restore habitat linkages, wildlife corridors and create adequate ecological buffers was deemed an enhancement of the original site and would provide protection to surrounding areas.

Rehabilitation planting and fauna infrastructure has been complete since August 2019. Ongoing maintenance for the areas including additional supplementary planting has been undertaken since completion and will continue until 2024.


© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds



A key component of Ellendale’s rehabilitation works has been the creation and maintenance of more habitat areas for local fauna. Linkages have been established between vegetation corridors across the completed stages both above and below ground. Glider poles facilitate aerial movement, while under road crossing points with crawl bars allow fauna to cross under the road corridor. Again, the implementation of these infrastructure items on-ground has been made possible through early collaboration amongst ecological, civil design and landscape design teams.


▽专门的动物地下通道 Dedicated fauna underpasses

© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds


▽滑翔杆让滑翔动物能够在树木还未长成的情况下滑翔穿过马路 Glider poles allow gliders to glide across the road in the absence of trees

© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds
© Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds



客户:Cedar Woods Properties
总体规划 & 景观设计:普利斯设计集团
主创设计师:Cathy Dibden
合作顾问:28 South Environmental; Urbis; Calibre Consulting; Peakurban; Evolve Environmental Solutions
奖项:2021澳大利亚景观建筑师学会景观建筑全国大奖 – 土地管理
视频及摄影:Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds

Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Project size: 910,000㎡
Client: Cedar Woods Properties
Master Planning & Landscape design: Place Design Group
Chief Designer: Cathy Dibden
Collaborators: 28 South Environmental; Urbis; Calibre Consulting; Peakurban; Evolve Environmental Solutions
Award: Winner – 2021 AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards – Landscape Architecture Award for Land Management
Film and images by © Nikolas Strugar / Ravens At Odds




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