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Thanks Agence APS for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Agence APS.
Agence APS:我们根据当地背景文脉,采用与新重建项目空间相符的修辞方式,在无任何滨海特色的混凝土广场地面上,为场地重新叙述一个新故事。该项目主要感染力来自山地环境爱好者或城市居民、游客、高山滑雪者所经历过的或所熟知的场地。
Agence APS:On the concrete slab without memory of the esplanade, the contextual and sensitive approach is conducive to rebuilding a story thanks to a rhetoric appropriate to the new reconstituted universes of the project. The evocative power of the project thus refers to situations experienced or places known by fans or enthusiasts of the mountain environment summer or winter – city dwellers, tourists or alpine skiers.
▼项目平面图 Master Plan
In the North, the triangle of the vegetable esplanade. The flat situation and the vocabulary of development refer to the geography of “limestone plateau” like the fabulous lapiaz of Parmelan.
On the southern edge of the Upper slab, the large central rectangle of the urban terrace, becomes the “beating heart” of the project. Its perched position visually open to the horizons, on the Semnoz mountain and on the Bornes massif, refers to the ambiances (or atmosphere) of the terraces of high altitude restaurants so popular with skiers on sunny days.
The third space establishes the link between high slab and low slab. It is a garden of roses, which leans on the box of the carpark to better erase it. The urban inclusion of the garden in the slope is not without reminding the geographical situation of the “slope” characteristic of the mountain relief.
项目名称:Annecy Paul Grimault广场城市空间
面积:3400 m²
版权:Agence APS
景观设计:Agence APS
Project name: Urban space of Esplanade Paul Grimault at Annecy
Location: Annecy, France
Design year: 2010
Delivery: 2011
Surface: 3400 m²
Budget: 1.000.000 euros pre-tax
Copyright: Agence APS
Owner: City of Annecy
Designer: Agence APS, landscape designers
更多 Read more about: Agence APS