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Thanks YAS DESIGN for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by YAS DESIGN.
易亚源境:苏州金融小镇位于江苏省苏州市虎丘区,距苏州火车站20 公里,距离苏州新区车站17 公里,由招商蛇口携手苏高新金控联合打造,是江苏省内首家新型金融服务业集聚区载体项目,同时也是江苏省级特色小镇和苏州市级首批特色小镇,总体用地面积 4 平方公里,规划建设小镇会客厅、金融启航城、信息智慧谷、生物医疗城、生态宜居城等五大功能区域。小镇内“生产、生活、生态”高度融合,形成“产业、文化、旅游、社区”有机统一的“金融绿谷、创智云城”。
YAS DESIGN:Located in Huqiu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, Finance Town is 20 km from Suzhou Railway Station and 17 km from Suzhou Xinqu Railway Station. It is jointly developed by China Merchant Property (Shekou) and SND Financial Holdings, being the first new-style financial service hub and one of the first featured town in Suzhou City. Covering a total area of 4 square kilometers, Finance Town consists of five functional zones, namely the Financial Green Valley(sitting room of the town), Qihang City (incubator of finance), Information Intelligence Valley, Biomedical City and Business Villa Park (eco residential zone). Different functions are highly integrated to create a Financial and Intelligent Green Valley for business, culture, tourism and community life.
▽项目视频 Video
▽区位分析 Location Analysis
本案“花园天地”作为上层规划中定位为“小镇会客厅”的区块,是一个24 小时充满活力的“小镇窗口”,由东西一脉商业活力共享中心携南北两片商墅办公园区组成,区域集生态美学空间、高端餐饮地标、科技体验据点、人文艺术秘境、精致生活领地,城市公园于一体,承载着小镇先期展示的地标作用。
The Financial Green Valley is planned to be the sitting room of the town, which will serve as a vital window of the town. Composed of a business sharing center and two business villa areas, the Valley features ecological spaces, high-end restaurants, sci-tech experience, art center, exquisite lifestyle as well as city park. It will serve as the exhibition center and landmark of the Finance Town.
▽小镇会客厅“花园天地” Sitting Room of the Town – “Financial Green Valley”
传承姑苏古典韵味 Inherit Classic Suzhou Style
苏州古时起便有“泽国”之称,古城依水而筑、因水而秀、缘水而兴,城市中的每处市井角落都与水结下不解之缘。而今,作为高速发展的的国际化大都市,苏州的城市景观变得越来越多,随处可见钢筋水泥与高楼大厦的交融。与记忆中相比,少了一分古朴,多了一味时尚与现代,儿时记忆中的苏城,醇厚而深远,街道青灰色斑驳的墙体、飞檐翘脚上恣意生长的青藤、铺着青石板的道路,在碧悠悠的河浜里淘米洗菜,成群的小鱼穿过疯长的水草围着菜篮子打着旋,而顽皮的孩子们则围着刚刚靠岸的乌篷船研究船上的新物什。在这个项目中,我们思考: 如何在高速发展的现代化都市背景下传承这座城市的古典韵味?
Suzhou has been known as “city of rivers and lakes” ever since ancient times. Now, as a rapidly developing international city, Suzhou’s cityscape has changed a lot with concrete and steel buildings everywhere. Modern and fashionable as it is, it lacks classic elegance and simplicity. In many people’s childhood memories, there were mottled grey walls, green vines climbing up to eaves, bluestone paved paths, clear rivers, shoals of fish swimming in water plants and around baskets, and naughty children circling around and researching the black canopy boat. Therefore, when beginning design, we were thinking: how to inherit the classic style of Suzhou in the rapidly developing metropolis?
From the perspective of the users, the design team explored the cultural context and inherited the classic style of Suzhou City. The commercial block is interpreted in gentle gesture of old water lanes; the business villa area is defined by traditional streets and alleys; the green spaces penetrate everywhere to blur the boundary between humans and nature.
▽夏日音乐节,大草坪衔接着城市公园,在繁忙之中拾一刻小憩,感受生活的温润滋养 Summer Music Festival, the big lawn connects with the city park, allowing people to relax themselves and enjoy life in the busy city
Little bridges, running streams, households, boats and merchants are all elements that reveal the prosperity of ancient Suzhou City. In response to the past prosperity, we used the textural pavements, art installations and island structured plants to imitate the flowing water and floating boats, and interpret the traditional culture of Suzhou.
▽铺装和岛屿模拟“水流、船”Pavements and plant islands imitate the flowing water and floating boats
主体商业街区Commercial zone
The commercial zone traverses the Financial Green Valley, welcoming visitors with its water lanes, interesting pavements, green plants, exquisite decorations, lighting and so on. The dynamic form is in response to the local cultural context, while the diversified functions form three landscape spaces – Huayang Square, Huipu World and Window of the City.
Inspired by the oil paper umbrella, the art installation provokes strong surges of nostalgia for the old days, which allows people to immerse themselves in the poetic water lanes. In the light and shadow, it seems there were crowds of pedestrians holding umbrellas and walking slowly in the misty street.
▽艺术装置“一把油纸伞,半卷江南画”Art installation – “an oiled paper umbrella, a painting of the ancient water town in Yangtze River Delta”
As the gateway and the window of the commercial zone, Huayang Square begins from the east entrance and welcomes visitors with beige pavement and tree-lined road, which shape visitors’ first impression on the Green Valley.
Appealing pavements combined with theme sculpture and flower beds form the sequence of the space. The routes for visitors are well organized, which not only complements the landscape but extends the time and space.
Designed along the sunken atrium in the center of the square, the fountains dance up and high to the music, interacting with the oil-paper-umbrella-inspired art installation. The landscape design redefines the relationship between humans, water and environment, showing respect for the cultural context of Suzhou city.
Under the hazy moonlight, people will naturally remember the classic water towns of Suzhou with nostalgia. We really feel proud and privileged to participate in the design and construction of the land, and create warm and sweet scenes of life for users.
The commercial street is planned on the two sides of the commercial zone. Artistic design reminds people of the culture and memories of ancient Suzhou City. The linear texture outlines the pedestrian and outdoor spaces, while tree pools of different shapes define the functions of spaces and provide a better view.
▽艺术装置art installation
▽商业小品 ornamental feature
商墅办公园区Business Villa Park
The business villa areas are located in the north and south of the Financial Green Valley. Following the typical style of traditional Suzhou towns, the design team creates a garden-style business villa park with familiar and comfortable roads. The north park is designed with multi-level landscape which well defines the public and private spaces. Through landscape, the design team interprets the life, memories and historical changes of Suzhou in miniature.
▽园区鸟瞰aerial view of the park
A series of terrace gardens shape the landscape sequence at the north entrance. Different landscape elements are well integrated into the landscape system, creating a series of leisurely spaces.
Among the gleaming ripples and green islands are lively landscape ornaments, which create a natural and dynamic space with morning mist, chirps of birds as well as luxuriant grass and trees.
In the south park, we draw inspiration from traditional Suzhou gardens and build a pocket garden and a series of linear gardens for future residents.
The tree-lined path extends following the terrain, along which the landscape walls made of rubble create a tranquil atmosphere.
CM Service Apartment is a high-end apartment brand belonging to China Merchants Shekou, which features unique facade, multi-level gardens and luxury experience.
The apartment and the commercial zone penetrate into each other, creating a joint operation model, diversified space experience and comfortable lifestyle. The steps leading to the lobby combine with terraced flower beds, creating a green valley that enriches the walking experience.
Waterfall, stream, island and flying birds in the sunken atrium create a natural and tranquil atmosphere, which is quite different from its commercial surroundings.
约翰·列侬曾说:“当我们正在为生活疲于奔命的时候,生活已经离我们而去。” 即便我们习惯了飞速疾驰的现代生活,却仍会在某个阳光明媚的午后,不经意间直面无法躲避的怀旧情绪,向往记忆中那些闪闪发光的诗与远方。
John Lennon once said, “ Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Though we are used to the fast-paced modern life, a sunny afternoon will easily provoke strong surges of nostalgia for the old days — we are still longing for the slow and peaceful life.
Suzhou Finance Town shows our respect for the poetic old city and our interpretation of the city in modern context. We really hope that you can escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy a leisurely and slow life here.
▽项目平面图 site plan
景观设计:易亚源境 YAS DESIGN
建筑设计:CCTN筑境设计 合作:苏州规划设计研究院股份有限公司
雕塑设计:丫丫丫丫文化传播 / OUCH®
摄影:Chill Shine丘文三映、郎易澎
Project: Finance Town, Suzhou
Location: Huqiu District, Suzhou, Jiangsu
Developer: China Merchants Rongxin Investment and Development Co.,Ltd.
Developer Design Management Team: China Merchants Design Team
Landscape Design: YAS DESIGN
YAS Design Team: Conceptual Design—Wang Yun, Zhangteng Feifei, Ma Xiaoli, Sun Yiyun; Construction Drawing Design—Song Lu, Li Xiangjian, Zhang Suling, Wang Shuo, Liu Jihong, Zhang Meiteng; Green Vegetation—Fan Yonghai, Xia Xinran
Architectural Design: CCTN Collaborator: SZPD
Sculpture Design: YaYaYaYa Media / OUCH®
Landscape Construction: Shenzhen Ocean Landscape Engineering Design Co.,Ltd.
Suzhou Tianyuan Landscape Art Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Year of Design: 2018
Year of Completion: 2020
Photography: Chill Shine – Lang Yipeng
“ 特色小镇集合了公园、商业、住宅为一体”
审稿编辑: Ashley Jen
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