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DONGDA (SHENZHEN) DESIGN CO., LTD.:The Fragrance Corridor (Phase I) at the southern foot of Mount Huangqi is based on the design concept of “ripple”, aiming to connect and spread the beauty and ecology of Mount Huangqi at its southern foot and form a public landscape that views the city, embraces nature, travels smoothly, perceives ecology and vitality and explores culture. Finally, it is to create a recreational space and landscape image that citizens enjoy and stimulate regional vigor.


▽项目概览 Overview of the project




Mount Huangqi is a rare treasure in Dongguan City. It is a green heart of the city that can be seen clearly from space. In ancient times, it was called Huangling, which was the most famous mountain in the South of the Five Ridges. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been a holy place for Dongguan people to go on spring outings and climb high. Thus, it bears rich cultural connotations.


▽黄旗山鸟瞰 A bird’s-eye view of Mount Huangqi




The Fragrance Corridor (Phase I) project at the southern foot of Mount Huangqi is located in Dongcheng Subdistrict, Dongguan City. It is a belt-shaped landscape space on the south side of Mount Huangqi, with a total length of approximately 1.4 kilometers. It borders the urban main thoroughfare Bayi Road and gets close to Dongguan Avenue and Huancheng South Road. Moreover, it is surrounded by Metro Line 1 and the planned Metro Line 2 and Metro Line 8. All these factors make it have a good radiation effect in the urban district of Dongguan. The Fragrance Corridor (Phase I) at the southern foot of Mount Huangqi is based on the design concept of “ripple”, aiming to connect and spread the beauty and ecology of Mount Huangqi at its southern foot and form a public landscape that views the city, embraces nature, travels smoothly, perceives ecology and vitality and explores culture. Finally, it is to create a recreational space and landscape image that citizens enjoy and stimulate regional vigor.


▽项目局部鸟瞰Local aerial view



一、绿道为核心的线性空间 The linear space with the greenway as the core


The Fragrance Corridor takes a 7-meter-wide greenway as the primary vein. Through the integration of the cycling track and the running track, it forms a dynamic corridor that connects east and west and supports and spreads the ecological energy of Mount Huangqi.


▽舒适宜人的绿道空间 The comfortable and pleasant greenway space


▽绿道给游客带来的运动、休闲的空间 The greenway brings sports and recreational spaces for visitors


▽绿道局部顶视图 Top view of the greenway space


▽沿线精心考究的坡道和植物搭配 The carefully designed ramps and plant collocation along the line


二、路径链接空间网络 Space networks connected by the route


The linear space connects travel, play, rest and gathering, and the aimless leisure walking is carried by the long route. The original terrain, the happy hills, the wild mountain streams, the Ripple Square and a series of landscape elements with the mountain as the motif make the spiritual landmark of Mount Huangqi a perceptible, viewable and playable landscape space. Service buildings are a modern translation of Lingnan gardens, which combines the architectural space with the open garden space of pavilions and corridors.


▽绿道串联起多个休闲空间 The greenway connects multiple leisure spaces



生态湿地 The ecological wetland


The original fish ponds are transformed into the ecological wetland. Meanwhile, the existing ponds are subjected to shoreline softening and ecological treatment to serve as the wetland and rainwater garden to regulate and store floods and purify rainwater. Combined with aquatic plants and the waterfront greenway, it provides a perfect place for tourists to get close to mountains and rivers and relax.


▽鱼塘整体鸟瞰 A bird’s-eye view of the fish ponds


▽生态湿地与城市背景相映成趣 The ecological wetland and the urban background complement each other


▽山水间亲近自然 Get close to nature between mountains and rivers


▽穿梭在树林间的步道  The trails between the trees


▽自然野趣的生态花溪  Ecological flowery streams with natural wildness


▽一幅徐徐展开的山水画卷  A slowly unfolding landscape scroll


▽水上栈桥 Overwater walkway


▽市民于水边静坐休闲 Citizens sit silently by the water for leisure



儿童天地 Children’s World


The undulating terrain of Mount Huangqi is simulated through terrain hilling. Children’s activity facilities are set up on the site in combination with the height difference, thus leaving enough lawn space for them to run freely and show enthusiasm.


▽山野趣味的活力天地 A lively world with wild interest


▽儿童友好的活动设施 Children-friendly facilities


▽沿线的艺术雕塑,亦是休闲场所 The art sculptures along the route are also leisure places



涟漪广场 Ripple Square


Ripple Square is an iconic rest space in the venue. Its paving form comes from the concept of “ripple” in this design, which renders the experience of a relaxing space close to nature in four layers of organic forms. The paving material is made up of washed stones with color changing from outside to inside and from light to deep. When the landscape trees grow with time, we can imagine they will form an attractive and cohesive “banyan tree” rest space.


▽涟漪广场扩散状铺装 The diffuse pavement of Ripple Square


▽市民在涟漪广场休息 Citizens rest in Ripple Square



服务建筑Service Buildings


The buildings adopt the new Chinese design style. Inspired by the dynamic greenway and the peaks one after another, they try to match the spirit of Mount Huangqi and the project and provide a comfortable resting corridor under the eaves for the venue based on simply serving building functions. The buildings adopt the steel wood structure. A series of array-like wooden rafters are the main feature of the building roof. The steel structural members are cleverly hidden in the wooden rafters, and the shingle roof above provides support.


▽根植传统的主题建筑 The themed buildings rooted in tradition



莞香文化长廊 Dongguan Incense Culture Corridor


The Dongguan Incense Culture Corridor is set up along the greenway to display the local incense culture. It takes the concept and artistic conception of “the landscape screen” and combines the interaction of culture, landscape and people.


▽结合莞香文化的廊架 Gallery frame combined with Dongguan incense culture



三、活力营建,描摹城市绿洲共荣生态 Vibrant construction, depicting the co-prosperity ecology of urban oasis


In addition, the park also holds a series of activities such as matchbox exhibitions and lawn concerts to stimulate the vitality of the venue.


▽开园草坪音乐会The lawn concert for the park opening

▽火柴盒展览 The matchbox exhibition




So a picture gradually unfolds in front of us: a belt-shaped park near mountains and rivers connects the city with culture, innovation and activity. In a picturesque place surrounded by mountains and forests and inhabited by migratory birds, citizens can ride bicycles and exercise and take leisure walks here after work, during lunch breaks and in leisure time. In the center of the bustling city, it is a mental and physical oasis. You can come here to immerse yourself in the green, the crisp birdsong and the children’s laughter and enjoy the natural and happy life. It is also a cultural resort hidden in nature. Historical and cultural elements infiltrate every corner of space and experience organically. With the subsequent construction of the Fragrance Corridor(Phase II), an ecological greenway park with more complex functions will take shape along the whole line. We hope that the Fragrance Corridor will become a picture of Dongguan’s future spirit. The future here is not similar to other cities but one belonging to nature and human ecology and tracing the roots while embracing innovation.



设计/竣工:2020 /2021年

Project Name: Fragrance Corridor (Phase I) at the Southern Foot of Mount Huangqi in Dongcheng, Dongguan City
Project Location: South of Mount Huangqi, Dongcheng Substreet, Dongguan City
Project Scale: About 19 hectares
Designer: Zhou Yongzhong, Deng Xin, Wang Yujia, Bai Yuan, Yang Xufeng, He Guanghong, Zhuang Zikai, Zhuo Hongduo, Zhang Tong, Li Yangyezi, Liang Xianyang, Mai Xinsui, Guo Jinhong, Tan Ling, Xu Wenhao, Zheng Chengwen, Zhang Huachen
Copywriting: Jiang Qionghua, Yang Xufeng, Wang Xiuyin
Dongguan Dongcheng Substreet Office
The “One Center, Two Axes and Three Areas” Construction Headquarter in Downtown Dongguan
Construction Unit: Dongguan Vanke Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Construction unit: Guangdong Bailin Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.
Design/Completion: 2020/2021
Photography: Bai Yu / DONGDA (SHENZHEN) DESIGN CO., LTD.




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