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Thanks BYRÓ architekti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BYRÓ architekti.


BYRÓ architekti:项目客户在市中心拥有一个成熟的大花园,从他们的公寓步行过去只需十分钟。当客户待在花园里时,他们会尽可能多地把时间花在户外,因此他们带着一项特殊的、也许有点自相矛盾的任务来找到我们。客户希望在原有破旧平房的基础上建造一座新建筑,但同时又不想封闭花园。这座建筑只提供适度的空间以躲避恶劣天气,并允许在夏季偶尔过夜。而到冬季,它应具备的另一个功能是提供一个存放植物的空间,类似冬季花园。

BYRÓ architekti:Clients for whom the garden pavilion is designed own a large mature garden in the middle of the city, which is also just a ten-minute walk from their apartment. When the clients are in their garden, they try to spend as much time outdoors as possible and came to us with a specific and perhaps slightly paradoxical task. They wanted a new structure on the site of the original dilapidated cottage, but at the same time, they didn’t want to close off the garden. The building was supposed to offer only modest space, primarily in adverse weather, and allow for occasional overnight stays in the summer months. An additional function for the winter season was to provide a space for storing plants, somewhat resembling a winter garden.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings



We thought about how to connect the building as closely as possible to the surrounding garden, and we ultimately came up with the idea of a folding panel that allows one side of the house to completely open. This way, the interior seamlessly transitions to the outdoors, with the garden penetrating the building, creating a kind of paraphrase of a garden loggia, which was our fundamental architectural inspiration. When open, the polycarbonate wall also functions as an outdoor roof, expanding the covered space where one can stay during rainy weather. The panel folding mechanism consists of steel cables, pulleys, and counterweights, making it easy for one person to open the entire facade.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings



The garden pavilion is situated on the foundations of the original wooden cottage in a garden colony near the Vltava River. It is located in an environment where, in addition to the mature garden, there are greenhouses and arbors, along with several other small cottages that mostly serve as storage and facilities for individual gardens. These cottages are similar to each other, mostly dark, almost windowless, and possess a romantically imperfect and irregular quality.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings



We tried to incorporate the character of the surroundings into the new building, which is made of dark, burnt wood (shou-sugi-ban technique) with a naturally irregular structure. With closed shutters, it corresponds to the quiet objects in the vicinity.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings


建筑被设计为 2×4 的木结构。内墙抹灰,后墙配有集成书架和通往上层的梯子,内壁为木质。书架和上层楼板的结构均由木板条制成,可以营造一种让自然光透过的微妙室内氛围。由于窗户朝向三个方向,并由聚碳酸酯板组成,建筑内部的光线在白天会发生变化,即使关闭,内部空间也不会感到拥挤。

The building is designed as a wooden structure in a two-by-four construction system. The interior walls are plastered, and the rear wall with an integrated bookshelf and a ladder leading to the upper floor is lined with wood. The construction of the library and the upper floor are made of wooden slats to create a subtle interior that allows natural light to filter through. Thanks to windows oriented in three directions combined with the polycarbonate panel, the lighting mood inside the building changes during the day, and even when closed, the interior space does not feel cramped.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings


建筑平面尺寸极小,仅为 3 x 5 米,高度不到 5 米。建筑中没有与任何公用设施网络连接,仅有光伏板,可满足建筑的基本用电需求并提供照明。

The floor plan dimensions are minimal – 3 x 5 m, and the height of the building is just under 5 m. The building is not connected to any utility networks and has only its photovoltaic panel, which covers the basic electricity consumption in the building and provides lighting.


© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings
© Alex Shoots Buildings


▽设计图纸 Design Drawings

© BYRÓ architekti
© BYRÓ architekti
© BYRÓ architekti
© BYRÓ architekti



项目名称:Garden Pavilion
项目地点:捷克 布拉格
建成区面积:16 平方米
使用面积:20 平方米
地块面积:5130 平方米

建筑设计:BYRÓ architekti
设计师:Jan Holub,Tomáš Hanus
合作者(土木工程师):Viktor Bakstein

摄影师:Alex Shoots Buildings

Project Name: Garden Pavilion
Project location: Prague, Czech Republic
Project year: 2020
Completion year: 2023
Built-up area: 16 m²
Usable floor area: 20 m²
Plot size: 5130 m²
Cost: 38 000 €

Studio: BYRÓ architekti
Author: Jan Holub, Tomáš Hanus
Contact E-mail: info@byro.cz
Website: www.byro.cz
Social media: www.instagram.com/byro_architekti
Studio address: Nezamyslova 726/5, 128 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Collaborator: Civil engineer: Viktor Bakstein

Photographer: Alex Shoots Buildings, alex@alexshootsbuildings.com, www.alexshootsbuildings.com




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