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SOFTlab 为谷歌位于加州山景城新总部周围的公共空间设计了一座创意艺术装置 Halo,其形式灵感来源于英国浪漫主义花园中的凉亭。Halo 坐落在新总部大楼附近一座微微起伏的小山上,是周围交通要道的视觉焦点。处于有利位置的 Halo 结构就像一个没有正反面之分的圆柱形亭子。
SOFTlab:Located in the public space surrounding Google’s new headquarters in Mountain View, Halo takes its formal inspiration from the pavilions typically found in Romantic English Gardens. Situated on a subtle hill in the landscape surrounding the new building, Halo is visible from the surrounding traffic thoroughfares. From this vantage point Halo is visible just above the tree line and acts as a pavilion in the round that has no front or back.

As visitors approach Halo, the cylindrical form is pierced at the base by arches of varying sizes. These archways produce glimpses into the interior of Halo and unexpected cantilevers as they intersect the simple exterior form. While the exterior is clad with vertical aluminum tubes, the interior is formed by a crystalline structure clad in dichroic acrylic. The stark difference between the simple exterior and faceted interior gives the impression that visitors have entered a geode.

白天,阳光从敞开的圆柱体顶部射入,通过内部五彩斑斓的切面反射到游客身上和周围的地面上,为他们涂上变幻的色彩和光线。内部的分色玻璃刻面可根据不同的视角将光线过滤成不同的光谱。当阳光照射到面板正面时,光谱范围为橙色、绿色和黄色。到了晚上,铝管上部的 LED 灯通过铝管内表面的穿孔发光,通过内部晶体结构的过滤,形成了一个生动的光之星座。
During the day sunlight entering from the open top of the cylinder reflects off the iridescent facets of the interior onto visitors and the surrounding ground, painting them with shifting color and light. The dichroic facets of the interior filters light into various spectrums determined by the angle of view. When sunlight hits the front face of the panels this spectrum is in the range of orange, green, and yellow hues. At night LEDs in the upper portions of the aluminum tubes shine through perforations on the inner surface of the tubes creating an animated constellation of light that is filtered through the inner crystalline structure.

夜晚,分色玻璃刻面从后方被照亮,将穿透它们的光线色调转变为绿色、蓝色和紫色。从远处看,LED 映射出结构,揭示了更合理的设计逻辑和“X”形的结构支撑。生成大气动画的反射光让人感觉光就像风一样吹过 Halo,结构逐渐淡出焦点,就像它消失在外部的铝管后面。
At night the dichroic facets are lit from behind shifting the tonal range of light that is filtered to green, blue, and purple hues. From a distance the LEDs reflect off the structure revealing a more rational logic and the X bracing of the construction. The reflected light of the generative atmospheric animations gives the sense that light is blowing through Halo like wind and the structure comes in and out of focus as if it is dematerializing behind the exterior aluminum tubes.

▽视频 The video
The atmospheric shifts between day and night on the interior is meant to be an otherworldly place that visitors and google employees can escape to and that might foster new ideas, a place to recalibrate, or simply enjoy the magic of the sunlight as it filters through the structure.

尺寸:6 m x 6 m x 6.2 m
项目地点:加利福尼亚州 山景城
图片来源:Alan Tansey
Project Name: Halo
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 6 m x 6 m x 6.2 m
Project Location: Mountain View, CA
Landscape/Architecture Firm: SOFTlab
Website: https://soft-lab.com/
Contact e-mail: hello@soft-lab.com
Clients: Google
Collaborators: Arup
Photo Credits: Alan Tansey
Photographer’s Website: https://www.alantansey.com/
“ 将科技与艺术结合,创造一个如同‘异世界’的空间,为创意注入灵感。”
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