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Thanks SpActrum for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by SpActrum.
SpActrum:The Hotel Nudibranch is a key part of the Nanji international tourism island development in Zhejiang, in the East China Sea. The site is located at the narrow part of the island, like a neck of land. The land is low lying as well as narrow. The site is called Dashaao, which means ‘grand sandy bay’. Dashaao is famous for its fine white shell beach among local tourists.
▼大沙岙海滩 Dashaao Beach

The design is inspired by sea creatures, which the island is famous for, such as nudibranch and other shellfish. This “mollusk” lifts itself by its soft legs and stretches its tentacles to explore different directions. The public part of the hotel resembles a floating space above the sand. The sandy ground blends into the hotel to become an outdoor playground in the shadow cast by the building above.
▼场地灵感 Venue inspiration

The legs connect people from the ground to restaurants and bars, and the SPA and swimming pool to the public space above. There is a private garden above the public floor, dedicated to residents of the hotel. The hotel rooms are located in two shell-like buildings that provide most of the rooms with beautiful sea views. The building blends the boundaries between the building and the landscape by its organic form and flexible connectivity; it sits on the site like a nudibranch crouching on the peaceful bay. A lot of Eco-friendly technologies have been installed to minimize the environment impact on the site.
▼设计演变-示意图 Design Evolution-Schematic

▼动线及构成 Movement line and composition

▼整体鸟瞰 Overall bird’s eye view

Through site studies, we understand the site was originally covered entirely by sand from the east to the west bays. It had been gradually occupied by people and had some small houses. With the island development plan designed to enhance tourism and for geological protection, the design started from a response to this and optimized the site. The houses have been removed and the site has been restored to a sand covered beach from east to west, facing two bays on two sides as it used to be. The sand is partially covered by the raised hotel, and this gives shade to tourists playing on the beach. Thus, the boundaries of the hotel are set horizontally instead of with normal plot boundaries. There are numerous ways the sandy ground connects to the public floor-space and the platform above, in order to generate different experiences.
▼原始场地现状 Original site status

The public floor stretches to different parts of the site. The road passes through the building, embracing the west bay and overlooking the east bay, and gently curves to fit around the hill to the north. Internally, there are all kinds of public function areas located on the main floor. There are some hills that rise up from the public floor to the platform, to build up the inter-connectivity as well as the visual and lighting connections. These are the part of the landscape of the roof garden system. The hotel rooms are placed in the glazed shells above the platform.
▼场地鸟瞰 Aerial view of the site

▼场景营造 Scene building

The significant sea view offers high quality holidays. The building runs west to east, giving the best view for both sunrise and sunset. The building is not just a facility to accommodate the guests, but more an amplifier to enhance their experience of nature.

Ecological concerns were the main intent of the design. It started by restoring the sandy bay to its natural setup. The organic forms make it merge seamlessly into the environment. The shadow it casts on the beach makes the public space usable without air conditioning, in the heat of the summer sun. The top of the public floor is equipped with rain collection devices to utilize grey-water. The double skin shells of the hotel towers ventilate naturally. A biological waste processor generates power from garbage without the need for incineration. Furthermore, the organic shapes can be an inspiration for visitors to the island to explore the beauty and secrets of the sea.
▼可持续发展策略 Sustainable development strategy

A parametric design technique has been used from the beginning. The design of the public floor has been completed using studies on traffic and site orientation. It enhances the connectivity of the roads from the mountain to the north and the beach. The penalization of the hotel glazing shell makes the panels less reflective to the sun, and to the surroundings at the same time.
The development of the island is going to significantly upgrade the general tourism facilities, at the same time as improving ecological standards. The hotel’s unique design and layout is the iconic symbol of this ambitious plan. It is expected to be the diamond in the crown of Nanjin Island.
▼总规划图 Master plan

由SpActrum设计的海蛞蝓酒店项目因其高度创新的设计和处于国际前沿的可持续理念获得了业界多项重要国际大奖的认可,取得的荣誉包括:2020-2021年度意大利 A’Design Award 大奖金奖、2021 年亚洲设计大奖空间建筑类金奖、IDA2020年度美国国际设计大奖建筑设计类酒店&度假地设计类别银奖以及建筑设计类概念类别银奖、UDAD Awards 2020建筑设计大奖酒店业建筑概念组别的一等奖、 IAA 2021国际建筑大奖酒店设计类大奖等,并荣登IAA 2021大奖目录画册《New International Architecture 2021 | Global Design + Urbanism XXI》(《国际新建筑2021|全球设计+都市主义XXI》)的封面。
Due to its highly innovative design and cutting-edge sustainable strategy, the Hotel Nudibranch designed by SpActrum has been awarded many important international design awards, including: 2020-2021 A’Design Award Gold Award, 2021 Asian Design Prize Space/Architecture Gold Award, IDA 2020 Hotel & Resort Design Category Silver Award and Architectural Design Concept Category Silver Award, UDAD Awards 2020 Hotel Industry Architectural Concept Winner, the IAA 2021 International Architecture Award Hotels/Hospitality Category Winner, etc., and was selected among 130 IAA 2021 winning projects to be the cover of IAA 2021 catalogue “New International Architecture 2021 | Global Design + Urbanism XXI.”
海蛞蝓酒店 | 温州,浙江,中国 | 2020
设计团队:潘岩,李真,唐一萌,郑宇,陈浩,毛雅濛,孙楠,邱雨辰,ShAil Paragkum Patel
生态设计顾问:ZED Factory (英国零碳工场)
Hotel Nudibranch | Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China | 2020
Architects: SpActrum
Design Team: Yan Pan, Zhen Li,Yimeng Tang,Yu Zheng,Hao Chen,Yameng Mao, Nan Sun,Yuchen Qiu,ShAil Paragkum Patel
Sustainability Consultant: ZED Factory
Client: Pingyang (Nanji Island) Tourism Investment Co.
Images & Photos Credits: SpActrum
“ 设计采用了生态和参数化技术,恢复沙湾的自然状态,让有机的形式与环境完美地融合在一起。”
审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie
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