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Thanks estudio__entresitio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by estudio__entresitio.
estudio__entresitio:The plot lies perpendicular to the reservoir of san juan and enjoys privileged views and private access to the water all over its east borderline. A high degree of protection is applied to the plot due to the ecological value of the reservoir and its surrounding vegetation. The respect toward the landscape, natural topography and the existing vegetation are key principles of the work.
▽项目视频 The Video
Upon arrival the house is below, following the natural topography as if levitating above the natural soil. The relationship that this house establishes with the environment is of permeability and leveraging.
The floor plan of the house is the direct consequence of the full respect towards the existing topography and trees; growing and shortening where allowed. The connection between the entrance level and access to water is graduated by three intermediate levels into which the different family members find their private spaces and easily connect both to the exterior and the public level of the living room and the kitchen, situated as if a navel, in between the parent’s level and the children’s.
This house can not speak of four organized facades according to orientation to cardinal points. The resulting volume acquires the quality of its skin, which as such, wraps and protects the house. It is a continuous wooden skin in red that becomes transparent to capture light and vision when needed.
▽住宅平面图 Plan
▽住宅剖面图 Section
面积:345.45 平方米
项目地点:cebreros,ávila,calas de guisando
首席建筑师:estudio__entresitio;maria hurtado de mendoza、cesar jimenez de tejada、alvar ruiz
设计团队:estudio__entresitio;maria hurtado de mendoza、cesar jimenez de tejada、alvar ruiz、 adriana pablos、peio erroteta、carlotta albini、carlos diaz del rio、vittorio asperti、maria urigoitia
合作者:ignacio aspe(结构)、altermatria(CLT)、manuel rodriguez(能效)、ignacio valero: arkilum(照明顾问)、planta paisajistas(景观和园艺)、roland halbe(摄影)
图片来源:Montse Zamorano
Project Name: house in red
Completion Year: march 2022
Scale: 345,45 m2
Project Location: cebreros, ávila, calas de guisando.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: estudio__entresitio
Website: http://entresitio.com/
Contact e-mail: estudio@entresitio.com
Lead Architects: estudio__entresitio; maria hurtado de mendoza, cesar jimenez de tejada, alvar ruiz
Design Team: estudio__entresitio; maria hurtado de mendoza, cesar jimenez de tejada, alvar ruiz, adriana pablos, peio erroteta, carlotta albini, carlos diaz del rio, vittorio asperti, maria urigoitia
Collaborators: ignacio aspe (structures), altermatria (CLT), manuel rodriguez (energetic efficiency), ignacio valero: arkilum (lighting consultant), planta paisajistas (landscape and gardening), roland halbe (photograph)
Photo Credits: Montse Zamorano
Photographer’s Website: http://www.montsezamorano.com/photos
“ 设计顺应地势和场地环境布局建筑,为家庭成员提供了兼具连通性和私密性并享有美丽湖景的宜居空间。”
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