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Thanks VIASCAPE design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by VIASCAPE design.
VIASCAPE design:Hudong community which was initially built in 1953 is one of the first residential communities built to accommodate local workers after 1949. Having gone through three major construction periods in the 1950s, 1990s and the first decade of 21th century, Hudong has become one of the typical high density communities of old residential area in Shanghai. According to the lack of publicness in Hudong neighborhood space, VIASCAPE design(VIA) started a series of experimental community renewal projects by setting up spatial prototypes, establishing space patterns then gradually getting down to sorting out typical characteristics, design elements, spatial image translation and finally generating organic embedded-in design from 2020 to contribute to a bottom-up method for community regeneration.
▽“博兴路游廊”与“望台”一起重构社区公共空间界面与公共生活 “Boxing Road Corridor” and “Observatory” together reconstruct the interface of community public space and public life

▽“博一折门”“博一花房”融入周边老旧社区风貌 “Boyi folding door” and “Boyi flower room” integrate into the surrounding old community style

▽“博兴路望台”在完善社区公共空间的同时,以台的形式提供不同的社区视野 While perfecting the community public space, “Boxing Road Observatory” provides different community vision in the form of a platform

1. 渐进的系列更新 A Continuing Series Renewal
Hudong Experiment of serial renewal began with the PAVILION 1 which was designed by VIA in May 2020. Until 2023, we have completed 8 micro space renewal design in Hudong, which are the GALLERY of Bo’xing Road, the TREE-HOUSE of Bosan, the DOOR of Bosan, the DOOR of Boyi, the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi, the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi, the VIEWING-DECK and the GALLERY of Liubu Road. These projects were designated from different government project package with various time schedule (see Table 1), therefore we encountered a lengthy and complicated process. But it offered an opportunity for more detailed survey, adequate public participation and design experiment as well.
Through spatial analysis, we revealed that these projects were mostly located sporadically along Bo’xing Road and Liubu Road with approximately 3-5min walk distance in between, which perfectly fits the requirements of the public service radius and open space activities embedding. After several conferences with Hudongxincun sub-district office, we started to work on a holistic community public space regeneration in a way of serial renewal named as Hudong Experiment by us.
▽沪东新村街道区位图 Hudong Xincun street location map

▽“沪东实验·第一章”系列更新点位分布图 “Hudong Experiment · Chapter 1” series update point distribution map

▽“沪东实验”各点位更新前现状 “Hudong Experiment” before the update of each point status

▽“沪东实验”系列更新项目主要信息 “Hudong Experiment” series update project main information

2. 建立隐藏的秩序 Establish the Hidden Order
In the context of lack of open space along Bo’xing Road and Liubu Road, Hudong Experiment prioritized creating spaces to provide public service and hold public activity at each renewal project. While meeting the functional requirements of community activity rooms, community canteens, security guards and 24-hour community affairs processing, we established a spatial prototype of “void and solid” as the foundation of Hudong Experiment. The public service will be provided in the solid space and the void space is to accommodates outdoor social activities. And we developed several spatial patterns by the method of juxtaposing, overlying and transforming the spatial prototype according to each renewal project’s different spatial feature and functional demands. A hidden order was thus established along Bo’xing Road and Liubu Road in Hudong Experiment.
▽“向东暖亭”是“沪东实验”的起点 “East warm Pavilion” is the starting point of “Hudong Experiment”

▽“向东暖亭”一楼的虚体空间 The virtual space on the first floor of “Warm Pavilion to the East”

▽“博兴路游廊”中段的虚实空间关系 The imaginary and real spatial relationship in the middle section of “Boxing Road Corridor”

And we set up a series of design principles before the specific design. They are: integrating community landscapes with simple design language to fulfil low-cost construction in a de-decorative method; making every void space to be a grey space to combine indoors and outdoors activities, or setting up boundaries to make it to be a “positive space” 2 or a “concaved space”3; more seat facilities should be integrated into the renewal design to create the “seat landscape”4 and encourage long-term use of open space; apply low-maintenance plantings; more transparent materials like glass should be used in solid spaces to let indoor activities be viewed as streetscape; keep the flexibility for potential functional adjustment.
▽“博兴路游廊”南端的虚实关系以及引导行为阴角空间 The relationship between virtuality and reality at the south end of “Boxing Road Corridor” and the negative Angle space of guiding behavior

▽“博一花房”面向“橘园”设置虚体空间引导行为 “Boichi Greenhouse” sets virtual body space guidance behavior for “Orange Garden”

▽“博三树屋”的虚实空间组织 The virtual and real space organization of “Bosan Tree House”

▽结合“博一花房”沿街立面设置坐凳鼓励适当停留 Benches are set along the street facade to encourage proper stays in combination with the “Boyi Flower House”

本次系列更新以“空间模式建立+空间特征要素设定”作为实验性工作方法探索的第一阶段,希望以此建立满足空间需求、符合在地特征的“隐藏的秩序”5 而非通过强烈的设计表达或具有某种风格的设计去武断地改变社区面貌。
The process of developing the spatial patterns and setting up the design principles is the very important and experimental exploration of the serial renewal design. Then we can weave the community open space following the “hidden order”5 rather than change it by some arrogant design.
▽在“博兴路游廊”中见缝插针的植入大树 In the “Boxing Road corridor” to see the insertion of the tree

▽大树与“望台”立体景观穿插生长在一起 The big trees grow together with the three-dimensional landscape of the “observatory”

▽“博兴路游廊”实体空间中采用更多的玻璃面呈现公共服务与活动的“透明性”More glass surfaces are used in the physical space of “Boxing Road Gallery” to present the “transparency” of public services and activities.

3. 空间意象转译与环境响应 Spatial Image Translation According to the Context
As to the specific design, we “translated” the spatial pattern into actual space that respond to the environment based on the conditions of three different types of sites. The design of the PAVILION, the DOOR of Bosan, the DOOR of Boyi and the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi faced the similar site situation of minimal space. How to find some innovative approach to activate the space potential is the key point of the design. In the case of the PAVILION, the spatial pattern was translated into the image of “pavilion”. The “void space” is at the 1st floor where the public laundry, community living room, children’s playground are placed in, and the “solid space” for reading is at the 2nd floor. When we designed the DOOR of Boyi and the DOOR of Bosan, the spatial pattern transformed from the prototype was translated into the image of the “opening door”, in which functions like security guards, billboards, street seating, community aid and micro fire station are all integrated. The traditional sentry box is then transformed into a service station for residents. And as to the FLOWER-HOUSE of Boyi, we established and strengthened the space connection and experience continuity between community home and he community garden to create an image of “flower house”.
▽空间原型与各点位空间模式演化 Spatial prototype and spatial model evolution of each point

▽基于空间意象转译与环境响应的设计形体生成 Design form generation based on spatial image translation and environmental response

▽“向东暖亭”上实下虚的空间“叠加”与多元功能融合 “To the east warm Pavilion” space “superposition” and multi-function integration

▽“向东暖亭”二楼阅读为主的实体空间与外部景观的响应 The second floor of the “Warm Pavilion to the East” reads the main physical space and responds to the external landscape

▽“博一折门”以打开的门的空间意向实现虚实功能空间组织 “Boyi folding door” realizes the spatial organization of virtual and real functions with the spatial intention of opening the door

▽“博三折门”中休憩空间与人行空间的融合 The integration of rest space and pedestrian space in “Bosanfold Door”

▽“博一花房”面向“橘园”的灰空间 “Boichi Flower House” faces the gray space of “Orange Garden”

▽“博一花房”室内空间面向“橘园”取景 The interior space of “Boyi Garden Room” is oriented towards the “Orange Garden”

There were full of illegal buildings without permits that should be abolished in the site of the the GALLERY of Bo’xing Road and the GALLERY of Liubu Road. Public welfare functional space and outdoor activities were suggested to placed in it by the sub-district office. Taking the GALLERY of Bo’xing Road as an example, functions like the community canteen, shared reading space, and the living room for outdoor workers are incorporated. And more than 50% area of the site is assigned to be landscaped space in our design. As to the specific design, we translate the the spatial pattern from juxtaposing the prototype into a “gallery” with a folding space design language.
▽“博兴路游廊”以实体墙板空间折叠的方式建构有秩序又灵活的街景空间 “Boxing Road Gallery” constructs an orderly and flexible street scene space by folding the physical wall panel space

▽在“博兴路游廊”折叠出的虚体空间中植入“望台”形成有特色的微型口袋公园 In the folded virtual space of the “Boxing Road Gallery”, an “observatory” is implanted to form a characteristic miniature pocket park

▽“博兴路游廊”室内空间与外部绿化景观的互动 The interaction between the indoor space and the external green landscape of “Boxing Road Gallery”

▽“博兴路望台”是亭与台的结合 “Boxing Road Observatory” is the combination of pavilion and platform

In the design of the TREE-HOUSE of Bosan and the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi, we establish a strong connection between renewal design and existing planting. The TREE-HOUSE of Bosan is centered by the existing Magnolia tree, and the organic combination of the tree and the building is designed to be a local common memory. And the public participation that more than 30 orange trees planted 10 years ago by a local couple were rearranged in the community garden by themselves with design team gives the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi more social significance. Based on deep research, we develop an experimental design method co-responding to environmental feature and existing resource in Hudong Experiment rather than the traditional renewal way.
▽响应环境与树共生的“博三树屋” “Bosan Tree House” in response to environment and tree symbiosis

▽“博三树屋”中树与社区建筑的巧妙结合 The clever combination of trees and community architecture in “Bo SAN Tree House”

4. 织补日常图景 Weave the Daily Scenes
As an old community, Hudong has a large number of public interfaces composed of residential fences designed and built in different eras with different styles. Although these public interfaces may not be elegant and beautiful from a contemporary aesthetic perspective, they have formed a simple and authentic community style belonging to Hudong. And this common feature of old communities is an important part of the “base map” of local daily life in Hudong Community.
▽沪东新村现状围墙界面 Hudong New village status wall interface

▽”沪东实验“以各更新点位织补社区日常图景 “Hudong Experiment” darns the daily picture of the community with each updating point

因此,“沪东实验”不仅关注部分封闭界面的有效打开、社区公益职能与公共服务内容的植入、相邻杂乱空间的梳理,更关注各更新点位“嵌入”日常生活界面的方式。在各点位的建筑、景观、小品、标识等公共空间要素的具体设计上,采用更朴素简洁的、“去个体表现”的方式,以引导公共活动的整体空间关系把握作为要点,以更新后博兴路-柳埠路沿线公共空间中真实发生的社区生活为主要呈现内容。并以这些温暖、生动的公共生活为媒介将本次系列空间更新与社区环境中既有的稳定风貌进行有机的编织与连结,织补与完善社区日常生活图景,并以此追求在地“场所精神”6 的延续与发展。
Hudong Experiment concerns not only opening up the enclosed boundary, implanting community services and reorganizing open space, but the way how to embed every renewed project into daily life as well. A simplified and de-decorative design language is adopted in this serial renewal in order to let the civic life rather than some wonderful design be seen as streetscape. So the real life along Bo’xing Road and Liubu Road can weave every renewal project with the daily scenes into integrity, and maintain the “Genius Loci”6 of Hudong community.
▽“博兴路游廊”既重构了社区公共空间界面,也与日常生活行为与要素协调融洽 “Boxing Road Corridor” not only reconstructs the interface of community public space, but also harmonizes with daily life behaviors and elements

▽“博兴路游廊”与现状梧桐林荫共同构成博兴路完整街景 “Boxing Road Gallery” and the current wutong tree shade together constitute a complete street scene of Boxing Road

▽“博一折门”“博一花房”共同构成了朴素的老旧小区门户节点 “Boyi folding door” and “Boyi flower room” together constitute a simple portal node of the old community

▽“博三折门”引导了随机日常行为的发生 The “three-fold gate” guides the occurrence of random daily behaviors

▽“博三树屋”与博三小区基础风貌关系协调 The relationship between “Bosan Tree House” and the basic style of Bosan community is coordinated

5. 自下而上的社区规划 A Bottom-up Community Planning
Although undergoing dozens of design reviews and evaluations from multiple administrative department in past 3 years, which made our design work really difficult. We still tried to make this serial renewal be a holistic community planning with the “15-minute community life circle” thought. Hudong community is a highly built area with limited systematic open space resources in Shanghai. We employed a bottom-up planning/design method to establish a hidden order for “hard to be planned” space. In Hudong Experiment the innovative planning method that is “set up spatial prototype—establish space patterns—set up design principles—design with spatial translation—embed into public life” is applied to make these sporadically located project sites weaved into the community, transferring the old and boring community interface into a shared, multifunctional “stitching line”7 for public life.
▽依据居民意见修改后的“博三树屋”灰空间形态 The gray space form of “Bosan Tree House” modified according to residents’ opinions

▽与居民共建的“博一橘园”鸟瞰 A bird’s eye view of “Boyi Orange Garden” built with residents

▽在“博一橘园”游玩的社区居民 Community residents playing in “Bo Yi Orange Garden”

▽更新后的博兴路街景 The updated street view of Boxing Road

在更趋精细化的社区更新工作背景下,“自上而下的精英规划难以解决所有问题”8,“沪东实验”中全过程的社区居民参与是自下而上社区规划的重要内容。各更新点位的方案开展多轮意见征询,考虑每一位居民的需求和意见,不断完善设计。以博三树屋为例,征询中因为小区75号楼的一位居民的反对意见而展开重新设计,并在多次点对点沟通后,组织新一轮小区居民代表(扩大)听证会、75号楼全体居民签字认可等民主程序确定方案。这个磋商的过程以“权力委任”(Delegated Power)9 的方式将决策权让渡给居民,让居民“实质性参与”(Degrees of Citizen Power)9 社区更新。在博 一橘园的更新中,小区的一对老年夫妇主动提议将他们之前种的橘树用于社区花园的建设,并对橘园的营造从策划到植物移植、养护等多方面提供支持与协助。随着社区更新工作的持续开展、“15分钟社区生活圈”理念的深入人心,沪东居民对社区公共事务的参与程度越来越高,对社区美好生活空间的追求也逐步上升到具有自觉意识的主动共建共治共享,这是也是“沪东实验”中最令人欣喜的成果与华彩。
In the context of more refined community renewal requirement, “traditional top-down planning can hardly solve all problems “8. Public participation plays an important role in Hudong Experiment. Multiple levels of survey and public hearings were held to improve design. In the case of theTREE-HOUSE of Bosan, we gave up the original scheme only due to objections from one resident. And one more public hearing was conducted before reaching a consensus, this process gave local residents the right to decide, and maximized the “Degrees of Citizen Power”9, which follows the rule of “Delegated Power”9. And in the case of the ORANGE-ORCHARD of Boyi , an old couple spontaneously donated their orange trees for the community garden renewal, and offered sufficient support and suggestions during the whole design-construction process. As the “15-minute community life cycle” thought spreads, the continuing community renewal process stimulates the public participation enthusiasm of Hudong residents. The mindset of co-construction, co-governance and shared benefits is awakening in neighborhood. This may be the most exciting part of Hudong Experiment.
▽“沪东实验”各社区公共服务空间内部利用情况 Internal utilization of public service space in each community of Hudong Experiment

▽“博兴路游廊”中近期完成软装开放的户外职工驿站及阅读空间 “Boxing Road Corridor” recently completed the soft installation of open outdoor workers station and reading space

▽“向东暖亭”日常社区居民活动视频截图 Screenshot of “Xiangdong Warm Pavilion” daily community residents’ activities

[2] [美]克里斯托弗·亚历山大 等. 王听度, 赵序鸿译. 建筑模式语言: 城镇·建筑·构造.北京:知识产权出版社,2022: 1009.
[3] [日]芦原义信. 尹培桐 译.街道的美学(上).南京:江苏凤凰文艺出版社,2017: 73.
[4] [丹麦]扬·盖尔. 何人可 译.交往与空间.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002: 165.
[5] [日]芦原义信. [日]伊藤增辉 译.隐藏的秩序.南京:江苏凤凰文艺出版社,2023: 95.
[6] [挪]诺伯舒兹. 施植明 译.场所精神:迈向建筑现象学.湖北: 华中科技大学出版社,2010: 180.
[7] [美]凯文·林奇. 方益萍,何晓军 译.城市意象.北京: 华夏出版社,2017: 48.
[8] 张帆,葛岩.治理视角下城市更新相关主体的角色转变探讨——以上海为例[J].上海城市规划,2019(5):57-61.
[9] Arnstein. S.R., A. Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of American Institute of Planners, Vol. 35, No.4, July 1969. 216-224.
[1] For more details about “the PAVILION”, please refer to VIASCAPE design’s article titled “the Pavilion: A Community Home nearby Huangpu River ” published in various professional academic media. And this project has won honors such as the Excellent Award (First Class) of the 10th Architectural Creation Award of the Shanghai Architectural Society in 2023 and the Excellent Case of the “Shanghai 15 Minute Community Life Circle” in 2023. “The Pavilion” model was also collected by the China Architecture Model Museum in 2024.
[2] Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language: Towns·Buildings·Construction, 1977.
[3] Yoshinobu Ashihara. Machinami No Bigaku. 1979
[4] Jan Gehl, Life Between Buildings[M]. the Danish Architectural Press,1971.
[5] Yoshinobu Ashihara. Kakusareta Chitujyo. 1986.
[6] Christian Norberg-Schul. Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Archtecture[M]. Mondadori Electa,1980.
[7] Kevin Lynch. The Image of the City (Harvard-MIT Joint Center for Urban Studies Series). 1960.
[8] Zhang Fan, Ge Yan. Research on the Multi-players’ Concept and the Role Transformation in Urban Regeneration under the Perspective of Governance: A Case Study of Shanghai [J]. Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2019(5):57-61.
[9] Arnstein. S.R., A. Ladder of Citizen Participation[J]. Journal of American Institute of Planners, Vol. 35, No.4, July 1969. 216-224.
照明顾问:OUI light 徐越峰
摄影师:CreatAR Images
Project: Hudong Experiment( Serial Renewal Design along Bo’xing Road & Liubu Road)
Design firm: VIASCAPE design (VIA)
Lead Designer: Sun Yijia, Zhou Mi
Design Team: Sun Yijia, Zhou Mi, Ma Li, Ji Wenshan, Yi Yangfan, Cai Ying, Liu Xiwen, Jing Bo, Ji Huimin, Yao Weiyan, Zhao Feiqi, Gong Honglei, Ji Yuwei, Ma Qiao, Zhuo Jie, Chen Lu, Zhao Guangye, Xu Liang, Shen Chen
Design time: from Oct. 2020 to Oct. 2022
Built time: from May. 2021 to Aug. 2023
Design area: Apx. 3960 sqm
Location: Along Bo’xing Rd. & Liubu Rd., Hudongxincun Sub-district, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Client: Hudongxincun Sub-district Office, Pudong New area, Shanghai
Project managing consultant: Shanghai Shefapuzhong Construction Managing Co, ltd
Contractor: Shanghai Yihang Construction and Decoration Engineering Co, ltd, Shanghai Pulin Construction & Engineering Co, ltd
VI Design: VIASCAPE design
Fonts for VI: REEJI type
Lighting Consultant: OUI Light / Xu Yuefeng
Interior Exhibition Display: BGC
Photographer: CreatAR Images
Article Author: Sun Yijia
Design Drawings: Ji Yuwei, Ma Qiao
“ 城市公共空间的激活与焕新,让社区居民的生活居住感更加多元与友好。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: VIA 维亚景观