
The development of SA1 waterfront in Swansea aims to reconnect the Prince of Wales Dock to the rest of the city. The vision for SA1 is for it to be a ‘lively, attractive waterside destination, fostering a high standard of urban design and architecture with an emphasis on innovation, modernity and flexibility’.


在开发过程中,Ice square形成了一个关键的公共领域空间,同时也是威尔金森爱尔建筑师桥(Wilkinson Eyre architects bridge)的着陆点。

The Ice House Square forms a key public realm space in the development as well as a landing point for the Wilkinson Eyre architects bridge.






The design of the square is based on a formal rectangular grid seamlessly connecting with the riverfront promenade and the surrounding developments. The abstract placemaking quality of the square is accentuated by 16 boxed trees and a lighting interactive grid. The art work creates an informal overlay over the paving grid using embedded LED programmable strip lighting. The presence of people in the square triggers off metaphorical rooms of light as well as accentuates the direction of their movement. When the light installation is not triggered it pulses gently with random flows of light and with individual programming on specific days such New Year, St Davids and Valentine.



ice house square_CITY-OF SWANSEA_2012-06.pdf (2 MB)

ice house square_MONDO_2012.pdf (533 KB)

ice house square_WORLD CLASS WALES_2012.pdf (14 MB)

Location: Swansea Wales
Client: Swansea City Council and the Welsh Assembly
Design team: Peter Fink + Urban Projects

更多:Studio Fink