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IK LAB:在南美洲最独特的位置之一的中心,一个前所未有的艺术画廊项目将展示一批杰出的国际艺术家并主办开创性的当代艺术展览。IK LAB是人类进化和视觉潜力的象征,它将祖先的知识、技术创新、应用可持续性、生活灵性和集体体验巧妙地结合在一起,将以新的艺术创作和体验方式达到顶峰。
IK LAB:In the heart of one of the most exclusive locations in South America, an unprecedented art gallery project will showcase a roster of prominent international artists and host groundbreaking contemporary art exhibitions. A token of the potential of human evolution and vision, IK LAB is defined by its savvy combination of ancestral knowledge, technological innovation, applied sustainability, lived spirituality and collective experiences, which will culminate in new ways of making and experiencing art.

▼ 艺术中心入口 IK LAB Entrance

IK LAB《形态》展(configurations)—— 艺术家Katinka Bock、Guillaume Leblon和Gabriel Rico对艺术作品的一次引人入胜的诗意探索。
IK LAB Presents configurations – An evocative and poetic exploration of work by Katinka Bock, Guillaume Leblon and Gabriel Rico.

“炼金术的力量”、“短暂的转变”、“超现实的转变”和“世界末日后的废墟”只是这次形态探索的其中一部分主题,该展览已于9月23日周日在Roth( Eduardo Neira )创建的当代艺术空间IK LAB开幕。
Alchemical forces, ephemeral transformations, surreal transitions and post-apocalyptic ruins are just some of the themes explored in Configurations, which opens on Sunday, September 23, at the contemporary art space, IK LAB, founded by Roth (Eduardo Neira).

由Claudia Paetzold策划的《形态》(Configurations)展览展示了法德艺术家Katinka Bock的精选作品,Bock最近在西西里巴勒莫的Manifesta展上展出的作品,唤起了人们对使用植物园植物铸造青铜作为临时模具时期的回忆;纽约艺术家Guillaume Leblon的作品唤起了一个从真实到超现实无缝过渡的虚构阶段;还有瓜达拉哈拉的艺术家Gabriel Rico,他的装置作品类似于末日后的废墟,也激发了一种新的可能性。
Curated by Claudia Paetzold, Configurations presents a selection of work by Franco-German artist Katinka Bock, whose recent presentation at Manifesta in Palermo, Sicily, evocatively uses bronzes cast from plants in the botanical garden serving as ephemeral molds; New York- based artist Guillaume Leblon, whose work conjures up an imaginary stage of seamless transitions from the real to the surreal; and Guadalajara-based artist Gabriel Rico, whose installations resemble post-apocalyptic ruins that also elicit a sense of new possibilities.

策展人兼IK LAB艺术总监Claudia Paetzold指出:“IK LAB的第一个展览《罗列》(Alignments),引导人们去探索无形的空间坐标,作为进入形而上学领域的一个入口,之后的《形态》(Configurations)转向了地球上的作品创作,从地面上散发出神秘的诗意、微妙的空中平衡系统再到在空间事件中反映的时间流逝。”
Curator and IK LAB artistic director Claudia Paetzold notes: “After IK LAB’s first exhibition, Alignments, which was an invitation to explore invisible spatial coordinates as a gateway into the metaphysical realm, Configurations shifts to the emergence of earthly creations, staging poetic emanations mysteriously arising from the ground, subtle aerial systems of balance and the passage of time as reflected in spatial occurrences.”

住在法国的艺术家Katinka Bock(德国人,1976出生)的作品体现了炼金术的转化过程,同时传达出一种不可改变的元素秩序和元素平衡感,将参观者带入到一个乌托邦式的空间,让人类在这里拥抱大自然的创造力。Lion Balance North作品中如流星般的石头随着古代陶瓷容器中的水蒸发而逐渐落到地球上,而Junimond装置、一个拥抱月亮的姿势形成的陶瓷雕塑、Farben Dises Meeres、一个小屋、一顶化石帽子、Mot(suspendu)和一个由深蓝色尼龙带悬挂的锥形悬浮陶瓷,这些装置组合传递了一种不可言喻的关联性,吸引观众去想象一个故事,这个故事的高潮是会出现两条看起来像是被冲上岸的青铜铸鱼。
The oeuvre of France-based artist Katinka Bock (Germany, 1976) embodies a constant flow of alchemical transformation while simultaneously conveying a sense of an immutable elemental order and balance, projecting the viewer into a utopic space, where humans embrace the creative force of nature. In Configurations, the meteor-like stone of Lion Balance North gradually descends towards the earth, as the water in the archaic ceramic recipient evaporates, while Junimond, a ceramic sculpture formed from a gesture to embrace the moon, Farben dieses Meeres, Hut, a fossilized hat, and Mot (suspendu), a cone-like suspended ceramic held by a dark blue nylon strap, transmit an ineffable relatedness, inviting viewers to imagine a narrative that culminates in the questionable presence of two bronze cast fish, seemingly washed ashore.
装置作品欣赏 Installation view:
▼Katinka Bock — Lion Balance North & Mot (suspendu)
Guillaume Leblon(法国人,1971年出生)的作品以纽约市为基础,描绘了一个从真实到超现实无缝过渡的虚构阶段。在IK LAB,他的独立式窗户面向多个空间,在那里观看展览沉思,会将观众带入奇妙的场景中。如《Cuatro Pekes Siguiendo》作品,看似漂浮,却象征着生命的起源,或着在《花瓶中的鱼》的化石作品中,鱼的存在引发了与存在和锚定的空间进程的相关问题,而半身雕塑像则传达了一个看不见的全知实体的存在,它能够感知住在画廊弯曲蜿蜒空间中的生物的脉搏。
Based in New York City, the work of Guillaume Leblon (France, 1971) conjures up an imaginary stage of seamless transitions from the real to the surreal. At IK LAB, his freestanding windows open onto multiple spaces from where it’s possible to contemplate the exhibition, drawing the viewer into a scenography of wondrousness. A symbol of the origin of life, seemingly floating, as in Cuatro Peces Siguiendo, or fossilized, as in Fishes in the Vase, the presence of fish in Leblon’s work raises questions related to the spatial progression of existence and anchoring, while Portrait communicates the knowing presence of an invisible omniscient entity, able to sense the pulse of the creatures dwelling inside the curved, meandering space of the gallery.
▼Guillaume Leblon — Abandoned Window

▼Guillaume Leblon — Cuatro Peces Siguiendo

▼Guillaume Leblon — Fishes in the Vase

▼Guillaume Leblon — Portrait

Gabriel Rico(墨西哥人,1980年出生)目前居住在瓜达拉哈拉,他为展览的叙事提供了另一个有利的视角。这位艺术家对人类处境的敏锐意识反映在类似于世界末日废墟的作品中,而其令人回味的光束似乎预示着一条新的故事线的可能性。他的墙壁雕塑Homme II,由火山岩、豆科灌木木材、金箔和霓虹灯组成,看起来像是创造新人类的炼术配方,而他的系列作品Terema de la Uncompletudy中的第二和第三部分通过一圈光线弥补了原本不可避免的断裂点。
Currently based in Guadalajara, Gabriel Rico (Mexico, 1980) introduces another vantage point to the exhibition’s narrative. The artist’s acute awareness of the human condition is reflected in works resembling post-apocalyptic ruins, while evocative beams of light seem to herald the possibility of a new story line. His wall-based sculpture Homme II, composed of volcanic stone, mesquite wood, gold leaf and neon, appears like an alchemistic recipe for the creation of a new humanity, while the standing pieces II and III from his series, Teorema de la Incompletitud, mend the inevitable breakage point through a circle of light.
▼Gabriel Rico — Homme II
《形态》(Configurations)将于2018年9月23日至2019年1月31日在墨西哥图卢姆的IK LAB展出。
IK LAB是一个设置在充满生态灵感的度假胜地Azulik的新艺术和文化空间,Azulik就位于墨西哥图卢姆的玛雅丛林中。Roth(Eduardo Neira)设计的有机而富有想象力的建筑,抓住了尤卡坦半岛丰富的自然和丰富的精神遗产的精髓,从根本上重新定义了艺术与自然环境之间的关系。IK LAB通过其开创性的当代艺术展览和前沿居住项目,为图卢姆的当地社区和国际游客提供了一个创造文化体验的空间,同时探索了艺术体验的边界。
Configurations is on view at IK LAB in Tulum, Mexico, from September 23, 2018 to January 31, 2019.
IK LAB is a new arts and cultural space set within in the ecologically inspired resort Azulik, found amidst the Mayan jungle of Tulum, Mexico. With its organic and imaginative architecture conceived by Roth (Eduardo Neira), the space, which captures the quintessence of the Yucatan peninsula’s abundant nature and rich spiritual heritage, radically redefines the relationship between art and its physical environment. Through its presentation of groundbreaking contemporary art exhibitions and its avant-garde residency program, IK LAB offers a space for the creation of cultural experiences for Tulum’s local community and for international visitors, while exploring the boundaries of the art experience.
▼From left to right: Katinka Bock, Junimond (triangle) and Junimond

IK LAB的首次展览于2018年4月开幕,展出了Tatiana Trouve、Artur Lescher和Margo Trushina的雕塑和装置作品,这三位艺术家的作品探索了人类在物质和形而上学领域的旅程。
IK LAB’s inaugural exhibition opened in April 2018 with a group show featuring sculptures and installations by Tatiana Trouvé, Artur Lescher and Margo Trushina, three artists whose work explores the human journey through both physical and metaphysical realms.
项目地址:墨西哥图卢姆 Azulik
建筑设计:Eduardo Neira
Project location: Azulik, Tulum, Mexico
Project year: 2018
Architects: Eduardo Neira
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